Code of Alabama

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Section 41-14A-2 Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following words and terms shall
have the following meanings: (1) AVERAGE MONTHLY BALANCE OF PUBLIC DEPOSITS. The sum of the
average daily balances of public deposits, meaning the net average daily balances of public
deposits determined without any deduction for deposit insurance, for the reported month and
the 11 months preceding that month, divided by 12. (2) BOARD OF DIRECTORS or BOARD. The Board
of Directors of the SAFE Program established under Section 41-14A-6. The board of directors
The percentage or percentages of collateral, in relation to one or more levels of public deposits
held, required to be pledged by a qualified public depository as determined in accordance
with the provisions of this chapter or rules or orders of the board adopted pursuant to this
chapter. (4) COVERED PUBLIC ENTITY. The state and its political... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-94-6 Certificate of incorporation - Amendment procedure; recordation of amendment
as conclusive evidence. The certificate of incorporation may at any time and from time to
time be amended so as to make any changes therein and add any provisions thereto which might
have been included in the certificate of incorporation in the first instance. Such an amendment
shall be effected in the following manner: The board of the authority shall file with the
governing body of each authorizing subdivision a resolution seeking permission to amend the
certificate of incorporation, specifying in such resolution the amendment proposed to be made.
The governing body of each authorizing subdivision shall consider such resolution and, if
each of them shall by appropriate resolution duly find and determine that it is wise, expedient,
necessary, or advisable that the proposed amendment be made and shall authorize the same to
be made and shall approve the form of the proposed amendment, then the... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

b. The feeding, breeding, management, raising, marketing, sale, or production of livestock
of all types, poultry, insects, fish, and other aquatic animals for meat, leather, eggs, fur,
milk, bone, liquids, and other products and produce thereof. c. Recreational or educational
activities directly involving or relating to the production of farm products of the types
described in paragraphs a. and b., fishing or the taking, capture, or capture and release
of wildlife, including wildlife animal feeding, husbandry, and conservation activities,
as well as fish and game management, culling, hunting, and related wildlife environmental
preservation activities. (2) AGRICULTURAL BORROWER. Any individual, partnership, cooperative,
corporation, or other entity engaged in agriculture or agricultural activities, or both, and
which meets all of the following criteria: a. Derives at least 60 percent of gross income
from agriculture or agricultural activities. b. Is an Alabama resident. c. Is... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-37A-51.120 Definitions. (a) The following words, terms, and phrases, wherever used
in this subpart, including this section, shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to
them in this section, unless the context plainly indicates otherwise or that a more restricted
or extended meaning is intended: (1) ANNIVERSARY DATE. The date of establishment and the month
and day thereof annually thereafter. (2) APPOINTED EMPLOYEE. A person who holds his or her
office or position by reason of being appointed by the mayor or city council or other appointing
authority of the city; who is not a classified service employee; and who serves solely at
the pleasure of the respective appointing authority. (3) BASIC MONTHLY EARNINGS and MONTHLY
SALARY. Basic monthly compensation, exclusive of overtime or other forms of extra compensation
but including longevity pay, which shall be regarded as having been received in equal monthly
installments during each of the months prior to the accrual date... - 13K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-37A-56 Zoning board of adjustment. (a) The governing body of any city which may
now or hereafter have a population of 300,000 inhabitants or more, according to the last or
any subsequent federal census and which may now or hereafter have in force and effect a comprehensive
zoning ordinance shall provide for the appointment of a zoning board of adjustment and in
the zoning regulations and restrictions adopted by the city pursuant to the authority of the
laws of this state, provide that the zoning board of adjustment, in appropriate cases and
subject to appropriate conditions and safeguards, shall make special exceptions to the terms
of the zoning ordinance of the city in harmony with its general purpose and intent, and in
accordance with general or specific rules therein contained. The zoning board of adjustment
shall consist of seven members, each to be appointed by the governing body of the city, and
each shall hold office for a term of seven years or until the time as his... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-10-85 Execution of certificate of incorporation; filing of certificate of incorporation,
resolution of governing body, etc., with probate judge and recordation thereof by probate
judge. (a) The certificate of incorporation shall be signed and acknowledged by the incorporators
before an officer authorized by the laws of the state to take acknowledgments of deeds and
shall have attached thereto a certified copy of the resolution provided for in Section 41-10-84
and a certificate by the Secretary of State of the state that the name proposed by the corporation
is not identical with that of any other corporation in the state or so nearly similar thereto
as to lead to confusion or uncertainty. (b) The certificate of incorporation, together with
the documents required by Section 41-10-84 to be attached thereto, shall be filed in the office
of the judge of probate of the county, who shall forthwith receive and record the same. (c)
When such certificate of incorporation and attached... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-23-30 Contracts with eligible businesses to provide for tax exemptions; preference
to Alabama manufacturers; endorsement resolution; certification as to employees; wage subsidies.
(a) The department, after consultation with the council, and with the approval of the Governor,
may enter into contracts with eligible businesses to provide: (1) For the exemption from sales
and use tax imposed by the State of Alabama or from sales and use tax imposed by its political
subdivisions, upon approval of the governing authority thereof, of the purchases of the material
used in the construction of a building, or any addition or improvement thereon, for housing
any legitimate zone business enterprise, and machinery and equipment used in that enterprise.
(2) For certain exemptions from income taxes levied by the State of Alabama levied on eligible
corporations and individuals for a period of five years. (3) For certain exemptions of business
privilege taxes levied by the State of Alabama... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-104-3 Establishment of trust or participation in multiple-employer trust; management
and control; taxation; validity; termination. (a) A governmental entity may adopt an ordinance,
bylaw, or resolution allowing for the establishment of a trust, or for the establishment of
participation in a multiple-employer trust with other governmental entities, for the sole
purpose of funding post-employment benefit obligations. The governmental entity may adopt
such ordinance, bylaw, or resolution through voting procedures and requirements currently
utilized by the governmental entity which are in accordance with state law. (b) Any trusts
created pursuant to this chapter shall be evidenced by a written trust instrument, the terms
and conditions of which shall be determined by and between the governmental entity or entities
and the applicable trustee, so long as such terms and conditions do not conflict with this
chapter. Each trust shall be managed and controlled by its respective... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-54B-8 Costs of supplemental services; assessment of classes; exemptions. (a) A self-help
business improvement district ordinance shall provide that all costs of the supplemental services
provided in a business improvement district will be financed through the levy of a special
assessment on the owners of the real property located within the geographical area of the
district and shall designate the method set forth in the plan as the method which will be
used to determine the amount of such special assessment in a manner which fairly and equitably
distributes the burden of financing the supplemental services among the real property owners
in the district. Such ordinance shall list and describe, by metes and bounds, by lot and block
numbers, or by street addresses, all real properties against which the special assessment
will be made to fund such supplemental services. (b) The board of directors of the district
management corporation, in its sole discretion, may assess classes... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 25-7-41 Definitions; limitations on compensation and employment benefits not required
by state or federal laws. (a) For purposes of this article, the following words have the following
meanings: (1) DISCRIMINATION. An action by an employer or a distinction by an employer that
adversely affects an employee or job applicant based on a group, class, or category to which
that person belongs. (2) EMPLOYEE. An individual employed in this state by an employer or
a natural person who performs services for an employer for valuable consideration and does
not include a self-employed independent contractor. (3) EMPLOYER. A person engaging in any
activity, enterprise, or business in this state employing one or more employees, or a person,
association, or legal or commercial entity receiving services from an employee or independent
contractor and, in return, giving compensation of any kind to such employee or independent
contractor. (4) FEDERAL LABOR LAWS. The National Labor Relations Act,... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

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