Code of Alabama

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Section 45-37-243.02 Levy of tax. (a) As used in this section, the following terms have the
meanings here given them: (1) COUNTY. Any county now or hereafter subject to this subpart.
(2) COUNTY GOVERNING BODY. The county board of revenue, the county commission, or other like
body of the county. (3) DIRECTOR OF COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE. The director of the county
department of revenue, the license commissioner, or judge of probate of the county, or any
other public officer performing like duties in the county. (4) SECTION 3 AS AMENDED IN 1979.
Section 3 as amended by the 1979 amendment. (5) STATE ORIGINAL UNBROKEN PACKAGE POLICY. The
state policy in effect when the original Section 3 of Act 388 of the 1965 Regular Session
was approved in August 1965, prohibiting licensees from selling or keeping for sale liquor
or wine except in an original unbroken package. (6) THE 1979 AMENDMENT. The act the Legislature
of Alabama adopted during its Regular Session of 1979 amending the original... - 14K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-20-5 Regulations for establishments handling food and providing public accommodations.
(a) The State Committee on Public Health shall, as conditions demand, adopt and promulgate
regulations for the construction, maintenance and operation of all establishments, and their
immediate surroundings, in which foods or beverages intended for sale for human consumption
are made, prepared, processed, displayed for sale in an unpackaged state or served and for
the construction, maintenance and operation of hotels, inns, taverns, motels, tourist courts,
tourist homes, trailer courts or any place where sleeping accommodations for transients, tourists
or vacationists are advertised for sale, as well as regulations for the construction, maintenance
and operation of exhibition-ground food concessions, poultry slaughterhouses and animal slaughterhouses,
and their surroundings; except, that the authority hereby vested shall not include the authority
to conduct meat and poultry slaughter and... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-21-275 Procedures for review of applications for certificates of need. The SHPDA,
pursuant to the provisions of Section 22-21-274, shall prescribe by rules and regulations
the procedures for review of applications for certificates of need and for issuance of certificates
of need. Rules and regulations governing review procedures shall include, but not necessarily
be limited to, the following: (1) Agreement with other review agencies for review procedures
consistent with this article and federal regulations. (2) Application procedures and forms
of the application necessary to elicit and provide all necessary information as required by
the review criteria. (3) Establishment of a project review period of 90 days from the date
the state agency determines that the application is complete and notification thereof is made
to the applicant. The rules and regulations may provide for a period of not more than 15 days
for determination of the completeness of the application,... - 10K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-35-5 Fee; withdrawals; disposition of funds; liability for clean-up costs; audit.
(a) Every owner of an underground or aboveground storage tank as defined in this chapter shall
pay an Underground and Aboveground Storage Tank Trust Fund fee as established by the provisions
of this chapter to be paid to the department. During the first year next following October
1, 1988, the amount of the annual Underground and Aboveground Storage Tank Trust Fund fee
shall be one hundred dollars ($100). Thereafter, the commission, upon recommendation of the
management board, shall set such an amount not to exceed one hundred fifty dollars ($150)
per year per regulated tank. Should the fund become depleted due to claims being greater than
amounts provided by tank fees, the commission shall be empowered to make special assessments
of tank fees to protect the financial integrity of the fund. Provided the total tank fees
and special assessments for any fiscal year do not exceed one hundred fifty... - 13K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-23-199.2 Marketplace facilitators. (a) For the purpose of this Act 2018-539, the
following terms shall have the respective meanings ascribed to them: (1) DEPARTMENT. The Alabama
Department of Revenue. (2) MARKETPLACE FACILITATOR. A person that contracts with marketplace
sellers to facilitate for a consideration, regardless of whether deducted as fees from the
transaction, the sale of the marketplace seller's products through a physical or electronic
marketplace operated by a person, and engages: a. Either directly or indirectly, through one
or more affiliated persons in any of the following: 1. Transmitting or otherwise communicating
the offer or acceptance between the purchaser and marketplace seller; 2. Owning or operating
the infrastructure, electronic or physical, or technology that brings purchasers and marketplace
sellers together; 3. Providing a virtual currency that purchasers are allowed or required
to use to purchase products from the marketplace seller; or 4.... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-2A-4 Taxpayers' bill of rights. (a) Rights of the taxpayer. (1) For purposes of
this subsection and subsections (c) and (d), the term "department" shall include
the Department of Revenue, a self-administered county or municipality, or a private examining
or collecting firm, depending on whether the Department of Revenue, a self-administered county
or municipality, or private examining or collecting firm is conducting the examination of
the taxpayer. (2) At or before the commencement of an examination of the books and records
of a taxpayer, the department shall provide to the taxpayer the current version of Publication
1A. Publication 1A shall provide, in simple and non-technical terms, a statement of the taxpayer's
rights. Those rights include the right to be represented during an examination, an explanation
of their appeal rights, and the right to know the criteria and procedures used to select taxpayers
for an examination. (3) At or before the issuance of a preliminary... - 11K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 8-35-2 Security freeze on credit report. (a) A consumer may place a security freeze
on the consumer's credit report by making a request in writing by certified mail to a consumer
credit reporting agency. No later than August 31, 2012, a consumer credit reporting agency
shall make available to consumers an Internet based method of requesting a security freeze
and a toll-free telephone number for consumers to use to place a security freeze, temporarily
lift a security freeze, or completely remove a security freeze. A security freeze shall prohibit,
subject to exceptions in subsection (m), the consumer credit reporting agency from releasing
the consumer's credit report or credit score without the prior express authorization of the
consumer as provided in subsection (d) or (e). Nothing in this subsection shall prevent a
consumer credit reporting agency from advising a third party that a security freeze is in
effect with respect to the consumer's credit report. (b) A consumer credit... - 12K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-24C-6 Termination of employment - Grounds for termination; procedures; appeals.
(a) Tenured teachers and nonprobationary classified employees may be terminated at any time
because of a justifiable decrease in the number of positions or for incompetency, insubordination,
neglect of duty, immorality, failure to perform duties in a satisfactory manner, or other
good and just cause, subject to the rights and procedures hereinafter provided. However, a
vote or decision to approve a recommended termination on the part of a president of a two-year
educational institution operated under the authority and control of the Department of Postsecondary
Education or the governing board shall not be made for political or personal reasons. (b)
The termination of a tenured teacher or nonprobationary classified employee who is not an
employee of a two-year educational institution operated under the authority and control of
the Department of Postsecondary Education shall be initiated by the... - 15K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 32-10-7 Written reports of accidents; release of information. (a) Every law enforcement
officer who in the regular course of duty investigates a motor vehicle accident, either at
the time of and at the scene of the accident or thereafter by interviewing participants or
witnesses, shall, within 24 hours after completing such investigation, forward the necessary
completed written report or copy thereof of such accident to the director on the uniform accident
report form supplied by the director. Local police departments, and their contracted agents,
may retain copies of the written reports. (b) Accident reports prepared pursuant to this section
shall be made available pursuant to Section 32-2-8, to a news-gathering organization solely
for the purpose of publishing or broadcasting the news. The news-gathering organization shall
not use or distribute the report, or knowingly allow its use or distribution, for a commercial
purpose other than the news-gathering organization's... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-37A-100.05 Administrative hearings; contesting liability; fines and costs; affirmative
defenses. (a) An administrative hearing officer appointed by the mayor of the city is vested
with the power and jurisdiction to conduct administrative hearings of civil violations provided
for in this article. (b) A person who receives a notice of violation may contest the imposition
of the fine by submitting a request for an administrative hearing of the civil violation,
in writing, within 15 days of the 10th day after the date the notice of violation is mailed.
Upon receipt of a timely request, the city or its designee shall notify the person of the
date and time of the administrative hearing by United States mail. (c) Failure to pay a fine
or to contest liability in a timely manner is an admission of liability in the full amount
of the fine assessed in the notice of violation. (d) Any fine imposed pursuant to this article
shall not be collected if, after a hearing, the administrative... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

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