Code of Alabama

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Section 40-12-84 Construction companies or contractors. Any person, firm, or corporation accepting
orders or contracts for doing any work on or in any building or structure requiring the use
of paint, stone, brick, mortar, wood, cement, structural iron or steel, sheet iron, galvanized
iron, metallic piping, tin, lead, electric wiring, or other steel, or any other building material,
or accepting contracts to do any paving or curbing on sidewalks or streets, public or private
property, using asphalt, brick, stone, cement, wood, or other composition, or accepting orders
for or contracts to excavate earth, rock, or other material for foundations or any other purpose,
or accepting orders or contracts to construct any sewer of stone, brick, terra cotta, or other
material, or accepting contracts to construct highways, bridges, dams, or railroads, shall
be deemed a contractor. Every contractor shall procure from the probate judge of the county
in which he has his principal office a license to... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-17-223 Distribution of tax proceeds derived from lubricating oil. All revenues received
or collected by the Department of Revenue upon the selling, use or consumption, distributing,
storing, or withdrawing from storage in this state of lubricating oil remaining after the
payment of the expense of administration and enforcement of this article are hereby allocated
and appropriated in the following manner: (1) Forty-five percent of the net tax proceeds is
hereby allocated and appropriated for state highway purposes and as the state's share of the
net tax proceeds to be covered into the State Treasury to the credit of the Public Road and
Bridge Fund and disbursed as provided in this article. (2) Fifty-five percent of the net tax
proceeds is hereby allocated and appropriated to be used for highway purposes by the counties
and municipalities to be covered into the State Treasury and disbursed and allocated as hereinafter
provided in this section. a. A portion of the local... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-23-35 Disposition of revenues from tax. (a) Such amount of money as shall be appropriated
for each fiscal year by the Legislature to the Department of Revenue with which to pay the
salaries, the cost of operation and management of the department shall be deducted, as a first
charge thereon, from the taxes collected under the provisions of this division; provided,
that the expenditure of the sum so appropriated shall be budgeted and allotted pursuant to
Article 4 of Chapter 4 of Title 41, and limited to the amount appropriated to defray the expenses
of operating the department for each fiscal year. After the payment of the expenses, so much
of the amount remaining as may be necessary, after first applying all sums of money received
by reason of the application of the surplus in the income tax as provided by Section 40-18-58,
for the replacement in the public school fund of the three-mill constitutional levy for schools
and in the General Fund of the one-mill levy for... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-41-141 Definitions. (a) The following words and phrases used in this part, and others
evidently intended as the equivalent thereof, in the absence of clear implication herein otherwise,
shall be given the following respective interpretations herein: (1) AMENDMENT 392. That certain
amendment to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended, proposed by Act 80-313 enacted
at the 1980 Regular Session of the Legislature. (2) AUTHORIZING AMENDMENT. That certain amendment
to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended, proposed by Act 88-479 enacted at the
1988 Regular Session of the Legislature. (3) CODE. The Code of Alabama 1975, as amended. (4)
COMMERCIAL BUILDING. Any building, structure, or other improvement to real property, excluding,
however, any dwelling that: a. Is subject to ad valorem taxation and has a fair market value,
according to the records of the tax assessor pertaining to state and county ad valorem taxation
for the fiscal or ad valorem tax year of the... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-8A-22.118 Maximum benefits; limitations; adjustments. (a) Annual Benefit and Final
Regulations Under Internal Revenue Code Section 415. (1) Annual Benefit. For purposes of this
section, "annual benefit" means the benefit payable annually under the terms of
the plan, exclusive of any benefit not required to be considered for purposes of applying
the limitations of Internal Revenue Code Section 415 to the plan, in the form of a straight
life annuity with no ancillary benefits. If the benefit is payable in any other form, the
annual benefit shall be adjusted to the equivalent of a straight life annuity pursuant to
subsection (c). (2) Final Regulations Under Internal Revenue Code Section 415. Notwithstanding
anything in this section to the contrary, the following provisions apply beginning on or after
January 1, 1976, except as otherwise provided in this section. a. Incorporation by Reference.
The limitations, adjustments, and other requirements prescribed in the plan shall... - 30K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-49A-2 Definitions. The following words and phrases used in this chapter, and others
evidently intended as the equivalent thereof, shall, in the absence of clear implication herein
otherwise, be given the following respective interpretations herein: (1) APPLICANT. A natural
person who files a written application with the governing body of any municipality to which
this chapter applies all in accordance with the provisions of Section 11-49A-4. (2) AUTHORITY.
A public corporation organized pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. (3) AUTHORIZING
MUNICIPALITY. Any municipality the governing body of which shall have adopted an authorizing
resolution. (4) AUTHORIZING RESOLUTION. A resolution, adopted by the governing body of any
municipality to which this chapter applies all in accordance with the provisions of Section
11-49A-4, that authorizes the incorporation of an authority. (5) BOARD. The board of directors
of an authority. (6) BONDS. Shall include bonds, notes, and... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-15-405 Notice of hearing; appointment of counsel for the minor or child. (a) When
any minor or child against whom a petition has been filed seeking to commit the minor or child
to the custody of the department is initially brought before the juvenile court, the juvenile
court shall provide a copy of the petition and if requested, read the petition to the minor
or child and to his or her parent, legal guardian, or legal custodian and counsel, and inform
those persons verbally and in writing of the date, time, and place of the next hearing to
be held in regard to the minor or child, the purpose of the hearing, the rights of the minor
or child at the hearing, and the possible consequences of the hearing. (b) The juvenile court
shall appoint a child's attorney for the minor or child. The juvenile court may appoint a
guardian ad litem in addition to the child's attorney. No statement made or act done by the
minor or child in the presence of the juvenile court prior to the minor... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 21-7-1 Declaration of policy; definitions. (a) It is the policy of this state to encourage
and enable the blind, the visually impaired, and the physically disabled to participate fully
in the social and economic life of the state and to engage in meaningful employment. (b) For
the purposes of this chapter, the following terms shall have the following meanings: (1) HANDLER.
Includes an individual with a disability and a trainer. (2) HOUSING ACCOMMODATION. Any real
property or portion thereof which is used or occupied, or intended, arranged, or designed
to be used or occupied, as the home, residence, or sleeping place of one or more individuals,
but does not include any single-family residence, the occupants of which rent, lease, or furnish
for compensation not more than one room therein. (3) INDIVIDUAL WITH A DISABILITY. As defined
by 42 U.S.C. ยง12102, and further defined as an individual who has a physical or mental impairment,
including a physical, sensory, psychiatric,... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-30-18 Reporting of wastes generated; when reports deemed trade secrets. Every generator,
transporter, and owner and operator of a treatment, storage or disposal facility of hazardous
wastes shall establish and maintain such records for a three-year period, make such reports
and furnish such information pertaining to the generation, transportation, treatment, storage
or disposal of said waste, and install, use and maintain such monitoring equipment or methods,
sample such wastes, materials, soils or waters, in accordance with such methods and procedures,
at such locations and times, as the department shall require. The retention period for all
records required to be maintained by this chapter or rules and regulations promulgated under
this chapter is automatically extended during the period of any unresolved enforcement action
regarding the facility or as requested by the department. Any records, reports or information
obtained under this chapter shall be available to the... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 23-1-170 Purpose and construction of article. It is the intention of the Legislature
by the passage of this article to authorize the incorporation of a public corporation for
the following purposes: (1) To issue bonds to assure the availability of funds for payment
of the state's share of the cost of constructing roads and bridges as shall from time to time
be constructed with funds supplied jointly by the state and federal government; and (2) To
construct and maintain, or participate in the construction and maintenance, or lend its aid
in construction and maintenance or contract for construction and maintenance of roads and
bridges in the State of Alabama, as well as the approaches thereto, including the reconstruction
and relocating of approaches, causeways and like or other highway facilities which may, from
time to time, be constructed and maintained with funds to be supplied jointly by the state
and federal government, together with work incidental and related thereto,... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

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