Code of Alabama

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Section 10A-2A-8.42 Standards of conduct for officers. Notwithstanding Division C of Article
3 of Chapter 1: (a) An officer, when performing in his or her capacity as such, has the duty
to act: (1) in good faith; (2) with the care that a person in a like position would reasonably
exercise under similar circumstances; and (3) in a manner the officer reasonably believes
to be in the best interests of the corporation. (b) The duty of an officer includes the obligation:
(1) to inform the superior officer to whom, or the board of directors or the board committee
to which, the officer reports of information about the affairs of the corporation known to
the officer, within the scope of the officer's functions, and known to the officer to be material
to that superior officer, board of directors or board committee; and (2) to inform his or
her superior officer, or another appropriate person within the corporation, or the board of
directors, or a board committee, of any actual or probable... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-105-3 Powers of authority. (a) A public authority established pursuant to this chapter
may conduct programs and events, including, but not limited to, programs of information and
publicity and public events to attract tourists to geographic areas served by the authority.
The authority may conduct programs or events in Alabama and elsewhere and expend its funds
in the furtherance of such programs and events in Alabama and elsewhere. (b) The authority
may enter into contracts with a person, firm, corporation, or association to carry out the
purposes set forth herein. No contract entered into by the authority shall bind the State
of Alabama or any county or municipality of the State of Alabama. (c) The authority shall
have all of the following powers: (1) To sue and be sued. (2) To own, lease, license, operate,
purchase, acquire, hold, improve, develop, manage, sell, convey, transfer, exchange, release,
and dispose of, either alone or in conjunction with others, real and... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 32-6-31 Terms of compact. The Driver License Compact is hereby enacted into law and
entered into with all other jurisdictions legally joining therein in the form substantially
as follows: Driver License Compact Article I Findings and Declaration of Policy (a) The party
states find that: (1) The safety of their streets and highways is materially affected by the
degree of compliance with state and local ordinances relating to the operation of motor vehicles.
(2) Violation of such a law or ordinance is evidence that the violator engages in conduct
which is likely to endanger the safety of persons and property. (3) The continuance in force
of a license to drive is predicated upon compliance with laws and ordinances relating to the
operation of motor vehicles, in whichever jurisdiction the vehicle is operated. (b) It is
the policy of each of the party states to: (1) Promote compliance with the laws, ordinances
and administrative rules and regulations relating to the operation of... - 10K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-16-4 Licensure Board for Interpreters and Transliterators - Creation; composition;
meetings; duties; compensation. (a) There is created the Alabama Licensure Board for Interpreters
and Transliterators. (b) The board shall consist of nine members appointed by the Governor
as follows: (1) Four members certified as interpreters or transliterators at a professional
level by a nationally recognized certification, one of whom shall work in an educational setting.
A list of three nominations for each of these positions shall be submitted to the Governor
by ALRID. (2) Three deaf or hard of hearing members who are knowledgeable in the field of
professional interpreting. A list of three nominations for each of these positions shall be
submitted to the Governor by AAD. (3) Two members at-large who have an interest in and are
experienced in dealing with issues that affect the deaf, hard of hearing, and interpreting
communities. (c) All members of the board shall be citizens of the... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-37-40.04 License - Application; hearings; appeals; fees. (a) Every applicant for
a barbers license, apprentice barbers license, barber teacher license, scalp specialist license,
or a license to operate a barber shop or barbers college, or other like business, shall apply
therefor in writing on blanks prepared or furnished by the barbers commission. It shall be
accompanied by the recommendation of at least two barbers doing business in the county, not
related to the applicant, certifying that the applicant is of good reputation, is qualified
to practice the profession of barbering, and recommending that a license be granted. The application
shall be accompanied by the application fee hereinafter provided, and a certificate of a reputable
doctor certifying that the applicant has no communicable, contagious, or infectious disease.
Should the application not be approved, one-half the fee filed therewith shall be refunded
to the applicant and one-half thereof shall be retained by... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-14-30 Creation; composition; compensation. (a) There is established a Board of Hearing
Instrument Dealers which shall administer this chapter. (b) Members of the board shall be
citizens and residents of the state and appointed by the Governor. The membership of the board
shall be inclusive and reflect the racial, gender, geographic, urban/rural, and economic diversity
of the state. The board shall consist of eight members as follows: Five licensees, one of
whom may be a hearing aid specialist, one physician who specializes in diseases of the ear,
one audiologist, and one consumer member. The consumer member shall have the same powers as
other board members, except that the consumer member shall have no voting powers in matters
of issuing, suspending, or revoking licenses, and neither the consumer member, nor his or
her spouse, shall be a hearing aid specialist or hearing aid dispenser. Each hearing aid specialist
or hearing aid dispenser on the board shall have no less than... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 8-19-4 Enforcement (a) The office of the Attorney General and the district attorneys
shall have the following functions, powers, and duties: (1) Conduct preliminary investigations
to determine the merit of complaints, provided, however, the office of the Attorney General
or the district attorneys need not handle any complaint which lacks merit, has been made in
bad faith, or may be readily resolved between the parties. (2) Receive information and documentary
material from complainants and take whatever action is appropriate in connection therewith
as authorized by this chapter. The office of the Attorney General and the district attorneys
may otherwise receive and investigate complaints with respect to acts or practices declared
to be unlawful by this chapter, and inform the complainants with respect thereto. Said persons
may institute legal proceedings or take such other actions provided for herein which are necessary
or incidental to the exercise of its powers and functions.... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-92B-10 Powers and duties of authority. An authority shall have the following powers
and duties together with all powers and duties incidental thereto or necessary to the discharge
thereof: (1) To sue or be sued and to prosecute and defend in any court of competent jurisdiction.
(2) To adopt and to use a corporate seal and to alter the seal at pleasure. (3) To adopt and
alter bylaws for the regulation and conduct of its affairs and business. (4) With respect
to property within the operational area of the authority, to acquire, receive, and take title
to by purchase, gift, lease, devise, or otherwise, to hold, keep, improve, maintain, and impose
restrictive covenants and land use controls, to engage in environmental remediation and restoration
efforts as required under applicable agreements with the United States Department of Defense,
to equip, furnish, develop, and to transfer, convey, donate, sell, lease, grant options to,
assign, encumber with easements and mortgages and... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-17A-47 Establishment and management of endowment care fund. (a) Every cemetery authority
operating an endowment care cemetery shall establish an endowment care fund which shall be
placed with and held by a bank, trust company, savings and loan association, or other financial
institution authorized to provide trust services under Title 5, as amended, or under the applicable
laws of the United States or any other state, or a board of trustees, consisting of at least
three members, who shall reside in the State of Alabama, one of whom is engaged in outside
cemetery management, and each of whom shall be bonded to honestly perform the duties of trustee
under a formal trust agreement. (b) Except as specifically provided in this subsection, commencing
on July 1, 2014, a person serving on a board of trustees or cemetery authority may not also
serve as a trustee of an endowment care fund for the cemetery authority. A board of trustees
in existence on July 1, 2014, may continue to... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-39-6 Board of Occupational Therapy established; composition; fund created. (a) There
is established the Alabama State Board of Occupational Therapy. (1) The board shall consist
of five members, four of whom shall be involved in the practice of occupational therapy, of
which one shall be an occupational therapy assistant. The remaining member shall be a member
of another health profession or a member of the public with an interest in the rights or the
concerns of health services. Each member of the board shall be a citizen of this state. The
occupational therapy board members shall be appointed by the Governor from a list submitted
by the Alabama Occupational Therapy Association. In appointing members to the board, the association
and the Governor, to the extent possible, shall select those persons whose appointments ensure
that the membership of the board is inclusive and reflects the racial, gender, geographic,
urban/rural, and economic diversity of the state. Those board... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

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