Code of Alabama

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Section 30-3D-312 Nondisclosure of information in exceptional circumstances. If a party
alleges in an affidavit or a pleading under oath that the health, safety, or liberty of a
party or child would be jeopardized by disclosure of specific identifying information, that
information must be sealed and may not be disclosed to the other party or the public. After
a hearing in which a tribunal takes into consideration the health, safety, or liberty of the
party or child, the tribunal may order disclosure of information that the tribunal determines
to be in the interest of justice. (Act 2015-284, §1.)... - 911 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 30-3B-209 Information to be submitted to court. (a) Except, as otherwise provided
in subsection (e), in a child custody proceeding, each party, in its first pleading or in
an attached affidavit, shall give information, if reasonably ascertainable, under oath as
to the child's present address or whereabouts, the places where the child has lived during
the last five years, and the names and present addresses of the persons with whom the child
has lived during that period. The pleading or affidavit must state whether the party: (1)
Has participated, as a party or witness or in any other capacity, in any other proceeding
concerning the custody of or visitation with the child and, if so, identify the court, the
case number, and the date of the child custody determination, if any; (2) Knows of any proceeding
that could affect the current proceeding, including proceedings for enforcement and proceedings
relating to domestic violence, protective orders, termination of parental rights,... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 36-25-1 Definitions. Whenever used in this chapter, the following words and
terms shall have the following meanings: (1) BUSINESS. Any corporation, partnership, proprietorship,
firm, enterprise, franchise, association, organization, self-employed individual, or any other
legal entity. (2) BUSINESS WITH WHICH THE PERSON IS ASSOCIATED. Any business of which the
person or a member of his or her family is an officer, owner, partner, board of director member,
employee, or holder of more than five percent of the fair market value of the business. (3)
CANDIDATE. This term as used in this chapter shall have the same meaning ascribed to it in
Section 17-5-2. (4) COMMISSION. The State Ethics Commission. (5) COMPLAINT. Written
allegation or allegations that a violation of this chapter has occurred. (6) COMPLAINANT.
A person who alleges a violation or violations of this chapter by filing a complaint against
a respondent. (7) CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. A complaint filed pursuant to this... - 21K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 30-3-167 Disclosure exceptions. (a) In order to protect the identifying information
of persons at risk from the effects of domestic violence or abuse, on a finding by the court
that the health, safety, or liberty of a person or a child would be unreasonably put at risk
by the disclosure of the identifying information required by Section 30-3-163 or Section
30-3-164 in conjunction with a proposed change of principal residence of a child or change
of principal residence of a person having custody of or rights of visitation with a child,
the court may order any or all of the following: (1) The specific residence address and telephone
number of a child or the person having custody of or rights of visitation with a child and
other identifying information shall not be disclosed in the pleadings, other documents filed
in the proceeding, or in any order issued by the court, except for in camera disclosures.
(2) The notice requirements provided by this article may be waived to the... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 26-17-105 Protection of participants. Proceedings under this chapter are subject
to other law of this state governing the health, safety, privacy, and liberty of a child or
other individual who could be jeopardized by disclosure of identifying information, including
address, telephone number, place of employment, Social Security number, and the child's day-care
facility and school. (Act 2008-376, p. 666, §2.)... - 728 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 26-2B-210 Information to be submitted to court. (a) Except as otherwise provided
in this section, each party, in its first pleading or in an attached affidavit, shall
give information, if reasonably ascertainable, under oath as to the respondent's present address
or whereabouts and the places and addresses where the respondent has lived during the last
five years. The pleading or affidavit must state whether the party: (1) Has participated,
as a party or witness or in any other capacity, in any other proceeding concerning the guardianship
or conservatorship of the respondent and, if so, identify the court, the case number, and
the date of the guardianship or conservatorship determination, if any; (2) Knows of any proceeding
that could affect the current proceeding, including, but not limited to, proceedings for the
establishment, modification, termination, or enforcement of a protective order, and, if so,
identify the court, the case number, and the nature of the proceeding;... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 30-3-4.2 Grandparent visitation. (a) For the purposes of this section,
the following words have the following meanings: (1) GRANDPARENT. The parent of a parent,
whether the relationship is created biologically or by adoption. (2) HARM. A finding by the
court, by clear and convincing evidence, that without court-ordered visitation by the grandparent,
the child's emotional, mental, or physical well-being has been, could reasonably be, or would
be jeopardized. (b) A grandparent may file an original action in a circuit court where his
or her grandchild resides or any other court exercising jurisdiction with respect to the grandchild
or file a motion to intervene in any action when any court in this state has before it any
issue concerning custody of the grandchild, including a domestic relations proceeding involving
the parent or parents of the grandchild, for reasonable visitation rights with respect to
the grandchild if any of the following circumstances exist: (1) An action for... - 10K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-15-133 Filing and inspection of records. (a) The following records, reports,
and information acquired or generated in juvenile courts concerning children shall be confidential
and shall not be released to any person, department, agency, or entity, except as provided
elsewhere in this section: (1) Juvenile legal files (including formal documents as
petitions, notices, motions, legal memoranda, orders, and decrees). (2) Social records, including
but not limited to: a. Records of juvenile probation officers. b. Records of the Department
of Human Resources. c. Records of the Department of Youth Services. d. Medical records. e.
Psychiatric or psychological records. f. Reports of preliminary inquiries and predisposition
studies. g. Supervision records. h. Birth certificates. i. Individualized service plans. j.
Education records, including, but not limited to, individualized education plans. k. Detention
records. l. Demographic information that identifies a child or the family of a... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 8-20-4 Unfair and deceptive trade practices. Notwithstanding the terms, provisions,
or conditions of any dealer agreement or franchise or the terms or provisions of any waiver,
prior to the termination, cancellation, or nonrenewal of any dealer agreement or franchise,
the following acts or conduct shall constitute unfair and deceptive trade practices: (1) For
any manufacturer, factory branch, factory representative, distributor, or wholesaler, distributor
branch, or distributor representative to coerce or attempt to coerce any motor vehicle dealer
to do any of the following: a. To accept, buy, or order any motor vehicle or vehicles, appliances,
equipment, parts, or accessories therefor, or any other commodity or commodities or service
or services which such motor vehicle dealer has not voluntarily ordered or requested except
items required by applicable local, state, or federal law; or to require a motor vehicle dealer
to accept, buy, order, or purchase such items in order to... - 34K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 6-6-26.06 Emergency order. During a collaborative law process, a tribunal may
issue emergency orders to protect the health, safety, welfare, or interest of a party or a
child of either party. (Act 2013-355, p. 1267, §7.)... - 537 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

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