Code of Alabama

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Section 36-15-22 Attorney General to designate certain Merit System positions. (a) Notwithstanding
any other laws, in addition to the existing Merit System positions in the office of the Attorney
General, no later than 30 days after January 15, 1996, the Attorney General shall designate
certain positions in his or her office as state Merit System positions and the individuals
holding the positions on the date of designation, not to exceed 15 positions, shall become
state Merit System employees on such date if he or she meets the minimum requirements for
the position. The State Personnel Department shall determine the appropriate classification
for each aforementioned employee. The classifications shall reflect a classification and pay
that would result in his or her compensation being the same or higher than his or her current
compensation. Each of these individuals shall have conferred upon them all the rights and
benefits of any other member of the classified service in the state... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 36-33-2 Protection required; designation of executive security officers; exemption
from minimum standards. (a) The Department of Public Safety shall protect, from the date of
his or her election, throughout his or her term and for a period of five years after the expiration
of his or her term of office, the person of the Governor of the State of Alabama and the members
of the immediate family and the Governor-elect; and from the date of their respective elections
and throughout their respective terms of office the Department of Public Safety is required
to protect the person of the Lieutenant Governor, the next two officers in order of succession
to the Office of Governor, the President Pro Tem of the Senate and the Speaker of the House,
each until their successors are elected, and the Lieutenant Governor-elect and the Attorney
General and the Attorney General-elect; and, at the direction of the Governor or Director
of Public Safety, other officials of the state and... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 38-15-4 Registration of certain youth residential institutions or organizations; staff
training plans; rights of children; licensing and inspection of food preparation areas; access
by law enforcement agencies. (a) Commencing on January 1, 2018, the department shall register
any religious, faith-based, or church nonprofit, other nonprofit, or for profit affiliated
youth residential facility, youth social rehabilitation facility, community treatment facility
for youths, youth transitional care facility, long term youth residential facility, private
alternative boarding school, private alternative outdoor program, and any organization entrusted
with the residential care of children in any organizational form or combination defined by
this section, whenever children are housed at the facility or location of the program for
a period of more than 24 hours. At a minimum, registered youth residential institution or
organization under this section shall do all of the following: (1) Be... - 13K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 44-1-51 Composition; compensation; records. (a) The Governor shall be the ex officio
Chair of the Youth Services Board. (b) The board shall be composed of 18 voting members, five
of whom shall be the Commissioner of the State Department of Human Resources, the State Superintendent
of Education, the Commissioner of Mental Health, the State Health Officer, and the Director
of the Alabama Law Enforcement Planning Agency, each of whom may delegate his or her vote
to an agent or employee by written notification 10 days prior to a meeting of the board. (c)
The chair, vice chair, and secretary of the board shall be elected by the members thereof.
The chair shall vote only in the case of a tie. (d) The Speaker of the Alabama House of Representatives
shall appoint two members to be selected from the membership of the House and the Presiding
Officer of the Alabama Senate shall appoint two members to be selected from the membership
of the Senate. The President of the Alabama Council of... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-23-240.40 Creation; clerks and assistants. There is created within the Tax Assessor's
Office of Dale County a license division. The county commission shall furnish suitable quarters
and provide the necessary forms, books, stationery, records, equipment, and supplies, except
for such stationery forms and supplies as are furnished pursuant to law by the State Department
of Finance or the Comptroller. The county commission shall insure that the tax assessor has
sufficient staff and shall provide such clerks, and other assistants for the tax assessor
as shall be necessary from time to time for the proper and efficient performance of the duties
of the office. The tax assessor shall have authority to employ such clerks, and other assistants,
and to fix their compensation; provided however, the number and compensation of such clerks
and other assistants shall be subject to the approval of the county commission. The compensation
of such clerks and other assistants shall be paid... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-37A-52.132 Work plan and allotment. After the current expense budgets have been
adopted and before the beginning of the fiscal year the head of each department, office, and
agency, shall submit to the mayor in such form as he or she shall prescribe a work program
which shall show the requested allotments of the appropriations for such department, office,
or agency for the entire fiscal year by monthly or quarterly periods as the mayor may direct.
Before the beginning of the fiscal year the mayor shall approve, with such amendments as he
or she shall determine, the allotments for each department, office, or agency, and shall file
the same with the director of finance who shall not authorize any expenditure to be made from
any appropriation except on the basis of approved allotments, provided that such allotments
shall be in conformity with the salaries established by ordinance, the provisions of any merit
or civil service system applicable to such city, the laws of the State... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-4-82.20 Creation; powers and duties; payment of ad valorem tax. (a) There is created
within the office of the Judge of Probate of Bibb County a license division which shall issue
all motor vehicle licenses and titles. The county commission shall furnish suitable quarters
and provide the necessary forms, books, stationery, records, equipment, and supplies, except
the stationery, forms, and supplies furnished pursuant to law by the State Department of Finance
or state Comptroller. The county commission shall also provide clerks and other assistants
for the judge of probate as shall be necessary from time to time for the proper and efficient
performance of the duties of his or her office. The judge of probate shall have authority
to employ clerks and other assistants and to fix their compensation, subject to and in accordance
with the personnel policies and procedures of Bibb County concerning county employees. The
compensation of the clerks and assistants shall be paid out of... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-45-201.04 Office space, stationery, supplies, etc. Suitable office space, and all
stationery, equipment, supplies, and postage necessary for the conduct of the office, shall
be furnished by the governing body of the county to the director of the department, except
such stationery and supplies as the law requires to be furnished by the State Department of
Revenue, the State Department of Finance, or the Comptroller. (Acts 1971, No. 1862, p. 3024,
ยง 6.)... - 778 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-15-30 Title to swamp and overflowed lands and swamp and overflowed indemnity lands
patented to state by federal government; utilization, disposition, etc., of same generally.
(a) Title to all lands of the swamp and overflowed category or swamp and overflowed indemnity
lands, which are, subsequent to September 5, 1951, patented to the State of Alabama by the
federal government and recorded in the office of the Secretary of State, shall be vested in
the Division of Lands of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. (b) The Commissioner
of Conservation and Natural Resources shall utilize such lands for the purpose or purposes
which he deems to be most expedient and beneficial. He is hereby authorized to practice forestry
upon such lands and may lease such lands for the exploration or extraction of oil, gas or
other minerals. Said land shall be supervised and managed in the same manner as other lands
which are under the supervision of the Department of Conservation... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-43C-55 Monthly or quarterly allotments for each department, etc.; revision of allotments.
After the current expense budgets have been adopted and before the beginning of the fiscal
year, the head of each department, office, and agency shall submit to the mayor in such form
as the mayor shall prescribe a work program which shall show the requested allotments of the
appropriations for such department, office, or agency for the entire fiscal year at least
monthly or as the mayor may direct. Before the beginning of the fiscal year the mayor shall
approve, with such amendments as he shall determine, the allotments for each such department,
office, or agency, and shall file the same with the head of the division of finance who shall
not authorize any expenditure to be made from any appropriation except on the basis of approved
allotments. Such allotments shall be in conformity with the salaries established by ordinance,
the provisions of any merit system applicable to such city,... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

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