Code of Alabama

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Section 45-40-232 Sale of abandoned, stolen, and unclaimed property. (a) The Sheriff of Lawrence
County, at public auction, shall sell any abandoned and stolen personal property recovered
by the sheriff's department which has remained unclaimed by the rightful owner for a period
of six consecutive months. (b) The Sheriff of Lawrence County shall keep and maintain a permanent
record of all abandoned and stolen personal property recovered by the sheriff's department
which states the description of the property, the date of recovery, the serial or other identifying
number, and the place of recovery of the property. The records shall be open to public inspection
at reasonable times. All abandoned or stolen property recovered by the sheriff's department
shall be stored in a suitable place to protect the property from deterioration. After reasonable
attempts have been made to locate and identify the owner, perishable property may be sold
at once without notice. The proceeds shall be held for... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-7-241 Levy of tax; disposition of funds; construction with state sales tax statutes.
(a) The following words, terms, and phrases as used in this section shall have the following
respective meanings except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: (1) "Commissioner"
means the Commissioner of Revenue of the State. (2) "County" means Butler County
in the State of Alabama. (3) "Fiscal Year" means the period commencing on October
1 of each calendar year and ending on September 30 of the next succeeding calendar year. (4)
"Month" means a calendar month. (5) "Quarterly Period" means the period
of three months ending on the last of each March, June, September, and December. (6) "Registered
Seller" means the person registered with the State Department of Revenue pursuant to
the state use tax statutes or licenses under the state sales tax statutes. (7) "State"
means the State of Alabama. (8) "State Department of Revenue" means the Department
of Revenue of the State. (9)... - 20K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-101A-15 Use of proceeds. (a) The principal proceeds derived from any borrowing made
by an authority shall be used solely for the purpose or purposes for which the borrowing was
authorized to be made. If any securities are issued for the purpose of financing costs of
acquiring, constructing, improving, enlarging, and equipping a project, those costs shall
be deemed to include the following: (1) The cost of any land forming a part of the project.
(2) The cost of the labor, materials, and supplies used in any construction, improvement,
or enlargement, including architectural and engineering fees and the cost of preparing contract
documents advertising for bids. (3) The purchase price of, and the cost of installing, equipment
for the project. (4) The cost of landscaping the lands forming a part of the project and of
constructing and installing roads, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, utilities, and parking facilities
in connection therewith. (5) Legal, accounting, publishing, printing,... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 28-7-16 Tax on sale of table wine; disposition of proceeds. (a) Levy. There is hereby
levied in addition to the license taxes provided for by this chapter and municipal and county
license taxes and in addition to any marked-up price made by the board on wine sold by the
board a privilege or excise tax measured by and graduated in accordance with the volume of
sales of table wine containing not more than sixteen and one-half percent alcohol by volume
and shall be an amount equal to forty-five cents ($.45) per liter of table wine containing
not more than sixteen and one-half percent alcohol by volume sold to the wholesale licensee
or board, to be collected from the purchaser by the board or by a licensed retailer. (b) Collection,
Monthly Return, Remittance, Right to Examine Books and Records. (1) The tax levied by subsection
(a) shall be added to the sales price of all table wine containing not more than sixteen and
one-half percent alcohol by volume sold and shall be collected... - 10K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 36-25-27 Penalties; enforcement; jurisdiction, venue, judicial review; limitations
period. (a)(1) Except as otherwise provided, any person subject to this chapter who intentionally
violates any provision of this chapter other than those for which a separate penalty is provided
for in this section shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a Class B felony. (2) Any person
subject to this chapter who violates any provision of this chapter other than those for which
a separate penalty is provided for in this section shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a
Class A misdemeanor. (3) Any person subject to this chapter who knowingly violates any disclosure
requirement of this chapter shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a Class A misdemeanor. (4)
Any person who knowingly makes or transmits a false report or complaint pursuant to this chapter
shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a Class A misdemeanor and shall be liable for the actual
legal expenses incurred by the respondent against whom the... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-37-140.11 Service charge; fire dues. (a) The expense of establishing and maintaining
a district shall be paid for from the proceeds of any service charge or fire dues which shall
be levied and collected in an amount sufficient to pay the expense. The service charge or
any fire dues shall be levied upon and collected from the property owners served by the system.
The service charge or fire dues shall be the personal obligation of the owner of the property
served by the system; and to secure the collection of any service charge or fire dues there
shall be a lien against the property in favor of the district. The lien may be enforced in
either of the following ways: (1) The lien shall be enforceable by sale thereof in the same
manner in which the foreclosure of a municipal assessment for public improvements is authorized.
(2) The tax assessor, tax collector, or other public official performing the functions of
the Tax Assessor and Tax Collector of Jefferson County, upon request... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-45-232 Sale of abandoned, stolen, and unclaimed property. (a) The Sheriff of Madison
County, Alabama, is hereby authorized to sell at public auction, in the manner provided in
this section, abandoned and stolen personal property recovered by the Sheriff's Department
of Madison County which has remained unclaimed by the rightful owner thereof for a period
of six consecutive months. (b) The Sheriff of Madison County shall keep and maintain a permanent
record of all abandoned and stolen personal property recovered by the Sheriff's Department
of Madison County which shall state the description of the property, the date of recovery
of the property, the serial or other identifying number of the property, and the place of
recovery of the property. Such records shall be open to public inspection at all reasonable
times. All abandoned or stolen property recovered by the Sheriff's Department of Madison County
shall be stored in a suitable place to protect the same from deterioration;... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-97-2 Definitions. The following words and phrases used in this chapter, and others
evidently intended as the equivalent thereof, shall, in the absence of a clear implication
herein otherwise, be given the following respective interpretations herein: (1) APPLICANT.
A natural person who files a written application with the governing body of any county or
municipality in accordance with the provisions of Section 11-97-3 hereof. (2) AUTHORIZING
RESOLUTION. A resolution of ordinance adopted by the governing body of any county or municipality
in accordance with the provisions of Section 11-97-3 hereof, that authorizes the incorporation
of a corporation. (3) BOARD. The board of directors of a corporation. (4) BONDS. Bonds, notes,
or other obligations representing an obligation to pay money. (5) CORPORATION. Any public
corporation organized pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. (6) COSTS. As applied to
a facility or any portion thereof, shall include all or any part of the... - 10K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 28-3A-25 Unlawful acts and offenses; penalties. (a) It shall be unlawful: (1) For any
manufacturer, importer, or wholesaler, or the servants, agents, or employees of the same,
to sell, trade, or barter in alcoholic beverages between the hours of nine o'clock p.m. of
any Saturday and two o'clock a.m. of the following Monday. (2) For any wholesaler or the servants,
agents, or employees of the wholesaler to sell alcoholic beverages, to other than wholesale
or retail licensees or others within this state lawfully authorized to sell alcoholic beverages,
or to sell for export. (3) For any person, licensee, or the board, either directly or by the
servants, agents, or employees of the same, or for any servant, agent, or employee of the
same, to sell, deliver, furnish, or give away alcoholic beverages to any person under the
legal drinking age, as defined in Section 28-1-5, or to permit any person under the legal
drinking age, as defined in Section 28-1-5, to drink, consume, or possess... - 10K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-25-9 Procedure when goods are confiscated. In all cases of seizure of any goods,
wares, merchandise, or other property hereafter made as being subject to forfeiture under
provisions of this article: (1) The officer or person making the seizure shall cause a list
containing a particular description of the goods, wares, merchandise or other property seized
to be prepared in duplicate. The list shall be properly attested by the officer. (2) The Department
of Revenue shall then proceed to post a notice for three weeks on its web site describing
the articles and stating the time and place and cause of their seizure and requiring any person
claiming them to appear and make such claim in writing within 30 days from the date of the
first posting of such notice. (3) Any person claiming the goods, wares or merchandise or other
property so seized as contraband within the time specified in the notice may file with the
Department of Revenue a claim in writing, stating the person's... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

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