Code of Alabama

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Section 11-50A-8 Powers of the authority. In addition to other powers granted the authority
by this chapter, it shall have all powers consistent with the purposes of the authority as
set forth in Section 11-50A-3, which are necessary or convenient to carry out and effectuate
the purposes and provisions of this chapter, including, but without limiting the generality
of the foregoing, the following enumerated powers, which shall be exercised by the authority
consistently with the provisions of Section 11-50A-3: (1) To sue and be sued and to prosecute
and defend in any court having jurisdiction of the subject matter and of the parties thereto;
(2) To adopt and alter a corporate seal; (3) To make and alter at pleasure all needful bylaws,
rules, and regulations for the transaction of its business and the control of its property
and affairs; (4) To have the same right of eminent domain through condemnation conferred by
Section 10-5-1, or any subsequent statute of similar import; provided... - 13K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 31-9-40 Compact adopted and enacted. The Emergency Management Assistance Compact is
enacted into law and entered with all jurisdictions mutually adopting the compact in the form
substantially as follows: THE EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE COMPACT Article I - Purpose
and Authorities. This compact is made and entered into by and between the participating member
states which enact this compact, hereinafter called party states. For the purpose of this
agreement, the term "states" is taken to mean the several states, the Commonwealth
of Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia, and all U.S. territorial possessions. The purpose
of this compact is to provide for mutual assistance between the states entering into this
compact in managing any emergency or disaster that is duly declared by the governor of the
affected state or states, whether arising from natural disaster, technological hazard, man-made
disaster, civil emergency aspects of resources shortages, community disorders,... - 15K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-2B-2 Alabama Tax Tribunal. (a) Statement of Purpose. To increase public confidence
in the fairness of the state tax system, the state shall provide an independent agency with
tax expertise to resolve disputes between the Department of Revenue and taxpayers, prior to
requiring the payment of the amounts in issue or the posting of a bond, but after the taxpayer
has had a full opportunity to attempt settlement with the Department of Revenue based, among
other things, on the hazards of litigation. By establishing an independent Alabama Tax Tribunal
within the executive branch of government, this chapter provides taxpayers with a means of
resolving controversies that insures both the appearance and the reality of due process and
fundamental fairness. The tax tribunal shall provide hearings in all tax matters, except those
specified by statute, and render decisions and orders relating thereto. A tax tribunal hearing
shall be commenced by the filing of a notice of appeal protesting... - 39K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-8A-2 Failure to comply. Any person failing to meet the requirements imposed by this
chapter or who has submitted to the commissioner a false or fraudulent certificate of compliance,
after a hearing thereon which hearing may be waived by the person, may be subject to the suspension
of all licenses issued for any kind or kinds of insurance or to a civil fine as further provided
in this section, and no further license shall be issued to the person for any kind or kinds
of insurance until the person has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the commissioner that
he or she has complied with all of the requirements of the chapter and all other laws applicable
thereto. In lieu of suspension of a license and in the sole discretion of the commissioner,
for those licensees who have submitted a false or fraudulent certificate of compliance, a
licensee may be subject to a civil fine in an amount not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000)
after a hearing. The hearing may be waived by the... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 32-5-252 Approval of lighting devices; prohibited lamps and devices; regulations; lists
of approved devices to be published. (a) No person shall have for sale, or offer for sale
for use upon or as a part of the equipment of a motor vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer, or
use upon any such vehicle any head lamp, auxiliary or fog lamp, rear lamp, signal lamp or
reflector, which reflector is required hereunder, or parts of any of the foregoing which tend
to change the original design or performance, unless of a type which has been submitted to
the director and approved by him or her. The foregoing provisions of this section shall not
apply to equipment in actual use when this section is adopted or replacement parts therefor.
(b) No person shall have for sale, sell, or offer for sale for use upon or as a part of the
equipment of a motor vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer any lamp or device mentioned in this
section which has been approved by the director unless such lamp or device bears... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-11-9 Practice by firms. (a)(1) A firm that practices or offers to practice engineering
or land surveying is required to obtain a certificate of authorization from the board in accordance
with rules adopted by the board. (2) An entity that performs engineering services or land
surveying services for itself, or for a parent or subsidiary, is not required to have a certificate
of authorization. (3) A firm may not be relieved of responsibility for the conduct or acts
of its agents, employees, officers, or partners by reason of its compliance with this section.
An individual practicing engineering or land surveying under this chapter is not relieved
of responsibility for engineering or land surveying services performed by reason of employment
or other relationship with a firm holding a certificate of authorization. (4) The Secretary
of State may not accept organizational papers nor issue a certificate of incorporation, organization,
licensure, or authorization to any firm that... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-12-115 Reports of seafood dealers. Each and every person, firm, or corporation holding
a seafood dealer's license issued by the Commissioner of Conservation and Natural Resources
or his or her authorized agent shall under oath make a monthly report to the Director of the
Marine Resources Division of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources on blanks
provided for that purpose by the director, which report shall show in detail the weight in
pounds of each species of fish purchased from commercial fishermen during the preceding month.
The reports required by this section shall be in the hands of the director by the tenth day
of each month for the immediately previous month, and willful failure or refusal to make the
report by the required date or upon notification by the director that the report has not been
received or the filing of a false report shall be deemed a violation of this section, and
the Commissioner of Conservation and Natural Resources shall have the... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 23-1-278 Enforcement of division generally. (a) Any sign erected or maintained in an
adjacent area after February 10, 1972, and any outdoor advertising sign, display, or device
erected with the purpose of its message being read from the main-traveled way of any interstate
highway or primary highway outside of an urban area and beyond 660 feet of the right-of-way
after April 11, 1978, in violation of the provisions of this division or the rules and regulations
promulgated under the provisions of this division may be removed by the director upon 30 days'
prior notice by certified or registered mail to the owner thereof and to the owner of the
land on which said sign is located or through court proceedings at the option of the director.
No notice shall be required to be given to the owner of the sign or to a property owner whose
name is not stated on the sign or on the structure on which it is displayed or whose address
is not stated thereon and is not on file with the director.... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 10A-2A-10.07 Restated certificate of incorporation. Notwithstanding Division B of Article
3 of Chapter 1: (a) A corporation's board of directors may restate its certificate of incorporation
at any time, without stockholder approval, to consolidate all amendments into a single document.
(b) If the restated certificate of incorporation includes one or more new amendments that
require stockholder approval, the amendments shall be adopted and approved as provided in
Section 10A-2A-10.03. (c) A corporation that restates its certificate of incorporation shall
deliver to the Secretary of State for filing a certificate of restatement setting forth: (1)
the name of the corporation; (2) the text of the restated certificate of incorporation; (3)
a statement that the restated certificate of incorporation consolidates all amendments into
a single document; and (4) if a new amendment is included in the restated certificate of incorporation,
the statements required under Section 10A-2A-10.06... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 10A-2A-8.58 Variation by corporate action; application of division. (a) A corporation
may, by a provision in its certificate of incorporation, bylaws, or in a resolution adopted
or a contract approved by the board of directors or stockholders, obligate itself in advance
of the act or omission giving rise to a proceeding to provide indemnification in accordance
with Section 10A-2A-8.51 or advance funds to pay for or reimburse expenses in accordance with
Section 10A-2A-8.53. Any obligatory provision shall be deemed to satisfy the requirements
for authorization referred to in Section 10A-2A-8.53(c) and in Section 10A-2A-8.55(c). Any
provision that obligates the corporation to provide indemnification to the fullest extent
permitted by law shall be deemed to obligate the corporation to advance funds to pay for or
reimburse expenses in accordance with Section 10A-2A-8.53 to the fullest extent permitted
by law, unless the provision expressly provides otherwise. (b) A right of... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

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