Code of Alabama

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Section 45-29-90.13 Execution of bonds; pledge of revenues, receipts, and other security. All
bonds issued by the authority shall be signed by the chair of its board of directors and attested
by its secretary-treasurer, and the seal of the authority shall be affixed thereto, and any
interest coupons applicable to the bonds of the authority shall be signed by the chair; provided,
that a facsimile of the signature of one, but not both, of the officers may be printed or
otherwise reproduced on any such bonds in lieu of his or her manually signing the same, a
facsimile of the seal of the authority may be printed or otherwise reproduced on any such
bonds in lieu of being manually affixed thereto, and a facsimile of the signature of the chair
of its board of directors may be printed or otherwise reproduced on any such interest coupons
in lieu of his or her manually signing the same. Any such bonds may be executed and delivered
by the authority at any time, and from time to time, shall be in... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-49A-10 Bonds - Signature and seal; form and terms; sale; from what sources payable;
trust indentures, mortgages, etc. All bonds issued by the authority shall be signed by the
chairman of its board or other chief executive officer and attested by its secretary, and
the seal of the authority shall be affixed thereto, and any interest coupons applicable to
the bonds of the authority shall be signed by the chairman of its board or other chief executive
officer; provided, that a facsimile of the signature of one, but not both, of said officers
may be printed or otherwise reproduced on any such bonds in lieu of his manually signing the
same, a facsimile of the seal of the authority may be printed or otherwise reproduced on any
such bonds in lieu of being manually affixed thereto, and a facsimile of the signature of
the chairman of its board or other chief executive officer may be printed or otherwise reproduced
on any such interest coupons in lieu of his manually signing the same.... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

any authority may enter into contracts with the holders of any of its bonds or notes preventing
such authority from thereafter issuing general obligation bonds or notes or limiting the amount
of such bonds or notes that may thereafter be issued. To the extent permitted by any contracts
with the holders of outstanding bonds and notes and any other contractual obligations or requirements,
any authority may pledge any of its revenues or mortgage or assign any of its assets, whether
real or personal and whether tangible or intangible, to secure the payment of any of
its bonds or notes. (d) All obligations created or assumed by any authority and all bonds
or notes issued thereby shall be solely and exclusively an obligation of such authority and
shall not create an obligation or debt of the state, the determining municipality or any other
political subdivision of the state or public corporation or governmental agency existing under
the laws thereof; provided, that the provisions of this... - 12K - Match Info - Similar pages

carrying out its corporate purposes and powers. (b) Sources of Payment. Bonds issued by the
authority shall be payable solely out of revenues or property of the authority specified in
the resolutions authorizing the issuance of such bonds. To the extent permitted by any contracts
with the holders of outstanding bonds and any other contractual obligations or requirements,
the authority may pledge any, or all, of its revenues or mortgages or assign any, or all,
of its assets (whether real or personal and whether tangible or intangible) to secure
the payment of any of its bonds. Revenues and property out of which bonds may be payable shall
include, without limitation: (1) Payments of principal, interest, premiums and penalties in
respect to mortgage loans, loans to mortgage lenders, mortgages and mortgaged property; (2)
Proceeds referable to the foreclosure of mortgages or otherwise realized, by any and all means,
upon any mortgaged property; (3) Payments made in redemption of the equity... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-61A-13 Bonds. (a) The authority may issue and sell its interest-bearing revenue
bonds for any corporate purpose at any time or times. The principal of and the interest on
the bonds shall be payable solely from, and may be secured by a pledge of, the revenues derived
by the authority from the operation of any or all of its parking facilities and other property,
or by mortgage of any property of the authority. The bonds issued or contracts entered by
the authority shall not constitute or create an obligation, debt, or charge against the credit
or taxing power of the state, any county, or municipality within the state. (b) The board
may provide for each of the following regarding the bonds: (1) Issuance time or times. (2)
Form and denominations. (3) Tenor. (4) Payment installments, which shall be at a time or times
not exceeding 40 years from their date. (5) Place or places of payment, whether within or
without the state. (6) Interest rate or rates payable and evidenced in a... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-36-252.06 Bonds of the authority; obligations. (a) In addition to all other powers
now or hereafter granted by law, the authority shall have the following powers, together with
all powers incidental thereto or necessary to the discharge thereof in corporate form: (1)
To sell and issue bonds of the authority in order to provide funds for any corporate function,
use, or purpose, any such bonds to be payable solely out of one or more of the following:
a. Any or all proceeds or receipts from the privilege, license, or excise tax levied on the
sale, distribution, storage, use, or consumption of tobacco and certain tobacco products in
Jackson County by Section 45-36-247. b. Any or all proceeds from any tax received by the Jackson
County Commission which are required by law to be deposited to the credit of the Jackson County
Water Authority. c. The revenues derived from any water, sewer, or garbage system or facility
of the authority. (2) To pledge for payment of any bonds issued... - 13K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-65-6 Bonds generally. (a) Issuance of bonds. The authority is authorized and empowered
to issue its bonds from time to time for the purpose of making equipment loans to finance
equipment costs incurred or to be incurred by educational institutions. Such bonds may be
in such aggregate principal amount as the board of directors shall determine to be necessary
to pay the equipment costs included in such financing. The authority may pay from the proceeds
of the sale of its bonds all expenses, including publication and printing charges, attorneys'
fees, financial advisory fees, and other expenses which the board of directors may deem necessary
or advantageous in connection with the authorization, advertisement, sale, execution, and
issuance of its bonds or the making of equipment loans from the proceeds thereof. (b) Source
of payment. All bonds issued by the authority shall be limited obligations of the authority
payable solely from any combination of the following: (1) The... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-10-142 Bonds - Issuance; form, terms, denominations, etc.; sale; refunding bonds;
negotiable; security for payment. All bonds issued by an authority may be executed by such
officers of the authority and in such manner as shall be provided in the proceedings of the
board whereunder the bonds shall be authorized to be issued. Any such bonds may be executed
and delivered by an authority at any time and from time to time, shall be in such form and
denominations and of such tenor and maturities, shall contain such provisions not inconsistent
with the provisions of this article and shall bear such rate or rates of interest, payable
and evidenced in such manner as may be provided by resolution of its board. Bonds of an authority
may be sold at either public or private sale in such manner and at such price or prices and
at such time or times as may be determined by the board to be most advantageous. The principal
of or interest on any bonds issued or obligations assumed by an... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 33-15-7 Rates, fees and charges; user permits. (a) Rates, fees and charges for services
rendered by the authority from any of its facilities shall be fixed and from time to time
revised by the authority; provided, that such rates, fees and charges shall be so fixed as
at all times to provide funds at least sufficient: (1) To pay the cost of operating, maintaining,
repairing, replacing, extending and improving the facilities and other property from which
such services are rendered; (2) To pay the principal of and the interest on all bonds issued
and obligations assumed by the authority that are payable out of the revenues derived from
the operation of those facilities as the said principal and interest become due and payable;
(3) To create and maintain such reserves for the foregoing purposes or any of them as may
be provided in any mortgage and deed of trust or trust indenture executed by the authority
hereunder or in any resolutions of the board of directors authorizing the... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-6-9 Bonds - Issuance; form, terms, denominations, etc.; sale; security for payment
generally. All bonds issued by the authority shall be signed by the chairman of its board
or other chief executive officer and attested by its secretary, and the seal of the authority
shall be affixed thereto and any interest coupons applicable to the bonds of the authority
shall be signed by the chairman of its board or other chief executive officer; provided, that
a facsimile signature of one, but not both, of said officers may be printed or otherwise reproduced
on any such bonds in lieu of his manually signing the same, and a facsimile of the signature
of the chairman of the board or other chief executive officer may be printed or otherwise
reproduced on any such interest coupons in lieu of his manually signing the same. Any such
bonds may be executed and delivered by the authority at any time and from time to time, shall
be in such form and denominations and of such tenor and maturities,... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

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