Code of Alabama

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Section 15-13-190 Procedures upon arrest; conditions of release or bail. (a) A person arrested
for domestic violence in the first degree, pursuant to Section 13A-6-130, domestic violence
in the second degree, pursuant to Section 13A-6-131, domestic violence in the third degree,
pursuant to Section 13A-6-132, interference with a domestic violence emergency call, in violation
of Section 13A-6-137, or domestic violence by strangulation or suffocation, pursuant to Section
13A-6-138, or a violation of a domestic violence protection order, may not be admitted to
bail until after an appearance before a judge or magistrate within 24 hours of the arrest,
and if the person is not taken before a judge or magistrate within 24 hours of the arrest,
he or she shall be afforded an opportunity to make bail in accordance with the Alabama Rules
of Criminal Procedure. (b) The judge or magistrate may impose conditions of release or bail
on the person to protect the alleged victim of domestic violence or... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-85-2 Composition; qualifications, appointment, terms of office, compensation, and
removal of members; vacancies. The regional planning commission shall consist of nine persons.
Members shall be appointed for six years; except, that the respective terms of seven of the
members first appointed shall be one year, two years, two years, three years, four years,
four years and five years; provided, that, if at the time of his appointment the appointee
is a public officer or in the public service of the state or any of its political subdivisions
and his incumbency as such public officer or servant expires previous to the term for which
he is appointed on the regional planning commission, then his term on the commission shall
terminate with the expiration of his incumbency as such public officer or servant, unless
it is extended by the Governor, in which case such extension shall be for the remainder of
the term for which he was originally appointed. The members shall serve without... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 15-22-53 Powers and duties of probation officers; restrictions on inspection of records,
reports, etc., of probation officers. (a) A probation officer shall investigate all cases
referred to him or her for investigation by any court or by the Board of Pardons and Paroles
and shall report in writing thereon. He or she shall furnish to persons released on probation
under his or her supervision a written statement of the conditions of probation and shall
instruct them regarding the same. Such officer shall keep informed concerning the conduct
and condition of each person on probation under his or her supervision by visiting, requiring
reports, and in other ways, based on the offender's measured risk of offending, and he or
she shall report thereon in writing as often as the court or the board may require. The officer
shall use all practicable and suitable evidence-based practices as defined in Section 12-25-32,
not inconsistent with the provisions imposed by the court, to aid and... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 31-5-7 State Service Commissioner - Duties generally; compensation. (a) The State Service
Commissioner shall submit to the State Board of Veterans' Affairs for its approval an annual
budget of all funds appropriated by the Legislature to the department for the specific purposes
for which they are appropriated, and also a budget of any federal funds which may be allotted
to the state by the federal government for the purposes of the department according to the
regulations of the federal authorities. He shall publish annually a full report of the operations
and administration of the department, together with recommendations and suggestions, and submit
such report to the state board. (b) It shall be the duty of the state commissioner to: (1)
Prepare detailed plans for, and fully develop, a comprehensive statewide veterans' assistance
program. (2) Cooperate with all other heads of the state departments in coordinating the plans
and programs of state agencies which may properly be... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-14-13 Probation. (a) Municipal courts may suspend execution of sentence and place
a defendant on probation for varying periods of time, not to exceed two years. (b) The court
may require such investigations as may be deemed necessary and desirable to be made by a probation
officer or such other suitable person or persons as the court may designate as to the circumstances
of the offense and the criminal record, social history and present condition of the defendant.
(c) The court may suspend the execution of sentence and continue the defendant under an existing
bond or may require such additional bail as it deems necessary pending the disposition of
the application for probation. (d) The court shall determine and may, at any time, modify
the conditions of probation and may require the probationer to comply with the following or
any other conditions: (1) To avoid injurious or vicious habits; (2) To avoid persons or places
of disreputable or harmful character; (3) To report to... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-49-120.04 Supervisory committee. (a) There is hereby established the Supervisory
Committee of the Mobile County Personnel Board. The supervisory committee hereby created shall
succeed to and exercise all the rights, powers, and authority, and shall perform all the duties
and functions now vested in and required of the Citizen's Supervisory Committee created by
Act 470, 1939 Regular Session (Acts 1939, p. 298) and the Supervisory Committee of the Mobile
County Personnel Board created by Act 167, 1955 Regular Session (Acts 1955, p. 431). (b) The
Supervisory Committee of the Mobile County Personnel Board shall be composed of the following:
(1) The persons holding each of the following elective offices in Mobile County, Alabama,
namely, the presiding judge of the circuit court, the judge of probate, the revenue commissioner,
the presiding judge of the District Court of Mobile County, the county license commissioner,
the Chair of the Mobile County Commission, the Sheriff of... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-44B-7 Powers and duties of mayor. The mayor shall preside at all meetings of said
council and sit with said council. Provided, however, the mayor shall not, for any purpose,
be a member of the council, shall vote only in the case of a tie, and shall have the right
of veto as provided herein. (1) The mayor shall be the chief executive officer, and shall
have general supervision and control of all other officers and the affairs of the city except
as otherwise provided by this article and general statutes of the state. (2) The mayor shall
devote full time to the duties of his office. The mayor shall maintain an office at the city
hall and be present thereat during reasonable hours when not otherwise absent therefrom on
other duties of the city. (3) The mayor shall, each quarter, prepare a detailed statement
of all receipts and expenses of the city, and annually, at the end of each fiscal year, the
mayor shall cause the books and accounts of the city to be audited by a... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-15-506 County teams established; appointments; meetings; duties. (a) A county team
is created in each county of the state The county team shall consist of a representative appointed
by the head of the following departments, agencies, or organizations: The local education
agency or agencies, the county department of human resources, the Department of Mental Health,
the Department of Youth Services, and a juvenile probation officer appointed by the presiding
juvenile court judge. (b) Appointments to the county team shall be for a term of three years
beginning October 1, 1993, and each three years thereafter and until their successors are
appointed, except that the initial appointments of the representatives of the county department
of human resources and the Department of Mental Health shall be for three years; the initial
appointments of the representatives of the local education agency or agencies and the Department
of Youth Services shall be for two years; and the initial... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-12-10 License inspectors generally; when taxes due and payable; collection and distribution
of penalties and citation fees on delinquent licenses. (a) The county commission of each county
is hereby authorized and empowered to appoint a license inspector. (b) It shall be the duty
of the license inspector to scrutinize the records and stubs kept in the office of the probate
judge and also to examine the license records of each city or town located in the county or
counties of which he has been appointed license inspector; and, if it shall be reported to
any license inspector or come to his knowledge that any person, persons, firms, or corporations
have failed or refused to take out a license for a business or occupation for which a license
is required by the state or have failed or refused to take out a license for operating any
motor vehicle or trailer for which a license is required by law, the license inspector shall
thereupon cite such delinquent to appear before the... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-65-5 Composition of commission; terms; qualifications; removal from office. (a)
Every commission shall have five members, which shall constitute its governing body. All powers
of a commission shall be exercised by its members or pursuant to their authorization. The
mayor or other chief executive officer of the sponsoring municipality and the president or
other designated presiding officer of the county commission of the host county shall each
serve as a member ex officio, unless such official exercises his or her right, as provided
in subsection (b), to appoint a fixed-term member to serve in lieu of such official. The service
of each such official as a member shall begin with the beginning of his or her tenure in such
office and shall end with the ending of such tenure or the appointment by such official of
a fixed-term member to serve in lieu of his or her ex officio service. The other three members
shall be appointed in the manner hereinafter prescribed as soon as may be... - 17K - Match Info - Similar pages

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