Code of Alabama

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Section 40-2B-2 Alabama Tax Tribunal. (a) Statement of Purpose. To increase public confidence
in the fairness of the state tax system, the state shall provide an independent agency with
tax expertise to resolve disputes between the Department of Revenue and taxpayers, prior to
requiring the payment of the amounts in issue or the posting of a bond, but after the taxpayer
has had a full opportunity to attempt settlement with the Department of Revenue based, among
other things, on the hazards of litigation. By establishing an independent Alabama Tax Tribunal
within the executive branch of government, this chapter provides taxpayers with a means of
resolving controversies that insures both the appearance and the reality of due process and
fundamental fairness. The tax tribunal shall provide hearings in all tax matters, except those
specified by statute, and render decisions and orders relating thereto. A tax tribunal hearing
shall be commenced by the filing of a notice of appeal protesting... - 39K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-17-242.05 Payment of tax; records; inspections; seizure and sale of contraband;
appraisal; return of confiscated property; re-use of stamps or refill of packages. (a) After
the tax herein authorized has been levied in accordance with the provisions of this part,
no person, firm, or corporation shall sell, store, or distribute tobacco or tobacco products,
which are subject to such tax, without complying with the provisions of this part and the
rules and regulations promulgated and adopted by the county governing body pursuant thereto,
and paying any and all tax which such person, firm, or corporation may be liable under this
part. Every person, firm, or corporation selling, storing, or distributing in Colbert County
any tobacco or tobacco products shall keep such books, documents, papers, and other such records
as will enable the county governing body, or an authorized employee thereof, to determine
the amount of the tax due the county under this part, and such records shall... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 10A-2A-1.51 Filings. (a) If the defective corporate action ratified under this Division
D of Article 1 would have required under any other section of this chapter a filing in accordance
with this chapter, then, regardless of whether a filing was previously made in respect of
such defective corporate action and in lieu of a filing otherwise required by this chapter,
the corporation shall file a certificate of validation in accordance with this section, and
that certificate of validation shall serve to amend or substitute for any other filing with
respect to such defective corporate action required by this chapter. (b) The certificate of
validation must set forth: (1) the defective corporate action that is the subject of the certificate
of validation (including, in the case of any defective corporate action involving the issuance
of putative stock, the number and type of shares of putative stock issued and the date or
dates upon which that putative stock was purported to have... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 10A-2A-11.06 Statement or merger or stock exchange. (a) After a plan of merger has
been adopted and approved as required by this article, then a statement of merger shall be
signed by each party to the merger except as provided in Section 10A-2A-11.05(a). The statement
of merger must set forth: (1) the name, type of organization, and mailing address of the principal
office of each constituent organization, the jurisdiction of the governing statute of each
constituent organization, and the respective unique identifying number or other designation
as assigned by the Secretary of State, if any, of each constituent organization; (2) the name,
type of organization, and mailing address of the principal office of the surviving organization,
the unique identifying number or other designation as assigned by the Secretary of State,
if any, of the surviving organization, the jurisdiction of the governing statute of the surviving
organization, and, if the surviving organization is created... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 10A-5A-10.03 Filings required for conversion; effective date. (a) After a plan of conversion
is approved: (1) if the converting organization is an organization formed under, or its internal
affairs are governed by, the laws of this state, the converting organization shall file a
statement of conversion in accordance with subsection (c), which statement of conversion must
be signed in accordance with Section 10A-5A-2.04(a) and which must include: (A) the name,
type of organization, and mailing address of the principal office of the converting organization,
and its unique identifying number or other designation as assigned by the Secretary of State,
if any, before conversion; (B) the date of the filing of the certificate of formation of the
converting organization, if any, and all prior amendments and the filing office or offices,
if any, where such is filed; (C) a statement that the converting organization has been converted
into the converted organization; (D) the name and type... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 10A-8A-9.04 Filings required for conversion; effective date. (a) After a plan of conversion
is approved: (1) if the converting organization is an organization formed under, or its internal
affairs are governed by, the laws of this state, the converting organization shall file a
statement of conversion in accordance with subsection (c), which statement of conversion must
be signed in accordance with Section 10A-8A-2.03 and which must include: (A) the name, type
of organization, and mailing address of the principal office of the converting organization,
and its unique identifying number or other designation as assigned by the Secretary of State,
if any, before conversion; (B) the date of the filing of the certificate of formation of the
converting organization, if any, and all prior amendments and the filing office or offices,
if any, where such is filed; (C) a statement that the converting organization has been converted
into the converted organization; (D) the name and type of... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 10A-8A-9.08 Filings required for merger; effective date. (a) After each constituent
organization has approved the plan of merger, a statement of merger must be signed on behalf
of: (1) each constituent partnership, as provided in Section 10A-8A-2.03(a); and (2) each
other constituent organization, as provided by its governing statute. (b) A statement of merger
under this section must include: (1) the name, type of organization, and mailing address of
the principal office of each constituent organization, the jurisdiction of the governing statute
of each constituent organization, and the respective unique identifying numbers or other designations
as assigned by the Secretary of State, if any, of each constituent organization; (2) the name,
type of organization, and mailing address of the principal office of the surviving organization,
the unique identifying number or other designation as assigned by the Secretary of State,
if any, of the surviving organization, the jurisdiction... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 10A-5A-10.07 Filings required for merger; effective date. (a) After each constituent
organization has approved the plan of merger, a statement of merger must be signed on behalf
of: (1) each constituent limited liability company, as provided in Section 10A-5A-2.04(a);
and (2) each other constituent organization, as provided by its governing statute. (b) A statement
of merger under this section must include: (1) the name, type of organization, and mailing
address of the principal office of each constituent organization, the jurisdiction of the
governing statute of each constituent organization, and the respective unique identifying
number or other designation as assigned by the Secretary of State, if any, of each constituent
organization; (2) the name, type of organization, and mailing address of the principal office
of the surviving organization, the unique identifying number or other designation as assigned
by the Secretary of State, if any, of the surviving organization, the... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-26B-75 Quarterly notice and collection. (a)(1) The annual assessment imposed under
this article shall be due and payable on a quarterly basis during the first 15 business days
of each quarter. (2) Notwithstanding subdivision (1), the installment payment of an assessment
imposed by this article shall not be due and payable until: a. The department issues the written
notice required by this article stating that the payment methodologies to privately operated
hospitals required under this article have been approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
Services and the waiver under 42 C.F.R. §433.68 for the assessment imposed by this article,
if necessary, has been granted by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, or if approval
for the State Plan Amendment and the waiver under 42 CFR §433.68 for the assessment imposed
by this article, if necessary, is delayed for any reason, the payment shall be recalulated
by Medicaid upon actual approval; and b. The 30-day... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 31-2A-58a (Article 58a.) Sentences: Reduction in enlisted grade upon approval. (a)
A court-martial sentence of an enlisted member in a pay grade above E-1, as approved by the
convening authority, that includes either a bad-conduct discharge or confinement reduces that
member to pay grade E-1, effective on the date of that approval. (b) If the sentence of a
member who is reduced in pay grade under subsection (a) is set aside or disapproved, or, as
finally approved, does not include any punishment named in subsection (a), the rights and
privileges of which the person was deprived because of that reduction shall be restored, including
pay and allowances. (Act 2012-334, p. 790, §1.)... - 1014 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

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