Code of Alabama

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substances; a copy of the record of conviction, certified to by the clerk of the court entering
the conviction, shall be conclusive evidence. (7) Use of any untruthful or deceptive or improbable
statements concerning the licensee's qualifications or the effects or results of his or her
proposed treatment. (8) Distribution by prescribing, dispensing, furnishing, or supplying
of controlled substances to any person or patient for any reason other than a legitimate medical
purpose. (9) Gross malpractice or repeated malpractice or gross negligence in
the practice of medicine or osteopathy. (10) Division of fees or agreement to split or divide
the fees received for professional services with any person for bringing or referring a patient.
(11) Performance of unnecessary diagnostic tests or medical or surgical services. (12) Charging
fees determined by the commission to be grossly excessive or intentionally filing or causing
to be filed false or fraudulent claims, as defined by the... - 16K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 25-5-1 Definitions. Throughout this chapter, the following words and phrases as used
therein shall be considered to have the following meanings, respectively, unless the context
shall clearly indicate a different meaning in the connection used: (1) COMPENSATION. The money
benefits to be paid on account of injury or death, as provided in Articles 3 and 4. The recovery
which an employee may receive by action at law under Article 2 of this chapter is termed "recovery
of civil damages," as provided for in Sections 25-5-31 and 25-5-34. "Compensation"
does not include medical and surgical treatment and attention, medicine, medical and surgical
supplies, and crutches and apparatus furnished an employee on account of an injury. (2) CHILD
or CHILDREN. The terms include posthumous children and all other children entitled by law
to inherit as children of the deceased; stepchildren who were members of the family of the
deceased, at the time of the accident, and were dependent upon him or... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 31-9-40 Compact adopted and enacted. The Emergency Management Assistance Compact is
enacted into law and entered with all jurisdictions mutually adopting the compact in the form
substantially as follows: THE EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE COMPACT Article I - Purpose
and Authorities. This compact is made and entered into by and between the participating member
states which enact this compact, hereinafter called party states. For the purpose of this
agreement, the term "states" is taken to mean the several states, the Commonwealth
of Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia, and all U.S. territorial possessions. The purpose
of this compact is to provide for mutual assistance between the states entering into this
compact in managing any emergency or disaster that is duly declared by the governor of the
affected state or states, whether arising from natural disaster, technological hazard, man-made
disaster, civil emergency aspects of resources shortages, community disorders,... - 15K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-13-1 Definitions. (a) For purposes of this chapter, the following terms shall have
the following meanings: (1) ACCREDITED SCHOOL or COLLEGE OF MORTUARY SCIENCE. A school or
college approved by the Alabama Board of Funeral Service and which maintains a course of instruction
of not less than 48 calendar weeks or four academic quarters or college terms and which gives
a course of instruction in the fundamental subjects including, but not limited to, the following:
a. Mortuary management and administration. b. Legal medicine and toxicology as it pertains
to funeral directing. c. Public health, hygiene, and sanitary science. d. Mortuary science,
to include embalming technique, in all its aspects; chemistry of embalming, color harmony;
discoloration, its causes, effects, and treatment; treatment of special cases; restorative
art; funeral management; and professional ethics. e. Anatomy and physiology. f. Chemistry,
organic and inorganic. g. Pathology. h. Bacteriology. i. Sanitation... - 16K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 2-15-155 Livestock brought into state to be accompanied by certificate of health; preparation
and contents thereof; mailing of certificate to State Veterinarian upon arrival of livestock
in state; furnishing of blank health certificates by State Veterinarian. All livestock, when
brought into Alabama by a person, company or corporation or railroad or other transportation
companies, shall be accompanied by a certificate of health, and said certificate shall state
that said animal or animals are free from contagious, infectious or communicable disease and
the carrier or carriers of the cause or causes of such diseases. This certificate must be
made by a qualified veterinarian immediately after he has personally examined the livestock
and before the livestock has been shipped into Alabama. This certificate shall be attached
to and accompany the shipping bill of the livestock to the place to which the livestock are
shipped, and the owner of the livestock or agent of the... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-29-86 Disposition of abandoned animals; notice to owner or agent; financial liability
of owner or agent. (a) Any animal placed in the custody of a licensed veterinarian for the
treatment, boarding, or other care which shall be unclaimed by its owner or his or her agent
for a period of more than 10 days after written notice by registered or certified mail, return
receipt requested, to the owner or his or her agent at his or her last known address shall
be deemed to be abandoned and may be turned over to the nearest humane society or dog pound
or sold to collect the lien pursuant to Sections 35-11-390 and 35-11-391. (b) The giving of
notice to the owner or the agent of the owner of the animal by the licensed veterinarian as
provided in subsection (a) shall relieve the licensed veterinarian and custodian to whom the
animal may be given of any further liability for disposal. (c) For the purpose of this article,
the term abandoned shall mean to forsake entirely, to neglect, or... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 3-7A-16 Relation to Volunteer Service Act. A licensed veterinarian and his or her assistants,
whether compensated by fee or otherwise or not compensated, when assisting the county rabies
officer at any officially designated rabies vaccination clinic shall be considered a volunteer
for the purpose of Section 6-5-336. (Act 2009-636, p. 1949, §2.)... - 660 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-29-94 Veterinary technician licensing requirements; authorized acts; unlicensed
assistants; emergency care; suspension, revocation of license; continuing education. (a) In
order to obtain a license as a veterinary technician, the applicant shall do all of the following:
(1) Submit a complete notarized application on a form prescribed by the board setting forth
that the applicant meets all of the following qualifications: a. At least 18 years of age.
b. Of good character. c. Has attained a competent school education and has received a diploma
in veterinary technology from an American Veterinary Medical Association accredited school,
or other school of veterinary technology approved by the board. (2) Submit an application
accompanied by an authenticated copy of the college transcript of the applicant signed by
the dean or the registrar of the school, college, or university. (3) Submit an application
accompanied by a photograph of reasonable likeness of the applicant taken... - 11K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 3-7A-10 Destruction of domesticated species exposed to rabid animal; optional quarantine.
Those domesticated species, for which rabies vaccine is recognized and recommended, upon exposure
or potential exposure to a known rabid animal, shall be humanely destroyed or slaughtered
immediately. Provided, however, the owner has the option of quarantining the animal or animals
based on the recommendations of the Alabama Department of Public Health upon consultation
with the U.S. Public Health Service. (Acts 1990, No. 90-530, p. 816, §10; Act 2009-636, p.
1949, §1.)... - 883 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-21-10 Flu and pneumonia vaccinations for long term care facility residents and employees.
(a) As used in this section, the following words have the following meanings: (1) EMPLOYEE.
An individual who is a part-time or full-time employee of the long term care facility. (2)
LONG TERM CARE FACILITY. The term includes a skilled nursing facility, intermediate care facility,
specialty care assisted living facility or dementia care facility, or an assisted living facility
licensed under this chapter. (b) Each long term care facility in this state shall conduct
an immunization program as provided in this section which gives residents the opportunity
to be immunized annually against the influenza virus and to be immunized against pneumococcal
disease and employees the opportunity to be immunized against influenza virus. (c) A long
term care facility shall notify the resident upon admission of the immunization program provided
by this section and shall request that the resident agree... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

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