Code of Alabama

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Section 40-20-23 Allocation and distribution of taxes. (a) Ninety percent (90%) of the net
amount of taxes collected by the department on oil or gas produced from submerged lands which
are not deemed to be onshore lands for allocation and distribution purposes pursuant to subsections
(d) or (e) shall be deposited to the State General Fund. The remaining ten percent (10%) of
the taxes collected on oil or gas produced from submerged lands which are not deemed to be
onshore lands for allocation and distribution purposes shall be allocated and distributed
by the Comptroller to the county in which the oil or gas was produced for county purposes
to be expended at the discretion of the county governing body. (b) The net amount of taxes
collected by the department pursuant to this article on oil or gas produced from submerged
lands which are deemed to be onshore lands for allocation and distribution purposes pursuant
to subsections (d) or (e) shall be allocated and distributed pursuant to... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-62-8 Bonds and notes generally - Form, terms, denominations, etc.; execution, sale,
delivery, redemption, etc.; security for payment of principal or interest; remedies upon default;
liability of municipalities, board, etc., thereupon. (a) Any authority shall have power to
issue from time to time its bonds and notes in such principal amount as its board shall determine
to be necessary to provide sufficient funds for achieving any of its corporate purposes, including
the payment of interest on any of its notes and bonds, the establishment of reserves to secure
any such notes and bonds and all other expenditures of such authority incident to and necessary
or convenient to carry out its corporate purposes and powers. Any authority shall also have
the power to issue from time to time notes to renew notes and bonds to pay notes, including
interest thereon and, whenever it deems refunding expedient, to refund any bonds by the issuance
of new bonds, whether the bonds to be refunded... - 12K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-21-126 Interstate Commission of Nurse Licensure Compact Administrators. (a) The
party states hereby create and establish a joint public entity known as the Interstate Commission
of Nurse Licensure Compact Administrators. (1) The commission is an instrumentality of the
party states. (2) Venue is proper, and judicial proceedings by or against the commission shall
be brought solely and exclusively, in a court of competent jurisdiction where the principal
office of the commission is located. The commission may waive venue and jurisdictional defenses
to the extent the commission adopts or consents to participate in alternative dispute resolution
proceedings. (3) Nothing in this compact shall be construed to be a waiver of sovereign immunity.
(b) Membership, voting, and meetings. (1) Each party state shall have and be limited to one
administrator. The head of the state licensing board for each party state, or his or her designee,
shall be the administrator of this compact for that... - 12K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-23-60 Definitions. For the purpose of this article, the following terms shall have
the respective meanings ascribed to them in this section: (1) PERSON or COMPANY. Any individual,
firm, company, partnership, association, corporation, receiver or trustee, or any other group
or combination acting as a unit, and the plural as well as the singular number, unless the
intention to give a more limited meaning is disclosed by the context. (2) DEPARTMENT. The
Department of Revenue of the State of Alabama. (3) COMMISSIONER. The Commissioner of Revenue
of the State of Alabama. (4) WHOLESALE SALE or SALE AT WHOLESALE. Any one of the following:
a. A sale of tangible personal property by wholesaler to licensed retail merchants, jobbers,
dealers or other wholesalers for resale and does not include a sale by wholesalers to users
or consumers, not for resale. b. A sale of tangible personal property or products, including
iron ore, and including the furnished container and label of such... - 11K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-7-5.3 Licenses - Limited license for self-service storage facility. (a) As used
in this section, the following terms shall have the following meanings: (1) LIMITED LICENSEE.
A person or entity authorized to sell certain coverages for personal property maintained in
self-service storage facilities pursuant to this section. (2) OCCUPANT. A person, his or her
sublessee, successor, or assign entitled to the use of the storage space at a self-service
storage facility under a rental agreement, to the exclusion of others. (3) OWNER. The owner,
operator, lessor, or sublessor of a self-service storage facility, his or her agent, or any
other person authorized by him or her to manage the self-service storage facility or to receive
rent from an occupant under a rental agreement. (4) PERSONAL PROPERTY. Any movable property
not affixed to land including, but not limited to, goods, wares, merchandise, motor vehicles,
watercraft, and household items and furnishings. (5) RENTAL AGREEMENT.... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 36-27-24 Funds for assets of retirement system - Creation; composition; disposition
of funds; appropriations. (a) Effective October 1, 1997, all the assets of the retirement
system shall be credited according to the purpose for which they are held among three funds,
namely, the Annuity Savings Fund, the Pension Accumulation Fund, and the Expense Fund. The
operation of the former Pension Reserve Fund and the Annuity Reserve Fund shall be discontinued
as of such date and the balance of the former Pension Reserve Fund shall be transferred to
the Pension Accumulation Fund, and the balance of the former Annuity Reserve Fund shall be
transferred to the Pension Accumulation Fund. (b) Annuity Savings Fund. The Annuity Savings
Fund shall be a fund in which shall be accumulated contributions from the compensation of
members to provide for their annuities. Contributions to and payments from the Annuity Savings
Fund shall be made as follows: Effective October 1, 1971, each employer shall... - 15K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 39-2-2 Advertisement for and opening of sealed bids for public works contracts; violations;
exclusions; emergency actions; sole source specification. (a) Before entering into any contract
for a public works involving an amount in excess of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000), the
awarding authority shall advertise for sealed bids, except as provided in subsection (j).
If the awarding authority is the state or a county, or an instrumentality thereof, it shall
advertise for sealed bids at least once each week for three consecutive weeks in a newspaper
of general circulation in the county or counties in which the improvement or some part thereof,
is to be made. If the awarding authority is a municipality, or an instrumentality thereof,
it shall advertise for sealed bids at least once in a newspaper of general circulation published
in the municipality where the awarding authority is located. If no newspaper is published
in the municipality, the awarding authority shall advertise by... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-25-2 Who is liable for tax; amount; local tax or fee. (a) In addition to all other
taxes of every kind now imposed by law, every person, firm, corporation, club, or association,
within the State of Alabama, who sells or stores or receives for the purpose of distribution
to any person, firm, corporation, club, or association within the State of Alabama, cigars,
cheroots, stogies, cigarettes, smoking tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff, or any substitute
therefor, either or all, shall pay to the State of Alabama for state purposes only a license
or privilege tax which shall be measured by and graduated in accordance with the volume of
sales of such person, firm, corporation, club, or association in Alabama. There is hereby
levied license or privilege taxes on articles containing tobacco enumerated in this article
in the following amounts: (1) LITTLE CIGARS. Upon cigars of all descriptions, including filtered
cigars, made of tobacco, or any substitute therefor, and weighing not... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-27-1 Compact adopted; terms. The following Multistate Tax Compact is hereby approved,
adopted and enacted into law by the State of Alabama: Multistate Tax Compact Article I. Purposes.
The purposes of this compact are to: 1. Facilitate proper determination of state and local
tax liability of multistate taxpayers, including the equitable apportionment of tax bases
and settlement of apportionment disputes. 2. Promote uniformity or compatibility in significant
components of tax systems. 3. Facilitate taxpayer convenience and compliance in the filing
of tax returns and in other phases of tax administration. 4. Avoid duplicative taxation. Article
II. Definitions. As used in this compact: 1. "State" means a state of the United
States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or any territory or possession
of the United States. 2. "Subdivision" means any governmental unit or special district
of a state. 3. "Taxpayer" means any corporation, partnership, firm,... - 42K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-2A-3 Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter and Chapter 2B, the following
terms shall have the following meanings: (1) ASSOCIATE ALABAMA TAX TRIBUNAL JUDGE. An associate
judge as defined in Section 40-2B-2. (2) AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. Any individual, including,
but not limited to, an attorney or certified public accountant with written authority or power
of attorney to represent a taxpayer before the department or the Alabama Tax Tribunal; provided
however, that nothing herein shall be construed as entitling any such individual who is not
a licensed attorney to engage in the practice of law. (3) CHIEF ALABAMA TAX TRIBUNAL JUDGE
or CHIEF JUDGE. The chief judge as defined in Section 40-2B-2. (4) COMMISSIONER. The commissioner
of the department or his or her delegate. (5) COMPTROLLER. The Comptroller of the State of
Alabama. (6) DELEGATE. When used with reference to the commissioner means any officer or employee
of the department duly authorized by the commissioner,... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

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