Code of Alabama

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Section 36-18-52 Creation of advisory board. (a) There is created the Alabama Chemical
Testing Training and Equipment Trust Fund Advisory Board to be appointed as follows: (1) The
President of the Alabama Sheriffs' Association shall appoint one sheriff. (2) The Alabama
Association of Chiefs of Police shall appoint one police chief from a city of less than 25,000
population and one police chief from a city of greater than 25,000 population according to
the last federal census. (3) The Alabama Attorney General shall appoint one prosecutor. (4)
The Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court shall appoint one district or municipal judge
and one circuit judge. (5) The Governor shall appoint one citizen at large. (6) The Lieutenant
Governor shall appoint one member of the Alabama Senate. (7) The Speaker of the House of Representatives
shall appoint one member of the House of Representatives. (8) The Technical Director, Implied
Consent Program, Department of Forensic Sciences, and the... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-29-240 Alabama Small Business Commission created; duties; composition. (a)
The Alabama Small Business Commission is created as part of the Office of Small Business Advocacy.
(b) The commission shall have the following duties: (1) Formulate policies encouraging innovation
of small business in the state. (2) Discuss issues critical to the economic growth of small,
independent businesses and their interests that will encourage the formation of and foster
the growth of small businesses in the state. (3) Advise the Department of Commerce in formulating
and promoting policies relating to small businesses. (4) Act as an advocate for small businesses
and the entrepreneurs who work to create opportunities for new small businesses and sustain
those that are already in existence. (5) Promote policies to assist new business start-ups
and expansion of existing businesses. (c) The commission shall be chaired by an appointee
of the Lieutenant Governor, who shall be a voting member. The... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 17-4-6.1 Investigation of registered voter reported to be deceased or a nonresident
of the precinct. (a) To facilitate the continuous maintenance of the computerized statewide
voter registration list, each county board of registrars shall investigate written reports
from a family member of an elector, the inspector of an election precinct, the judge of probate,
the sheriff, and the clerk of the circuit court that an elector registered to vote in a precinct
has died or become a nonresident of the precinct in which he or she is registered to vote.
The inspector, judge of probate, sheriff, or clerk of the circuit court shall provide the
board of registrars, on a form to be prescribed by the Secretary of State, sufficient information
to identify the elector in the statewide voter file and a statement as to the source and nature
of the information upon which he or she believes a person is deceased or has become a nonresident
of the precinct in which he or she is registered to vote.... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 36-25A-2 Definitions. As used in and for determining the applicability of this
chapter, the following words shall have the following meanings solely for the purposes of
this chapter: (1) DELIBERATION. An exchange of information or ideas among a quorum of members
of a subcommittee, committee, or full governmental body intended to arrive at or influence
a decision as to how any members of the subcommittee, committee, or full governmental body
should vote on a specific matter that, at the time of the exchange, the participating members
expect to come before the subcommittee, committee, or full body immediately following the
discussion or at a later time. (2) EXECUTIVE SESSION. That portion of a meeting of a subcommittee,
committee, or full governmental body from which the public is excluded for one or more of
the reasons prescribed in Section 36-25A-7(a). (3) GENERAL REPUTATION AND CHARACTER.
Characteristics or actions of a person directly involving good or bad ethical conduct,... - 12K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 38-12A-2 Enumeration of rights. The Department of Human Resources shall ensure
that each foster parent shall have all of the following rights: (1) The right to be treated
with dignity, respect, trust, value, and consideration as a primary provider of foster care
and a member of the professional team caring for foster children. (2) The right to receive
information concerning the rights enumerated in this section. (3) The right to a concise
written explanation of their role as foster parents in partnership with children and their
families, the department, and other providers, the role of the department, and the rights
and role of the members of the birth family of a child in foster care. (4) The right to training
and support for the purpose of improving skills in providing daily care and meeting the needs
of the child in foster care. (5) The right to training, consultation, and assistance in evaluating,
identifying, and accessing services to meet their needs related to their role... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 38-15-4 Registration of certain youth residential institutions or organizations;
staff training plans; rights of children; licensing and inspection of food preparation areas;
access by law enforcement agencies. (a) Commencing on January 1, 2018, the department shall
register any religious, faith-based, or church nonprofit, other nonprofit, or for profit affiliated
youth residential facility, youth social rehabilitation facility, community treatment facility
for youths, youth transitional care facility, long term youth residential facility, private
alternative boarding school, private alternative outdoor program, and any organization entrusted
with the residential care of children in any organizational form or combination defined by
this section, whenever children are housed at the facility or location of the program
for a period of more than 24 hours. At a minimum, registered youth residential institution
or organization under this section shall do all of the following: (1) Be... - 13K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-37A-56 Zoning board of adjustment. (a) The governing body of any city which
may now or hereafter have a population of 300,000 inhabitants or more, according to the last
or any subsequent federal census and which may now or hereafter have in force and effect a
comprehensive zoning ordinance shall provide for the appointment of a zoning board of adjustment
and in the zoning regulations and restrictions adopted by the city pursuant to the authority
of the laws of this state, provide that the zoning board of adjustment, in appropriate cases
and subject to appropriate conditions and safeguards, shall make special exceptions to the
terms of the zoning ordinance of the city in harmony with its general purpose and intent,
and in accordance with general or specific rules therein contained. The zoning board of adjustment
shall consist of seven members, each to be appointed by the governing body of the city, and
each shall hold office for a term of seven years or until the time as his... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 15-22-36 Authority to grant pardons and paroles, remit fines and forfeitures,
etc.; notice of board action. (a) In all cases, except treason and impeachment and cases in
which sentence of death is imposed and not commuted, as is provided by law, the Board of Pardons
and Paroles, after conviction and not otherwise, may grant pardons and paroles and remit fines
and forfeitures. (b) Each member of the Board of Pardons and Paroles favoring a pardon, parole,
remission of a fine or forfeiture, or restoration of civil and political rights shall enter
in the file his or her reasons in detail, which entry and the order shall be public records,
but all other portions of the file shall be privileged. (c) No pardon shall relieve one from
civil and political disabilities unless specifically expressed in the pardon. No pardon shall
be granted unless the prisoner has successfully completed at least three years of permanent
parole or until the expiration of his or her sentence if his or her... - 10K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-25-20 Management of funds. (a) (1) The Board of Control shall be the trustees
of the several funds of the Teachers' Retirement System created by this chapter as provided
in Section 16-25-21, and shall have full power to invest and reinvest the funds, through
its Secretary-Treasurer, in the classes of bonds, mortgages, common and preferred stocks,
shares of investment companies or mutual funds, or other investments as the Board of Control
may approve, with the care, skill, prudence, and diligence under the circumstances then prevailing
that a prudent man acting in a like capacity and familiar with the matters would use in the
conduct of an enterprise of a like character and with like aims; and, subject to like terms,
conditions, limitations, and restrictions, the Board of Control, through its Secretary-Treasurer,
shall have full power to hold, purchase, sell, assign, transfer, and dispose of any investments
in which the funds created herein shall have been invested, as well... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 36-25-14 Filing of statement of economic interests. (a) A statement of economic
interests shall be completed and filed in accordance with this chapter with the commission
no later than April 30 of each year covering the period of the preceding calendar year by
each of the following: (1) All elected public officials at the state, county, or municipal
level of government or their instrumentalities. (2) Any person appointed as a public official
and any person employed as a public employee at the state, county, or municipal level of government
or their instrumentalities who occupies a position whose base pay is seventy-five thousand
dollars ($75,000) or more annually, as adjusted by the commission by January 31 of each year
to reflect changes in the U.S. Department of Labor's Consumer Price Index, or a successor
index. (3) All candidates, provided the statement is filed on the date the candidate files
his or her qualifying papers or, in the case of an independent candidate, on the... - 12K - Match Info - Similar pages

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