Code of Alabama

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Section 22-18-50 Enactment and text of Emergency Medical Services Personnel Licensure Interstate
Compact. The Emergency Medical Services Personnel Licensure Interstate Compact is hereby enacted
into law and entered into with all other jurisdictions legally joining therein in form substantially
as follows: SECTION 1. PURPOSE In order to protect the public through verification of competency
and ensure accountability for patient care related activities all states license emergency
medical services (EMS) personnel, such as emergency medical technicians (EMTs), advanced EMTs
and paramedics. This Compact is intended to facilitate the day to day movement of EMS personnel
across state boundaries in the performance of their EMS duties as assigned by an appropriate
authority and authorize state EMS offices to afford immediate legal recognition to EMS personnel
licensed in a member state. This Compact recognizes that states have a vested interest in
protecting the public's health and safety... - 41K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 15-22-1.1 Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision. Whereas: The Interstate
Compact for the Supervision of Parolees and Probationers was established in 1937, it is the
earliest corrections "compact" established among the states and has not been amended
since its adoption over 62 years ago; Whereas: This compact is the only vehicle for the controlled
movement of adult parolees and probationers across state lines, and it currently has jurisdiction
over more than a quarter of a million offenders; Whereas: The complexities of the compact
have become more difficult to administer, and many jurisdictions have expanded supervision
expectations to include currently unregulated practices such as victim input, victim notification
requirements, and sex offender registration; Whereas: After hearings, national surveys, and
a detailed study by a task force appointed by the National Institute of Corrections, the overwhelming
recommendation has been to amend the document to bring about... - 43K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 13A-8-141 Prima facie evidence of fraudulent leasing or rental. For the purposes of
Section 13A-8-140 of this article, it is prima facie evidence that a lessee fraudulently leased
or rented property, and intended, knew or expected that he would not perform the terms and
obligations of the lessee under a rental contract if: (1) The name or address of the lessee
appearing on the written agreement shall, at the time it is signed, be false or fictitious,
and if the lessee fails to return the leased property to the lessor within seven days after
lessor makes written demand for its return, notwithstanding that the term under the rental
contract has not expired; or (2) The rental contract provides for the return of the leased
property to a particular place, at a particular time, and the lessee shall fail to return
the leased property to the place and within the time specified in the said rental contract,
and the lessor thereafter makes written demand for the return of the leased... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 32-6-4.2 Nondriver identification cards - Expiration; renewal, suspension, and revocation;
fraudulent use or misuse. (a) Each nondriver identification card issued to any person, except
cards issued pursuant to Section 32-6-4.1, who is less than 62 years of age shall expire eight
years from the date of issuance or as otherwise provided by the rules and regulations of the
Director of the Department of Public Safety. (b) Each nondriver identification card issued
to any person who is 62 years of age or older or to any person pursuant to Section 32-6-4.1
shall expire as provided by the rules and regulations of the Director of the Department of
Public Safety. (c) Each nondriver identification card may be subject to renewal, reissue,
suspension, or revocation by rules and regulations of the Director of the Department of Public
Safety, or as otherwise provided by law. (d) The Director of the Department of Public Safety
may adopt and enforce reasonable rules and regulations relating to... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 26-1A-210 Insurance and annuities. Unless the power of attorney otherwise provides,
language in a power of attorney granting general authority with respect to insurance and annuities
authorizes the agent to: (1) continue, pay the premium or make a contribution on, modify,
exchange, rescind, release, or terminate a contract procured by or on behalf of the principal
which insures or provides an annuity to either the principal or another person, whether or
not the principal is a beneficiary under the contract; (2) procure new, different, and additional
contracts of insurance and annuities for the principal and the principal's spouse, children,
and other dependents, and select the amount, type of insurance or annuity, and mode of payment;
(3) pay the premium or make a contribution on, modify, exchange, rescind, release, or terminate
a contract of insurance or annuity procured by the agent; (4) apply for and receive a loan
secured by a contract of insurance or annuity; (5) surrender... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-14-6 Application for policy - Requirement; reliance by insurer; admissibility into
evidence; alterations. (a) No life or disability insurance contract upon an individual, except
a contract of group life insurance or of group or blanket disability insurance, shall be made
or effectuated unless at the time of the making of the contract the individual insured, being
of competent legal capacity to contract, applies therefor or has consented thereto, except
in the following cases: (1) A spouse may effectuate such insurance upon the other spouse;
(2) Any person having an insurable interest in the life of a minor or any person upon whom
a minor is dependent for support and maintenance may effectuate insurance upon the life of,
or pertaining to, such minor; and (3) Family policies may be issued insuring any two or more
members of a family on an application signed by either parent, a stepparent or by a husband
or wife; (b) An insurer shall be entitled to rely upon all statements,... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 8-19-15 Savings clause. (a) The civil remedies provided herein and the civil remedies
available at common law, by statute or otherwise, for fraud, misrepresentation, deceit, suppression
of material facts or fraudulent concealment are mutually exclusive. An election to pursue
the civil remedies prescribed in this chapter shall exclude and be a surrender of all other
rights and remedies available at common law, by statute or otherwise, for fraud, misrepresentation,
deceit, suppression of material facts or fraudulent concealment arising out of any act, occurrence
or transaction actionable under this chapter. (b) An election to pursue any civil remedies
available at common law, by statute or otherwise, for fraud, misrepresentation, deceit, suppression
of material facts or fraudulent concealment arising out of any act, occurrence or transaction
actionable under this chapter shall exclude and be a surrender of all rights and remedies
available under this chapter. All other remedies,... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-36A-8 Reserve valuation method - Life insurance and endowment benefits. (a) Except
as otherwise provided in Sections 27-36A-9, 27-36A-12, and 27-36A-14, reserves according to
the commissioners reserve valuation method, for the life insurance and endowment benefits
of policies providing for a uniform amount of insurance and requiring the payment of uniform
premiums, shall be the excess, if any, of the present value, at the date of valuation, of
the future guaranteed benefits provided for by the policies over the then present value of
any future modified net premiums therefor. The modified net premiums for a policy shall be
the uniform percentage of the respective contract premiums for the benefits, excluding extra
premiums on a substandard policy, that the present value, at the date of issue of the policy,
of all modified net premiums shall be equal to the sum of the then present value of the benefits
provided for by the policy and the excess of subdivision (1) over... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-7-30.2 Liability for disclosure of information, etc. (a) In the absence of actual
malice, an insurer, the authorized representative of the insurer, a producer, the commissioner,
or an organization of which the commissioner is a member and that compiles the information
and makes it available to other insurance commissioners or regulatory or law enforcement agencies
shall not be subject to civil liability, and a civil cause of action by a producer or other
person named in the report as having acted in concert with the producer of any nature shall
not arise against these entities or their respective agents or employees, as a result of any
statement or information required by or provided pursuant to Section 27-7-30, or any information
relating to any statement that may be requested in writing by the commissioner, from an insurer
or producer; or a statement by a terminating insurer or producer to an insurer or producer
limited solely and exclusively to whether a termination for... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 7-3-302 Holder in due course. (a) Subject to subsection (c) and Section 7-3-106(d),
"holder in due course" means the holder of an instrument if: (1) The instrument
when issued or negotiated to the holder does not bear such apparent evidence of forgery or
alteration or is not otherwise so irregular or incomplete as to call into question its authenticity;
and (2) The holder took the instrument (i) for value, (ii) in good faith, (iii) without notice
that the instrument is overdue or has been dishonored or that there is an uncured default
with respect to payment of another instrument issued as part of the same series, (iv) without
notice that the instrument contains an unauthorized signature or has been altered, (v) without
notice of any claim to the instrument described in Section 7-3-306, and (vi) without notice
that any party has a defense or claim in recoupment described in Section 7-3-305(a). (b) Notice
of discharge of a party, other than discharge in an insolvency proceeding,... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

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