Code of Alabama

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Section 13A-6-155 Mandatory restitution. (a) A person or entity convicted of any violation
of this article shall be ordered to pay mandatory restitution to the victim, prosecutorial,
or law enforcement entity, with the proceeds from property forfeited under Section 13A-6-156
applied first to payment of restitution. Restitution under this section shall include items
covered under Article 4A, commencing with Section 15-18-65 of Chapter 18 of Title 15, and
any of the following: (1) Costs of medical and psychological treatment, including physical
and occupational therapy and rehabilitation, at the court's discretion. (2) Costs of necessary
transportation, temporary housing, and child care, at the court's discretion. (3) Cost of
the investigation and prosecution, attorney's fees, and other court-related costs such as
victim advocate fees. (4) The greater of a. the value of the human trafficking victim's labor
as guaranteed under the minimum wage and overtime provisions of the Fair Labor... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-21-28 Rules and regulations. (a) In the manner provided in this section, the State
Board of Health, with the advice and after approval by the advisory board, shall have the
power to make and enforce, and may modify, amend, and rescind, reasonable rules and regulations
governing the operation and conduct of hospitals as defined in Section 22-21-20. All such
regulations shall set uniform minimum standards applicable alike to all hospitals of like
kind and purpose in view of the type of institutional care being offered there and shall be
confined to setting minimum standards of sanitation and equipment found to be necessary and
prohibiting conduct and practices inimicable to the public interest and the public health.
The board shall not have power to promulgate any regulation in conflict with law nor power
to interfere with the internal government and operation of any hospital on matters of policy.
The procedure for adopting, amending, or rescinding any rules authorized by this... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-23A-5 Application to become corporation; filing and recordation; certificate of
incorporation; officers; board of directors; record of proceedings. (a) To become a corporation,
the Governor, the director of the department, the Director of Finance, and the two legislators
appointed to the authority in Section 22-23A-3 shall present to the Secretary of State of
Alabama an application signed by them which shall set forth: (1) The name, official designation
and official residence of each of the applicants, together with a certified copy of the commission
evidencing each applicant's right to office; (2) The date on which each applicant was inducted
into office and the term of office of each of the applicants; (3) The name of the proposed
corporation, which shall be the "Alabama Water System Assistance Authority"; (4)
The location of the principal office of the proposed corporation; and (5) Any other matter
relating to the incorporation which the applicants may choose to insert... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-34-5 Application for corporation; contents; officers; board of directors; record
of proceedings. (a) To become a corporation, the Governor, the Lieutenant Governor, the Speaker
of the House, the director of the department and the Director of Finance shall present to
the Secretary of State of Alabama an application signed by them which shall set forth: (1)
The name, official designation and official residence of each of the applicants, together
with a certified copy of the commission evidencing each applicant's right to office; (2) The
date on which each applicant was inducted into office and the term of office of each of the
applicants; (3) The name of the proposed corporation, which shall be the "Alabama Water
Pollution Control Authority"; (4) The location of the principal office of the proposed
corporation; and (5) Any other matter relating to the incorporation which the applicants may
choose to insert and which is not inconsistent with this chapter or any other laws of... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 30-5-7 Ex parte orders or modification of protection order. (a) If it appears from
a petition for a protection order or a petition to modify a protection order that abuse has
occurred or from a petition for a modification of a protection order that a modification is
warranted, the court may do any of the following: (1) Without notice or hearing, immediately
issue an ex parte protection order or modify an ex parte protection order as it deems necessary.
(2) After providing notice as required by the Alabama Rules of Civil Procedure, issue a final
protection order or modify a protection order after a hearing whether or not the defendant
appears. (b) A court may grant any of the following relief without notice and a hearing in
an ex parte protection order or an ex parte modification of a protection order: (1) Enjoin
the defendant from threatening to commit or committing acts of abuse, as defined in this chapter,
against the plaintiff or children of the plaintiff, and any other... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 6-10-106 Proceedings to set aside exemptions when husband, wife, or parent absent seven
years and residence not ascertainable - Generally. (a) When the real and personal property
owned by an absent husband, wife, or parent who has not been heard from and whose residence
has been unknown for seven years and whose residence cannot be ascertained by diligent inquiry
does not exceed in amount and value the exemptions allowed in favor of his or her surviving
spouse and minor child or children, or either, the probate court of the county in which he
or she resided before leaving his or her spouse or children, upon the application of the deserted
spouse or, if there is no spouse or he or she does not act, upon the application of the guardian
or of a suitable person who shall be appointed by the judge of probate as next friend of such
minor children, verified by oath and setting forth such facts, must appoint two commissioners,
who shall make a full and complete inventory and... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 10A-20-1.02 Proceedings to incorporate. To become a corporation sole, the bishop shall
present to the Secretary of State of Alabama an application signed by the bishop which shall
set forth: (1) The name, official designation, and place of residence of the applicant, the
name of the church of which the individual is a bishop, a copy in English of the commission,
instrument, or document, if any, evidencing the right to the office, the date and place of
the consecration and induction into office and that the bishop desires to become a corporation
sole under this article; (2) The name and territorial limits of the diocese, the date of its
creation, a brief designation of the authority by which the diocese was created, that by which
it may be modified and that by which its bishopric is filled, the terms of its bishop's office
and the instrument or document, if any, by which the bishop's right to the office is evidenced,
and the place where, and the official by whom, the original... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-47-215 Certificate of incorporation of authorities - Contents. The certificate of
incorporation of the authority shall state: (1) The names of the persons forming the authority,
together with the residence of each person, and that each of them is a duly qualified elector
of at least one of the subdivisions. (2) The name of the authority, which may be a name indicating
in a general way the area proposed to be served by the authority and shall include the words
"Public Park Authority" (e.g., "The _____ Public Park Authority," or "The
Public Park Authority of _____," the blank spaces to be filled in with the name of one
or more of the authorizing subdivisions or other geographically descriptive word or words,
the descriptive word or words shall not, however, preclude the authority from locating facilities
or otherwise exercising its powers in other geographical areas), unless the Secretary of State
shall determine that the name is identical to the name of any other corporation... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 13A-6-130 Domestic violence - First degree. (a)(1) A person commits the crime of domestic
violence in the first degree if the person commits the crime of assault in the first degree
pursuant to Section 13A-6-20; aggravated stalking pursuant to Section 13A-6-91; or burglary
in the first degree pursuant to Section 13A-7-5 and the victim is a current or former spouse,
parent, step-parent, child, step-child, any person with whom the defendant has a child in
common, a present household member, or a person who has or had a dating relationship with
the defendant. (2) For the purposes of this section, a household member excludes non-romantic
or non-intimate co-residents, and a dating relationship means a current or former relationship
of a romantic or intimate nature characterized by the expectation of affectionate or sexual
involvement by either party. (b) Domestic violence in the first degree is a Class A felony,
except that the defendant shall serve a minimum term of imprisonment of... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-2-32 Hearings - Appeals. (a) An appeal from the commissioner shall be taken only
from an order on hearing, or as to a matter on which the commissioner has refused or failed
to hold a hearing after demand therefor under Section 27-2-28 or as to a matter as to which
the commissioner has refused or failed to make his order on hearing as required by Section
27-2-31. Any person who was a party to such hearing or whose pecuniary interests are directly
and immediately affected by any such refusal or failure to grant or hold a hearing and who
is aggrieved by such order, refusal, or failure may appeal from such order or as to any such
matter within 30 days after: (1) The order on hearing has been mailed or delivered to the
persons entitled to receive the same; (2) The commissioner's order denying rehearing or reargument
has been so mailed or delivered; (3) The commissioner has refused or failed to make his order
on hearing as required under Section 27-2-31; or (4) The commissioner... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

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