Code of Alabama

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Section 28-3-190 Levy of tax; collection; disposition of proceeds by localities; enforcement
and administration; penalties; exclusive nature of tax. (a) Levy. In addition to the excise
tax levied by Article 5A of Chapter 3 of this title and the licenses provided for by Chapter
3A of this title and by Section 28-3-194, and any acts amendatory thereof, supplementary
thereto or substituted therefor, and municipal and county licenses, there is hereby levied
a privilege or excise tax on every person licensed under the provisions of Chapter 3A who
sells, stores, or receives for the purpose of distribution, to any person, firm, corporation,
club, or association within the State of Alabama any beer. The tax levied hereby shall be
measured by and graduated in accordance with the volume of sales by such person of beer, and
shall be an amount equal to one and six hundred twenty-five thousands cents (1.625 cents)
for each four fluid ounces or fractional part thereof. (b) Collection. The tax levied... - 43K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 7-9A-102 Definitions and index of definitions. (a) Article 9A definitions. In
this article: (1) "Accession" means goods that are physically united with other
goods in such a manner that the identity of the original goods is not lost. (2) "Account,"
except as used in "account for," means a right to payment of a monetary obligation,
whether or not earned by performance, (i) for property that has been or is to be sold, leased,
licensed, assigned, or otherwise disposed of, (ii) for services rendered or to be rendered,
(iii) for a policy of insurance issued or to be issued, (iv) for a secondary obligation incurred
or to be incurred, (v) for energy provided or to be provided, (vi) for the use or hire of
a vessel under a charter or other contract, (vii) arising out of the use of a credit or charge
card or information contained on or for use with the card, or (viii) as winnings in a lottery
or other game of chance operated or sponsored by a State, governmental unit of a State, or... - 29K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 15-8-150 Contents; sufficiency; use of analogous forms. The forms of indictment
set forth in this section in all cases in which they are applicable, are sufficient,
and analogous forms may be used in other cases. (1) CAPTION, COMMENCEMENT AND CONCLUSION GENERALLY.
The State of Alabama,) Circuit court, ___ session, ___) 20___ The grand jury of said county
charge that, before the finding of this indictment, etc. (describing the offense as in the
following forms), against the peace and dignity of the State of Alabama. E.F.J.,District Attorney
of the ______ circuit. (2) ADVERTISING, ETC., UNREGISTERED SECURITIES. A. B. did, contrary
to law, and subsequent to the ____ day of ____, 20__, advertise (or otherwise describing the
unlawful act) in this state for the purpose of inducing or securing subscriptions to or sales
of the capital stock of the X. Y. company (or otherwise describing the security so advertised),
which said stock (or other security) had not then... - 33K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-23-51 Application for license; qualifications of applicants; examination
of applicants; license by reciprocity. Every person who desires to practice pharmacy within
this state shall file with the secretary of the board his or her written application for licensure
upon forms furnished by the board not less than 10 days prior to his or her examination. The
application shall be accompanied by an examination and registration fee for residents and
nonresidents of this state, the fees to be set by the board. The application shall be accompanied
by two recent photographs of the applicant, no larger than 2 1/2 x 3 1/4 inches and certified
on the back of each photograph by a notary public. The applicant shall furnish satisfactory
proof that he or she is at least 19 years of age, of good moral character, and that he or
she holds a professional degree from a division, school, college, or a university department
of pharmacy recognized by the State Board of Pharmacy. Each applicant shall... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-14A-3 Home Builders Licensure Board. There is established the Home Builders
Licensure Board to regulate the residential home building and residential construction industry
and to promote and expend funds for the education and support of associated construction trades.
The board shall have nine members who shall be appointed as follows: Three by the Governor,
three by the Lieutenant Governor, and three by the Speaker of the House of Representatives,
from a list of three qualified individuals for each position, provided by the governing body
of the Home Builders Association of Alabama. Seven of the members shall be residential home
builders, as defined in this chapter, with at least five years' experience as a residential
home builder, and each shall be a bona fide resident of the State of Alabama. One member shall
be a building official or inspector currently employed by a city, county, or state governmental
entity and actively engaged in inspecting or regulating residential... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 32-6-3 Examination prior to application for license or renewal. (a) Every person
who applies for an initial Alabama driver's license issued by the Department of Public Safety
under this article shall be given and successfully pass an examination before the issuance
of a driver's license. The person shall apply to the officer, state trooper, or duly authorized
third party testing agent of the Director of Public Safety, or one of them where there is
more than one, designated by the Director of Public Safety to conduct examinations. A minor
shall furnish a certified copy of his or her birth certificate or a certified statement from
the county superintendent of education of the county in which the minor resides or from the
superintendent of the school which the minor attends proving that the minor is at least 16
years of age. Upon satisfying this requirement, the minor shall be examined. (b)(1) The Director
of Public Safety shall promulgate reasonable rules and regulations not in... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-2A-12 Renewal, expiration of license; inactive status; maintenance of records;
continuing education. (a) Every individual who holds a valid current license as an assisted
living administrator issued by the board under this chapter shall immediately upon issuance
have the right and privilege of acting and serving as an assisted living administrator and
of using the abbreviation "A.L.A." after his or her name. Thereafter, the individual
shall annually be required to make application to the board for a renewal of license and to
report any facts requested by the board on forms provided for that purpose. (b) Upon making
application for a renewal of a license, the individual shall pay an annual license fee established
as determined by the board pursuant to the rule-making authority and, at the same time, shall
submit evidence satisfactory to the board that during the year immediately preceding application
for renewal he or she has complied with the requirements of the board... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 33-4-34 Application for license, etc., to be in writing accompanied by certificate
and affidavit; branching or licensing according to seniority. A person, to be eligible to
be branched or licensed as the next bar pilot, shall meet all of the following criteria at
the time of branching or licensing: (1) Shall be the senior apprentice, with seniority to
be determined by date of satisfactory completion of all requirements to be a pilot except
the written examination given by the State Pilotage Commission. (2) Must be a citizen of the
United States of America or legally present in this state. (3) Shall be of good moral character.
(4) Shall have completed satisfactorily all requirements of the apprenticeship. (5) Shall
hold and have the following current United States Coast Guard licenses and experience: a.
Either (i) an unlimited second mate of oceans license with one year's experience as third
mate, or (ii) a master license of freight or motor vessel of 1,600 gross tons with one... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-14C-6 Denial, suspension, or revocation of license; hearing; notice, penalties;
appeal. (a) The board may deny, suspend, or revoke a license as provided in this section.
(b) A license may not be denied, suspended, or revoked except by majority vote of the board
and with prior notice and opportunity for hearing in accordance with this chapter and the
Alabama Administrative Procedure Act. (c) The board may institute a hearing for denial, suspension,
or revocation of a license or any person may file a written complaint with the board seeking
the denial, suspension, or revocation of an application for licensure or license issued by
the board or the investigation of any unlicensed person or entity providing home medical equipment
services. The complaint shall be in a form prescribed by the board. (d) A copy of the charges,
including notice of the time and place of hearing, shall be served by certified mail, return
receipt requested, at least 21 days before the scheduled hearing... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-21A-14 Eligibility requirements for license application. (a) The board shall
develop eligibility requirements to be met by applicants seeking licensing by the board. The
minimum application requirements shall include, but are not limited to, the applicant's: (1)
Business experience. (2) Work experience in the requested area of licensure. (3) Completion
of training requirements as established by the board. (4) Successful completion of the required
examination. (5) Evidence of bond. (6) Proof that the applicant is a citizen of the United
States or, if not a citizen of the United States, a person who is legally present in the United
States with appropriate documentation from the federal government. (b) The board shall develop
the qualifications and requirements relating to the manufacturer's license, which shall include,
but not be limited to: (1) Completion of classroom instruction. (2) Successful completion
of required examination. (3) Passing an inspection of the... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

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