Code of Alabama

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Section 9-2-18 Requirement of bonds for certain officers and employees. Before entering upon
the duties of their respective offices, each officer and employee of the Department of Conservation
and Natural Resources authorized or permitted to handle any money shall execute to the State
of Alabama a bond, to be approved by the Governor, in an amount to be fixed by the Commissioner
of Conservation and Natural Resources, for the faithful performance of their duties. (Acts
1943, No. 122, p. 123, § 1; Acts 1961, Ex. Sess., No. 208, p. 2190.)... - 846 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 14-1-4 Officers and employees generally. (a) The department may appoint officers and
employees as it may require for the performance of its duties and shall fix and determine
their qualifications, duties, and authority. The employees of the department, except the Commissioner
of Corrections and the deputy commissioners of corrections, not to exceed three, shall be
subject to the law with respect to the method, selection, classification, and compensation
of state employees on a basis of merit. (b) The Department of Corrections shall not rescind
any employee position with the classification of "correctional officer" and replace
them with an employee of a lower classification or pay. (c) The rules and regulations of the
State Personnel Department shall not be applicable to the appointment, tenure, or compensation
of physicians, surgeons, psychiatrists, psychologists, dentists, or allied professional supportive
personnel employed by the department. (d) The deputy commissioners and... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 21-9-14 Office to provide information regarding Americans with Disabilities Act; toll-free
telephone number; performance of duties; immunity. (a) There shall be established at the Department
of Rehabilitation Services a toll-free telephone number in an office staffed by an assistant
or deputy attorney general to provide information on the rights and responsibilities under
the Americans with Disabilities Act. The Attorney General shall appoint either an assistant
attorney general or deputy attorney general to staff the office, who shall have experience
and knowledge in disability law and related issues. The duties of the office shall include,
but not be limited to the following: Public information; referral; public education; training;
data collection; and analysis. All records of the office shall be confidential. (b) All public
relations material of the office shall identify the office as an office of an assistant or
deputy attorney general. The office may develop forms,... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 31-1-3 Revolving fund for payment of operating and maintaining quarters; funding; annual
budget; using profits to upgrade facilities; deposit of funds. (a) There is hereby created
in the State Military Department a revolving fund for the payment of operating and maintaining
quarters at Alabama National Guard training sites for senior officers and enlisted personnel.
(b) There is hereby appropriated and allocated to the State Military Department for the revolving
fund a one-time sum of $25,000.00 from the State General Fund for payment of salaries, janitorial
supplies, equipment, furnishings, and other essential expenses to operate, maintain, and enhance
billeting facilities for troops utilizing the training site facilities. (c) The $25,000.00
herein appropriated and allocated shall be designated as the Military Department Billeting
Revolving Fund and shall be used only for the purpose of providing services, supplies, equipment
and furnishings necessary to operate, maintain, and... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 31-2-99 Courts-martial for members of National Guard - Employment of court reporter.
The employment of a reporter may be authorized by the convening authorities for any general
or special court-martial. When a reporter is employed, he shall be paid upon the certificate
of the judge advocate and upon the approval of the Governor from the regular military appropriations
such fees as are provided by law for an official reporter. (Acts 1936, Ex. Sess., No. 143,
p. 105; Code 1940, T. 35, §135; Acts 1973, No. 1038, p. 1572, §100.)... - 849 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-4-35 Promulgation and effect of rules and regulations; enforcement and amendment
of rules and regulations. The Director of Finance shall, with the approval of the Governor,
establish and promulgate rules and regulations with respect to the manner of performance of
all functions and duties of the Department of Finance, the execution of the business of the
department and its relations to and business with the other departments, boards, bureaus,
commissions, agencies, offices and institutions of the state, the officers and employees thereof,
the counties, municipal corporations, political subdivisions and local public bodies in the
state, the officers and employees thereof, and the public, which rules and regulations shall
be reasonably calculated to effect the expeditious and efficient performance of such functions
and duties and shall not be in conflict with applicable statutes. When approved by the Governor,
such rules and regulations shall have the effect of law and shall... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-5A-9 Assistants, deputies, and employees; division or unit heads. (a)(1) The employees
of the department shall be members of the classified service of the Merit System unless otherwise
specified by law. (2) An employee's failure to maintain technical or professional qualifications
shall be good cause for severance. (b) The chief examiner shall appoint assistants, deputies,
and employees as may be necessary for the sufficient operation of the department. Assistant
and deputy examiners shall be required to give bond for the faithful performance of their
duties in the penal sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000). (c) The chief examiner may appoint
three unclassified division or unit heads. The salaries of the division or unit heads shall
be fixed by the chief examiner, upon approval of the Legislative Council as provided in Section
29-6-7, and shall not be subject to Section 36-6-6. (Act 2018-129, §1.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-7-3 Advisory Board. (a) There is established the Advisory Board to the Alabama Tourism
Department to advise and assist the director. The board shall be composed of 21 members who
shall be appointed as follows: (1) Two members who shall be appointed by the Governor from
a list of three persons for each board position which shall be submitted to the Governor by
the Alabama Travel Council, or its successor organization. (2) Two members who shall be appointed
by the Governor from a list of three persons for each board position which shall be submitted
to the Governor by the Alabama Hospitality Association, or its successor organization. (3)
Two members who shall be appointed by the Governor from a list of three persons for each board
position which shall be submitted to the Governor by the Alabama Association of Convention
and Visitor Bureaus, or its successor organization. (4) Two members who shall be appointed
by the Governor from a list of three persons for each board... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-27-120.10 Employment requirements. All classified employees shall be hired from
a list of job applicants who meet the job related qualifications in accordance with policies
and procedures adopted by the county commission. The probate judge, sheriff, tax assessor,
tax collector, and the county commission as a whole shall each be authorized one employee
to serve as a principle assistant in that department. These persons are unclassified employees
and need not be hired from a list of applicants, but must meet the job qualifications set
for the position by the county commission. The county commission may authorize additional
assistants, but it is the intent of this article to keep these assistants to a minimum. If
two or more elected offices are combined, the elected official shall have no more than one
unclassified employee. (Act 92-396, p. 815, §11.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 5-2A-80 Created; supervisor of bureau; inspections; records, reports, etc., not open
to public. To administer and enforce the provisions of chapter 18 of this title, there is
hereby created in the State Banking Department the Bureau of Loans. The Superintendent of
Banks shall, with the approval of the Governor and subject to the provisions of the merit
system, appoint a Supervisor of the Bureau of Loans, who shall be the chief of the Bureau
of Loans, and such other employees of said bureau as may be necessary. The Supervisor of the
Bureau of Loans shall take and file with the Secretary of State the official oath and shall
give bond in the penal sum of $10,000.00 for the faithful performance of the duties of his
office. The Supervisor of the Bureau of Loans, for the purpose of discovering violations of
Chapter 18 of this title, may investigate the loans and business of every person, copartnership
and corporation by whom or by which any such loan shall be made, whether such... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

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