Code of Alabama

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Section 37-3-13 Contract carrier permits - Generally. (a) No person shall engage in the business
of a contract carrier by motor vehicle in intrastate commerce on any highway of this state
unless there is in force with respect to such carrier a permit issued by the commission, authorizing
such person to engage in such business. The application for such permit shall be decided in
accordance with the procedure provided for in subsection (b) of this section, and such permit
shall be issued or denied accordingly. (b) Application for such permits shall be made to the
commission in writing, be verified under oath and shall be in such form and contain such information
as the commission may, by regulation, require. Such application for permit shall be accompanied
by such proof of service of notice of said application and the filing thereof with the commission
as the commission shall by regulation require. Notice of such application by every contract
carrier of passengers shall be served upon... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 13A-8-22.1 Advertisement for purchase of a salvage or junk branded motor vehicle. (a)
A person, as defined in Section 32-8-2, who advertises in a newspaper, on a website, on a
public display or sign, or through an online service, for the purchase of a salvage or junk
branded motor vehicle shall clearly and conspicuously disclose on the advertisement his or
her true and correct company name, physical address, telephone number, and current license
number issued under, and registered in accordance with, Article 8 or Article 9, Chapter 12,
Title 40, or Chapter 8, Title 13A. (b)(1) A person who advertises in violation of subsection
(a) commits a Class A misdemeanor. (2) A person required by state law to be licensed as a
motor vehicle dealer, who is not licensed, and who advertises in violation of subsection (a),
commits a Class A misdemeanor. (3) One half of any fines assessed and collected for violations
of this subsection shall be deposited into the General Fund and one half of... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 32-5-152 Parking in violation of municipal ordinances; presumption as to person committing
violation. No person shall park, cause to be parked, or knowingly permit an automobile or
other motor vehicle which he or she owns to be parked, on any street in any municipality in
this state in violation of an ordinance of such municipality. The presence of an unattended
automobile or other motor vehicle parked on the streets of any municipality in violation of
an ordinance of such municipality shall raise a prima facie presumption that the registered
owner of the automobile or other motor vehicle committed or authorized the parking violation,
and the burden of proof shall be upon the registered owner to show otherwise. (Acts 1953,
No. 844, p. 1135.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 32-6-292 Procedure for issuance; fees; limitations. The distinctive license plates
provided for by this division shall be prepared by the Commissioner of Revenue and shall be
issued through the probate judge or license commissioner of the several counties of the state
in like manner as are other motor vehicle license plates or tags, and, except as herein provided,
such officers shall be entitled to their regular fees for such service. Applicants for such
distinctive plates shall present to the issuing official proof of their military retirement
by proof satisfactory to the commissioner. When the applicant presents proof satisfactory
to the commissioner, the retired military person or retired reservist or his or her spouse
shall be issued the requested number of distinctive license plates or tags upon the payment
of the regular license fee for tags, as provided by law, and the additional payment of a fee
of three dollars ($3) for each plate issued. The applicant shall pay the... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 32-6-49.23 Ineligibility for deferred prosecution program, diversion program, etc.,
upon charge of traffic law violation. A holder of a commercial driver's license, an operator
of a commercial motor vehicle, or a commercial driver learner permit holder who is charged
with a violation of a traffic law in this state shall not be eligible for a deferred prosecution
program, diversion program, or any deferred imposition of judgment program. (Act 2006-622,
p. 1704, §1.)... - 786 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 32-6-7.4 Disciplinary point system - Age of student eligibility. (a) Notwithstanding
any other provision of law, each student over the age of 12 years who is enrolled in a public
or private secondary school shall be subject to a disciplinary point system for an infraction
committed on school property to determine the age at which the student shall be allowed to
apply for a learner's permit, motor driven cycle operator's license, driver's license, or
any license required by the State of Alabama for the operation of a motor vehicle or vessel.
The disciplinary points imposed for a disciplinary action shall be as follows: (1) One day
in-school suspension - 1 point. (2) One day out-of-school suspension - 2 points. (3) Alternative
school placement - 6 points. (4) Expulsion - 20 points. (b)(1) The points shall accumulate
on a yearly basis, beginning with the school year including summer school in which the student
turns 13, and accumulate each year until the student is eligible to... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 32-7-37 Other violations; penalties. (a) Failure to report an accident as required
in Section 32-7-5 shall be punished by a fine not in excess of $25.00, and in the event of
injury or damage to the person or property of another in such accident, the director shall
suspend the license of the person failing to make such report or the nonresident's operating
privilege of such person until such report has been filed and for such further period not
to exceed 30 days as the director may fix. (b) Any person who gives information required in
a report or otherwise as provided for in Section 32-7-5, knowing or having reason to believe
that such information is false, or who shall forge or, without authority, sign any evidence
of proof of financial responsibility, or who files or offers for filing any such evidence
of proof knowing or having reason to believe that it is forged or signed without authority,
shall be fined not more than $1,000.00 or imprisoned for not more than one year, or... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-23-34 Revocation or suspension of licenses to practice pharmacy and pharmacy permits
- Statement of charges and notice of hearing. No action to revoke or suspend the license of
any pharmacist or the permit to operate any pharmacy in this state shall be taken until the
licensee or holder of such permit has been furnished a statement in writing of the charges
against him or her together with a notice of the time and place of hearing. The statement
of charges and notice shall be served upon such a person at least 30 days before the date
fixed for the hearing, either personally or by registered or certified mail sent to his or
her last known post-office address. The burden of proof shall be on the board. (Acts 1966,
Ex. Sess., No. 205, p. 231, §21.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-12-250 Tags for motor vehicles used by state, etc. (a) Motor vehicles owned and
used by the state, a county, or a municipality of this state shall not be subject to the payment
of license taxes levied, but shall display permanent license plates. Any agency which obtains
or possesses a vehicle through a lease-purchase or an installment-sales agreement with an
option to buy shall be considered as owning the vehicle for purposes of this section. The
purchasing agent or other officer of the state, county, or municipality, shall apply to the
Department of Revenue giving the make, type, model, and vehicle identification number of the
vehicle or vehicles owned and used by the state, county, or municipality, together with any
other information the department may require, which shall be furnished under oath by the applying
officer. If upon examination the application appears correct to the department, it shall issue,
to be placed on the motor vehicles, the number of license plates,... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-12-265 Mutilation or alteration of tags; replacement tags; use of improper tags.
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to mutilate or alter, for the purpose of deception,
any motor vehicle tag, plate, or validation stamp or to use upon any motor vehicle any tags,
plates, or validation stamps in imitation of or substitution for authorized issued tags, plates,
or validation stamps. It shall be the duty of all sheriffs, police officers, state troopers,
license inspectors, deputy license inspectors, and field agents of the Department of Revenue
to arrest any person violating the provisions of this section, and upon conviction of any
such person a fine of not less than $25 nor exceeding $100 shall be imposed for each offense.
The license inspector shall receive a fee of $1.50 for making such arrest, which arrest fee
shall be collected as a part of the costs in any such action before a court of competent jurisdiction.
(b) In case the tag, plate, or validation stamp becomes so... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

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