Code of Alabama

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Section 9-11-324 Permits to possess wildlife for public exhibition purposes; contents of applications
for permits. (a) The Commissioner of Conservation and Natural Resources, upon application
of any person qualified by education or experience in the care and treatment of wildlife,
may issue an annual permit to such person at a cost of $25.00, under such terms and conditions
as he prescribes, to possess wildlife for public exhibition purposes in accordance with this
article and regulations adopted pursuant thereto. (b) Each application for a permit shall
include: (1) A statement regarding such person's education or experience in the care and treatment
of wildlife and that of any individual employed by such person for such purpose; (2) A description
of the facilities used to keep the wildlife in captivity; (3) A statement of the number of
species or subspecies of wildlife to be covered by the permit and a statement relative to
where or from whom such wildlife was acquired; (4) A signed... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-11-33 Hunting and fishing licenses generally - Numbering; delivery of blank licenses
to issuing authorities; return of unused licenses and stubs. All hunting and fishing licenses,
both resident and nonresident, shall be numbered consecutively at the time they are printed.
Blank licenses shall be furnished by the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
to the judges of probate of the several counties of the state or the license commissioner
and to such other person or persons not residing at the county seat as may be designated by
the Commissioner of Conservation and Natural Resources to issue hunting and fishing licenses,
and the Commissioner of Conservation and Natural Resources shall deliver not less than 15
days before October 1 of each year to the judges of probate of this state and to such other
person or persons so designated as many such licenses as may be required and shall charge
with same all those to whom licenses have been so issued. On October 1 of each... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-11-43 Responsibility of judge of probate or license commissioner as to licenses;
disposition of fees from sale of licenses. The judge of probate or license commissioner shall
be responsible to the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources for the licenses which
said Department of Conservation and Natural Resources issued to them, and disposition of the
issuance fees from the sale of such licenses shall be made by the judge of probate or license
commissioner as provided by law. (Acts 1951, No. 628, p. 1082, §5.)... - 839 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-11-45.1 Use of crossbows for hunting. The Commissioner of the Department of Conservation
and Natural Resources may by regulation authorize the use of crossbows for hunting. (Acts
1991, No. 91-210, p. 392, §§1, 2; Act 2001-1102, 4th Sp. Sess., p. 1166, §1.)... - 584 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-11-56.5 Disabled three-day saltwater fishing event license. (a) Effective with the
license year beginning September 1, 2019, there shall be a disabled three-day saltwater fishing
event license for events sanctioned by the Commissioner of the Department of Conservation
and Natural Resources. (b) Except as otherwise provided in this section for additional persons,
the license shall permit up to 20 disabled residents or nonresidents, plus up to 20 resident
and nonresident assistants, in the numbers as determined to be reasonably necessary by the
Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, to purchase the license as an alternative
to any recreational saltwater fishing license otherwise applicable under this chapter. The
license shall permit the persons, for a period not to exceed 72 consecutive hours, to engage
in those same activities as the holders of the annual saltwater fishing license in Section
9-11-53.1. (c) The license fee shall be one hundred dollars ($100). (d)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-11-65 Lifetime resident hunting, freshwater fishing and combination licenses. (a)
Any Alabama resident meeting the residency requirements set out in Section 9-11-44 may in
lieu of the resident all-game hunting license purchase a lifetime resident hunting license
by filing an application in the office of the Commissioner of the Department of Conservation
and Natural Resources on the form prescribed by the commissioner and paying therefor the following
license fees, which shall include a one dollar ($1) issuance fee, which fees shall be subject
to adjustment as provided for in Section 9-11-68: Persons less than two years old, three hundred
dollars ($300); persons age two through 11 years, four hundred dollars ($400); persons age
12 through 49 years, five hundred dollars ($500); and persons age 50 years and above, three
hundred dollars ($300). (b) Any Alabama resident meeting the residency requirements set out
in Section 9-11-53 may in lieu of the annual resident freshwater... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-15-48 Claims of title to swamp and overflowed lands. All persons claiming title to
any swamp and overflowed lands in this state under any alleged purchase or through any chain
of title may submit their claims to the Commissioner of Conservation and Natural Resources
together with such evidence of purchase or claim, whereupon the Commissioner of Conservation
and Natural Resources shall have such claim examined and investigated as he may see fit; and,
if it is found that the state has parted with its title to such lands in a legal and effective
way, the Commissioner of Conservation and Natural Resources shall so determine and shall certify
same to the Governor and the State Department of Mental Health; but, if the Commissioner of
Conservation and Natural Resources shall determine that the state has not parted with its
title to such lands in a legal or effective way but that equity and justice shall be better
served by a settlement with the claimant, he is hereby empowered to... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-15-54 Release of sand for use in beach project. Notwithstanding any other provision
of this title, in the event a beach project to be undertaken by a coastal municipality as
permitted by the Commissioner of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources pursuant
to Section 9-15-56 requires the use of sand from the public water bottoms of the State of
Alabama, spoil sand from state-owned spoil sites, or spoil sand otherwise owned by the state,
or any combination of the sands, the commissioner, acting through the Lands Division of the
department, shall release to the coastal municipality for use in the beach project without
fee, cost, or charge those quantities of sand from those specified public water bottoms of
the State of Alabama, of spoil sand from those specified state-owned spoil sites, and of spoil
sand otherwise owned by the state as are identified in the beach project permit of the commissioner
issued pursuant to Section 9-15-56. No such sand shall be released,... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-2-107 State Park Revolving Fund. In addition to the State Park Fund established by
Section 9-2-106, there is also hereby created and established a fund to be known as the State
Park Revolving Fund, which fund shall be constituted from all moneys received for admissions
charged or rentals, sales of goods or services and such other miscellaneous charges collected
by the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources in the operation of its state parks,
monuments, historical sites and other facilities. The Commissioner of Conservation and Natural
Resources, with the approval of the state Department of Finance, is authorized and empowered
to provide for and open an account or accounts at any state or federal bank whose deposits
are insured within the State of Alabama for the purpose of providing a depository or depositories
for said revolving fund. The Commissioner of Conservation and Natural Resources is further
authorized and empowered to draw on or make expenditures from... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-2-150 Shellfish Aquaculture Review Board; oyster aquaculture leasing program. (a)
For purposes of this section, the following words shall have the following meanings: (1) BOARD.
The Shellfish Aquaculture Review Board. (2) DEPARTMENT. The Department of Conservation and
Natural Resources. (3) OYSTER AQUACULTURE. The cultivation and harvesting of hatchery-spawned
oysters for commercial purposes. (b) There is created the Shellfish Aquaculture Review Board,
which shall be responsible for developing a shellfish aquaculture policy and implementing
a sustainable program for leasing land in the coastal waters of Alabama for oyster aquaculture.
For administrative purposes, the board shall be an administrative unit within the department.
(c) The board shall consist of the following members: (1) The Commissioner of the Alabama
Department of Conservation and Natural Resources or his or her designee. (2) The Commissioner
of the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries or his or her... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

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