Code of Alabama

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Section 45-39-200.02 License commissioner - Office, supplies, personnel. The county governing
body shall furnish suitable quarters for the county license commissioner, and provide the
necessary forms, books, stationery, records, equipment, and supplies, except such stationary,
forms, and supplies as are furnished pursuant to law by the State Department of Finance or
the Comptroller. The county governing body shall also provide such clerks, deputies, and other
assistants for the commissioner as shall be necessary from time to time for the proper and
efficient performance of the duties of his or her office. The commissioner shall have authority
to elect, employ, and discipline at will, such clerks, and other assistants, and to fix their
compensation; however, the number and compensation of such clerks and other assistants shall
be subject to the approval of the county governing body. The compensation of the clerks, deputies,
and assistants shall be paid monthly out of the general fund of... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-42-200.02 Office; supplies; personnel. The county commission shall furnish suitable
quarters for the county license commissioner, and provide the necessary forms, books, stationery,
records, equipment, and supplies, except such stationery, forms, and supplies as are furnished
pursuant to law by the State Department of Finance, the Comptroller, or otherwise. The county
commission shall also provide such clerks, deputies, and other assistants for the commissioner
as shall be necessary from time to time for the proper and efficient performance of the duties
of the office. The commissioner shall recommend employment and discipline, subject to commission
approval, of such clerks, deputies, and other assistants. The number and compensation of such
clerks and other assistants shall be subject to the approval of the county governing body.
The compensation of the clerks, deputies, and assistants shall be paid monthly out of the
general fund of the county in the same manner as other... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-43-170.05 Solid waste disposal - Management and enforcement. With regard to the
collection of solid wastes, the health department shall exercise such supervision over equipment,
methodology, and personnel in the management of solid wastes as may be necessary to enforce
sanitary requirements, and the state and county boards of health may adopt such rules and
regulations as may be needed to specify methodology and procedures to meet the requirements
of this article. With regard to the disposal of solid wastes, the department shall exercise
such regulatory control over the management of solid wastes as may be necessary to enforce
the requirements of the department, and the department may adopt such rules and regulations
as may be needed to meet the requirements of this article. Any person violating this article
or any rule or regulation made pursuant to this article shall be guilty of a violation and,
upon conviction, shall be fined as provided by state law and not less than... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 5-2A-80 Created; supervisor of bureau; inspections; records, reports, etc., not open
to public. To administer and enforce the provisions of chapter 18 of this title, there is
hereby created in the State Banking Department the Bureau of Loans. The Superintendent of
Banks shall, with the approval of the Governor and subject to the provisions of the merit
system, appoint a Supervisor of the Bureau of Loans, who shall be the chief of the Bureau
of Loans, and such other employees of said bureau as may be necessary. The Supervisor of the
Bureau of Loans shall take and file with the Secretary of State the official oath and shall
give bond in the penal sum of $10,000.00 for the faithful performance of the duties of his
office. The Supervisor of the Bureau of Loans, for the purpose of discovering violations of
Chapter 18 of this title, may investigate the loans and business of every person, copartnership
and corporation by whom or by which any such loan shall be made, whether such... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 6-5-340 Computer failure or malfunction. (a) Whenever used in this section, the following
words and terms shall have the following meanings: (1) GOVERNMENTAL CORPORATION AND AUTHORITY.
Any public or private corporation, board, or authority established pursuant to a general or
local law by state, county, or municipal government for the purpose of carrying out a specific
governmental function. (2) GOVERNMENTAL ENTITY. The state, any municipality, or any county
in the state; any department, agency, board, or commission of a municipality, a county, or
the state; any legislative or regulatory body of the state, or of any municipality or county;
any state, municipal, or county governmental corporation or authority; any state university
or community college, including any publicly funded trade or technical school; the State Board
of Education, and all county, municipal, and city-county public school boards; any state,
county, or municipal hospital boards when such boards are... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 10A-2A-16.11 Annual report for Secretary of State. (a) Each corporation, and each foreign
corporation authorized to transact business in this state, shall deliver to the Secretary
of State for filing an annual report that sets forth: (1) The name of the corporation and
the state or other jurisdiction under whose law it is incorporated; (2) The address of its
registered office and the name of its registered agent at that office in this state; (3) The
address of its principal office including, in the case of a foreign corporation, the address
of its principal office in the state or other jurisdiction under whose law it is incorporated;
(4) The names and respective addresses of its president and secretary; and (5) A brief statement
of the character of business in which it is actually engaged in this state. (b) Information
in the annual report must be current as of the date the annual report is executed on behalf
of the corporation. (c) The first annual report must be delivered to... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-43D-7 Continuance in office of present officeholders; exercise of powers of abolished
office, agency, etc. All persons holding administrative office at the time the mayor-council
form of government is adopted shall continue in office and in the performance of their duties
until provision shall have been made in accordance therewith for the performance of such duties
or the discontinuance of such office. The powers conferred and the duties imposed upon any
office, department, board, or agency of the municipality by the law of the state shall, if
such office, department, board, or agency be abolished by this chapter, or under its authority,
be thereafter exercised and discharged by the office, department, board, or agency designated
by the council unless otherwise provided herein. (Acts 1989, No. 89-750, p. 1518, ยง7.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-44B-13 Persons holding administrative offices continued in office until other provisions
made; powers and duties of abolished offices, etc.; certain offices, etc., deemed continued;
references to existing offices, etc., in laws, contracts, etc. All persons holding administrative
office at the time the mayor-council form of government is adopted shall continue in office
and in the performance of their duties until provisions shall have been made in accordance
therewith for the performance of such duties or the discontinuance of such office subject
to any existing civil service law. The powers conferred and the duties imposed upon any office,
department, board, or agency of the municipality by the laws of the state shall, if such office,
department, board, or agency be abolished by this article, or under its authority, be thereafter
exercised and discharged by the office, department, board, or agency designated by the council
unless otherwise provided herein. Any office,... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 15-18-1 Legal punishments; sentencing; liability of Department of Corrections for costs.
(a) The only legal punishments, besides removal from office and disqualification to hold office,
are fines, hard labor for the county, imprisonment in the county jail, imprisonment in the
penitentiary, which includes hard labor for the state, and death. (b) In all cases in which
the period of imprisonment in the penitentiary or hard labor for the county is more than three
years, the judge shall sentence the party to imprisonment in the penitentiary. In all cases
of conviction for felonies in which imprisonment or hard labor is for more than 12 months
and not more than three years, the judge may sentence the party to imprisonment in the penitentiary,
confinement in the county jail, or to hard labor for the county, at his or her discretion,
any other provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding. In all cases in which the imprisonment
or sentence to hard labor is 12 months or less, the... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-1-38 Financial and education law training for newly elected superintendents of education.
(a)(1) Each person newly elected or appointed as a city or county superintendent of education
shall, prior to assuming office, attend and satisfactorily complete a training program on
school finances and education law. This requirement shall be applicable upon the development
and offering of the training program as provided in this section. (2) The State Superintendent
of Education, based upon reasonable cause, may allow a newly elected or appointed superintendent
to attend and satisfactorily complete the training program after assuming office. (3) Superintendents
serving on May 31, 2001, may attend such training program. (4) The Department of Education,
or its designee, shall provide the training program at no cost. (b)(1) The training program
shall be formulated by a committee comprised of the State Superintendent of Education and
each of the following: a. A representative of the... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

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