Code of Alabama

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Section 40-26B-21 Privilege assessment on nursing facilities. To provide further for the availability
of indigent health care, the operation of the Medicaid program, and the maintenance and expansion
of medical services: (a) There is levied and shall be collected a privilege assessment on
the business activities of every nursing facility in the State of Alabama. The privilege assessment
imposed is in addition to all other taxes and assessments, and shall be at the annual rate
of one thousand eight hundred ninety-nine dollars and ninety-six cents ($1,899.96) for each
bed in the nursing facility. Beginning September 1, 2020, the privilege assessment shall be
increased from one thousand eight hundred ninety-nine dollars and ninety-six cents ($1,899.96)
for each bed in the nursing facility, by an addition to the privilege assessment equal to
three hundred twenty-seven dollars and forty-eight cents ($327.48) per annum. The addition
to the privilege assessment shall be paid in equal monthly... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-89-1 Definitions. When used in this chapter, the following words and phrases shall
have the following meanings, respectively, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
(1) APPLICANT. A natural person who files a written application with the governing body of
any county or municipality or public corporation or cooperative in accordance with the provisions
of Section 11-89-3. (2) AUTHORIZING RESOLUTION. A resolution, adopted by a governing body
in accordance with the provisions of Section 11-89-3, that authorizes the incorporation of
a district. (3) AUTHORIZING SUBDIVISION. Any county or municipality or public corporation
or cooperative the governing body of which shall have adopted an authorizing resolution. (4)
BOARD. The board of directors of a district. (5) BONDS. Bonds, notes and certificates representing
an obligation to pay money. (6) CONCISE LEGAL DESCRIPTION. A reasonably concise description
of a particular geographic area which may be by metes and bounds or by... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-6F-7 Applicant proposals; conversion to public charter school; terms of charters;
contracts. (a) Request for proposals. (1) To solicit, encourage, and guide the development
of quality public charter school applications, every local school board, in its role as public
charter school authorizer, shall issue and broadly publicize a request for proposals for public
charter school applications by July 17, 2015, and by November 1 in each subsequent year. The
content and dissemination of the request for proposals shall be consistent with the purposes
and requirements of this act. (2) Public charter school applicants may submit a proposal for
a particular public charter school to no more than one local school board at a time. (3) The
department shall annually establish and disseminate a statewide timeline for charter approval
or denial decisions, which shall apply to all authorizers in the state. (4) Each local school
board's request for proposals shall present the board's strategic... - 16K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-21-318 Powers of authority. (a) In addition to all other powers granted elsewhere
in this article, and subject to the express provisions of its certificate of incorporation,
an authority shall have the following powers, together with all powers incidental thereto
or necessary to the discharge thereof in corporate form: (1) To have succession by its corporate
name for the duration of time, which may be in perpetuity, specified in its certificate of
incorporation or until dissolved as provided in Section 22-21-339; (2) To sue and be sued
in its own name in civil suits and actions, and to defend suits and actions against it, including
suits and actions ex delicto and ex contractu, subject, however, to the provisions of Chapter
93 of Title 11, which chapter is hereby made applicable to the authority; (3) To adopt and
make use of a corporate seal and to alter the same at pleasure; (4) To adopt, alter, amend
and repeal bylaws, regulations and rules, not inconsistent with the... - 12K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-30D-3 Definitions. Unless otherwise defined in this chapter, the definitions of
terms included in Section 22-30-3 shall be applicable to this chapter. For the purposes of
this chapter, the following terms have the following meanings: (1) ABANDONED DRYCLEANING FACILITY.
Any real property premises or individual leasehold space located in this state owned by any
person in which a drycleaning facility or wholesale distribution facility formerly operated;
provided, however, that any owner or operator or wholesale distributor who shall have elected
not to be covered by the provisions of this chapter shall not be considered a person owning
or leasing such a facility for the purposes of this chapter. (2) ADJACENT LAND OWNER. Any
owner, lessor, or mortgagee of any real property onto which contamination from a drycleaning
facility, abandoned drycleaning facility, or wholesale distribution facility of any owner
or operator or wholesale distributor who shall have elected to be covered... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 32-8-87 Dismantling, destroying, changing identity of vehicle; certificate requirements;
insurance claims; "total loss"; removal of identification numbers, plates, etc.;
transfer of salvage vehicles; inspections; "component parts"; rebuilt vehicles;
flood vehicles; online verifications. (a) Each owner of a motor vehicle and each person mentioned
as owner in the last certificate of title who scraps, dismantles, destroys, or changes the
motor vehicle in such a manner that it is not the same motor vehicle described in the certificate
of origin or certificate of title shall as soon as practicable cause the certificate of origin
or certificate of title, if any, and any other documents or information required by the department
to be mailed or delivered to the department for processing. The department shall, with the
consent of any holder of liens noted on the surrendered certificate, enter a cancellation
upon its records. Upon cancellation of a certificate of origin or certificate of... - 32K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-10-652 Definitions. When used in this division, the following terms shall have the
following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: (1) ANCILLARY COSTS shall
mean the costs incurred in acquiring and constructing public improvements that benefit all
or any part of the project including, without limitation, (i) improvements to streets, roads
and bridges, (ii) improvements to water and sewer systems, gas and electric systems, and other
utilities providing services to any part of the project, (iii) improvements to the police,
fire, and emergency rescue services provided to the company by local governmental entities,
and (iv) improvements to transportation systems benefiting the company, such as railroad spur
and switching facilities. (2) AUTHORITY shall mean the Alabama 21st Century Authority, which
is provided for pursuant to Division 1. (3) BONDS shall mean the bonds that are authorized
herein to be issued by the authority. (4) COMPANY shall mean an... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-32-2 Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following words and phrases shall
mean the following unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: (1) AD VALOREM TAX. Those
real and personal property ad valorem taxes collected by the county tax collector, the director
of revenue of the county, or revenue commissioner, if any, for the county, but shall exclude
all ad valorem taxes collected for the State of Alabama and all boards of education, municipalities,
fire districts, or other entities located in the county. (2) APPLICANT. A natural person who
files a written application with the governing body of any county to which this chapter applies
and with a municipality in the county, all in accordance with Section 11-32-3. (3) AUTHORITY.
The public corporation organized pursuant to this chapter, which shall be an agency of the
state but shall not be a political subdivision of the state. (4) AUTHORIZING COUNTY. Any county
the governing body of which shall have adopted an... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-21-263 New institutional health services subject to review. (a) All new institutional
health services which are subject to this article and which are proposed to be offered or
developed within the state shall be subject to review under this article. No institutional
health services which are subject to this article shall be permitted which are inconsistent
with the State Health Plan. For the purposes of this article, new institutional health services
shall include any of the following: (1) The construction, development, acquisition through
lease or purchase, or other establishment of a new health care facility or health maintenance
organization. A transaction involving the sale, lease, or other transfer or change of control
of an existing health care facility, existing health maintenance organization, or existing
institutional health service is not subject to certificate of need review or approval under
this article unless the transaction also involves implementing one or... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-31-20 Board of Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Contractors - Creation;
composition; transfer of property, etc. (a) The Board of Heating and Air Conditioning Contractors
as created by Act 82-547, 1982 Regular Session (Acts 1982, p. 900), is renamed the Board of
Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Contractors. The authority of the board is expanded
to allow the board to examine, certify, and regulate heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration
on a statewide basis. (b) The board shall consist of 12 members, who shall be citizens of
this state and who shall be subject to confirmation by the Senate. The seven initial appointments
shall be effective as of July 1, 1982, as follows: One member shall be appointed by the Governor
for an initial term of one year, and shall be a licensed professional engineer; one member
shall be appointed by the Governor for an initial term of four years and shall be a heating
and air conditioning contractor; one member shall be... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

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