Code of Alabama

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Section 27-1-17 Limitation periods for payment of claims; overdue claims; retroactive denials,
adjustments, etc.; penalties. (a) Each insurer, health service corporation, and health benefit
plan that issues or renews any policy of accident or health insurance providing benefits for
medical or hospital expenses for its insured persons shall pay for services rendered by Alabama
health care providers within 45 calendar days upon receipt of a clean written claim or 30
calendar days upon receipt of a clean electronic claim. If the insurer, health service corporation,
or health benefit plan is denying or pending the claim, the insurer, health service corporation,
or health benefit plan shall, within 45 calendar days for a written claim and 30 calendar
days for an electronic claim, notify the health care provider or certificate holder of the
reason for denying or pending the claim and what, if any, additional information is required
to process the claim. Any undisputed portion of the claim... - 17K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-37-1 Assets - Generally. In any determination of the financial condition of an insurer,
there shall be allowed as assets only such assets as are owned by the insurer and which consist
of: (1) Cash in the possession of the insurer or in transit under its control, and including
the true balance of any deposit in a solvent bank or trust company; (2) Investments, securities,
properties, and loans acquired, or held, in accordance with this title and in connection therewith
the following items: a. Interest due or accrued on any bond or evidence of indebtedness which
is not in default and which is not valued on a basis including accrued interest; b. Declared
and unpaid dividends on stock and shares, unless such amount has otherwise been allowed as
an asset; c. Interest due or accrued upon a collateral loan in an amount not to exceed one
year's interest thereon; d. Interest due or accrued on deposits in solvent banks and trust
companies, and interest due or accrued on other assets,... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-62-3 Definitions. For purposes of this chapter, the following words have the following
meanings: (1) AUTHORIZED INDIVIDUAL. An individual known to and screened by the licensee and
determined to be necessary and appropriate to have access to the nonpublic information held
by the licensee and its information systems. (2) COMMISSIONER. The Commissioner of Insurance.
(3) CONSUMER. An individual, including, but not limited to, an applicant, policyholder, insured,
beneficiary, claimant, or certificate holder, who is a resident of this state and whose nonpublic
information is in the possession, custody, or control of a licensee. (4)a. CYBERSECURITY EVENT.
An event resulting in unauthorized access to, disruption, or misuse of an information system
or nonpublic information stored on an information system. b. The term cybersecurity event
does not include the unauthorized acquisition of encrypted nonpublic information if the encryption,
process, or key is not also acquired, released,... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-13-7 Identifying information of state employees on records available for public
inspection. (a) As used in this section, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
(1) EMPLOYEE. Any person who is regularly employed by the state and who is subject to the
provisions of the state Merit System or any person who is regularly employed by a criminal
justice agency or entity or by a law enforcement agency within the state or any honorably
retired employee thereof, to include, but not be limited to, the following: A judge of any
position, including a judge of a municipal court; a district attorney; a deputy district attorney;
an assistant district attorney; an investigator employed by a district attorney; an attorney,
investigator, or special agent of the Office of the Attorney General; a sheriff; a deputy
sheriff; a jailor; or a law enforcement officer of a county, municipality, the state, or special
district, provided the law enforcement officer is certified by the... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 25-4-75 Extension of benefit period. (a) Applicability of section. Notwithstanding
any other provisions of this chapter, the duration of benefits as provided in Section 25-4-74
shall be extended as provided in this section. (b) Definitions. As used in this section, unless
the context clearly requires otherwise, the following terms shall mean: (1) EXTENDED BENEFIT
PERIOD. A period which: a. Begins with the third week after a week for which there is a state
"on" indicator; and b. Ends with either of the following weeks, whichever occurs
later: 1. The third week after the first week for which there is a state "off" indicator;
or 2. The thirteenth consecutive week of such period; provided, that no extended benefit period
may begin by reason of a state "on" indicator before the fourteenth week following
the end of a prior extended benefit period which was in effect with respect to this state.
3. The eligibility period for the payment of extended benefits using the total unemployment... - 17K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-15-53 Requirements for death master file comparisons. (a) An insurer shall perform
a comparison of its insureds' in-force life insurance policies, annuity contracts, and retained
asset accounts against a death master file, to identify potential death master file matches
of its insureds. Such comparison shall be completed by January 1, 2019. Thereafter, an insurer
shall maintain a program designed to compare each such policy, contract, or account with a
death master file no less frequently than every three years, it being the intent that insurers
fashion a program that best fits their business systems while at the same time protecting
consumers by assuring reasonable checks are being performed to identify unreported deaths.
For those potential death master file matches identified as a result of a death master file
comparison, the insurer shall do all of the following: (1) Within 90 days of a death master
file match: a. Complete a commercially reasonable effort, which shall be... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-2B-9 Confidentiality of reports and plans; information sharing agreements; publication
of RBC levels prohibited; use of reports and plans by commissioner. (a) All RBC reports, to
the extent the information therein is not required to be set forth in a publicly available
annual statement schedule, and RBC plans, including the results or report of any examination
or analysis of an insurer performed pursuant hereto and any corrective order issued by the
commissioner pursuant to examination or analysis, with respect to any domestic insurer or
foreign insurer which are filed with the commissioner constitute information that may be damaging
to the insurer if made available to its competitors and therefore shall be kept confidential
by the commissioner. This information shall not be made public or be subject to subpoena,
other than by the commissioner, and then only for the purpose of enforcement actions taken
by the commissioner pursuant to this chapter or any other provision of... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-41-3 Definitions. When used in this chapter, the following words have the following
meanings: (1) BOARD. The Alabama Board of Licensure for Professional Geologists. (2) GEOLOGIST.
A person who holds a degree in the geological sciences from an accredited college or university.
(3) GEOLOGIST-IN-TRAINING. A person who holds a degree in the geological sciences from an
accredited college or university and who has successfully passed the part of the professional
examination covering fundamental or academic geological subjects. (4) GEOLOGY. The science
dealing with the earth and its history; its constituent rocks, minerals, liquids, gases, and
other materials of which it is composed, and the study of the processes responsible for the
development and change in the component parts of the earth, for the benefit of mankind. (5)
GOOD MORAL CHARACTER. Character that tends to ensure the faithful discharge of the professional
duties of the licensed professional geologist based on truth and... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 6-5-549.1 Limits of liability insurance coverage in legal action against health care
providers; testimony of health care providers as specialists. (a) This section and Sections
6-5-548 and 6-5-549 shall be known and may be cited as "The Alabama Medical Liability
Act of 1996." (b) The Legislature of the State of Alabama finds and declares that a crisis
continues to threaten the delivery and availability of medical services to the people of Alabama
and the health and safety of the citizens of this state are in jeopardy as a result of this
crisis. In accordance with the previous declarations of the Legislature of Alabama in Sections
6-5-480 to 6-5-488, inclusive, 27-26-1 to 27-26-4, inclusive, and 27-26-20 to 27-26-43, inclusive,
and Sections 6-5-540 to 6-5-552, inclusive, it is the declared intent of this Legislature
to ensure that quality medical services continue to be available at reasonable costs to the
citizens of the State of Alabama. The continuing and ever increasing... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 13A-8-111 Definitions. As used in this article, the following terms shall have the
following meanings: (1) ACCESS. To gain entry to, instruct, communicate with, store data in,
retrieve or intercept data from, alter data or computer software in, or otherwise make use
of any resource of a computer, computer system, or computer network. (2) COMPUTER. An electronic,
magnetic, optical, electrochemical, or other high speed data processing device or system that
performs logical, arithmetic, or memory functions by the manipulations of electronic or magnetic
impulses and includes all input, output, processing, storage, or communication facilities
that are connected or related to the device. (3) COMPUTER NETWORK. The interconnection of
two or more computers or computer systems that transmit data over communication circuits connecting
them. (4) COMPUTER PROGRAM. An ordered set of data representing coded instructions or statements
that when executed by a computer cause the computer to... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

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