Code of Alabama

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Section 25-5-1 Definitions. Throughout this chapter, the following words and phrases as used
therein shall be considered to have the following meanings, respectively, unless the context
shall clearly indicate a different meaning in the connection used: (1) COMPENSATION. The money
benefits to be paid on account of injury or death, as provided in Articles 3 and 4. The recovery
which an employee may receive by action at law under Article 2 of this chapter is termed "recovery
of civil damages," as provided for in Sections 25-5-31 and 25-5-34. "Compensation"
does not include medical and surgical treatment and attention, medicine, medical and surgical
supplies, and crutches and apparatus furnished an employee on account of an injury. (2) CHILD
or CHILDREN. The terms include posthumous children and all other children entitled by law
to inherit as children of the deceased; stepchildren who were members of the family of the
deceased, at the time of the accident, and were dependent upon him or... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-13-1 Definitions. (a) For purposes of this chapter, the following terms shall have
the following meanings: (1) ACCREDITED SCHOOL or COLLEGE OF MORTUARY SCIENCE. A school or
college approved by the Alabama Board of Funeral Service and which maintains a course of instruction
of not less than 48 calendar weeks or four academic quarters or college terms and which gives
a course of instruction in the fundamental subjects including, but not limited to, the following:
a. Mortuary management and administration. b. Legal medicine and toxicology as it pertains
to funeral directing. c. Public health, hygiene, and sanitary science. d. Mortuary science,
to include embalming technique, in all its aspects; chemistry of embalming, color harmony;
discoloration, its causes, effects, and treatment; treatment of special cases; restorative
art; funeral management; and professional ethics. e. Anatomy and physiology. f. Chemistry,
organic and inorganic. g. Pathology. h. Bacteriology. i. Sanitation... - 16K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-39-245 Privilege or license tax - Outside City of Florence. In Lauderdale County,
Alabama, outside the city limits of Florence, there is hereby levied, in addition to all other
taxes of every kind now imposed by law, and shall be collected as herein provided, a privilege
or license tax against the person on account of the business activities and in the amount
to be determined by the application of rates against gross sales, or gross receipts, as the
case may be, as follows: (1) Upon every person, firm, or corporation, engaged, or continuing
within Lauderdale County, Alabama, outside the city limits of Florence, in business of selling
at retail any tangible personal property whatsoever, including merchandise and commodities
of every kind and character, not including, however, bonds or other evidences of debts or
stocks, nor sale or sales of material and supplies to any person for use in fulfilling contract
for the painting, repair, or reconditioning of vessels, barges, ships,... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-17-350 Transportation of motor fuel; inspections. (a) Each person operating a refinery
or terminal in Alabama shall prepare and provide to the driver of every highway vehicle receiving
motor fuel at the facility a shipping document setting out on its face the destination state
as represented to the terminal operator by the shipper or the shipper's agent. Failure to
comply with this subsection may result in a department imposed penalty of not less than five
hundred dollars ($500) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000), to be multiplied by the
sum of the current violation plus prior violations of this subsection. (b) Every person transporting
motor fuel in Alabama in a highway vehicle other than in its supply tank shall carry on board
a shipping document issued by the facility where the motor fuel was obtained. The shipping
document shall set out on its face the state of destination of the motor fuel transported
in the highway vehicle. Violation of this subsection... - 14K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 23-2-167 Definitions. THIS SECTION WAS AMENDED BY ACT 2019-501 IN THE 2019 REGULAR
As used in this article, the following words shall have the following meanings: (1) AUTHORITY.
The Alabama Toll Road, Bridge and Tunnel Authority, as defined in Section 23-2-142. (2) DEPARTMENT.
The Department of Transportation. (3) ELECTRONIC TOLL COLLECTION. A method of collecting tolls
or charges which is capable of charging an account holder the appropriate toll or charge including,
but not limited to, either of the following: a. The transmission of information from an electronic
device on a motor vehicle to the toll system, which information is used to charge the account
the appropriate toll or charge. b. The transmission of license plate information from a photo-monitoring
system to the toll system, which information is used to charge the account the appropriate
toll or charge. (4) ELECTRONIC... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 37-4-140 Purchase of electricity. (a) For purposes of this section only, the following
terms shall have the following meanings: (1) AVOIDED COSTS. Costs that a utility or a commission
non-jurisdictional electric supplier which purchases electrical energy from a distributed
generation facility would have been required to incur but for the distributed generation facility's
provision of electrical energy during the same period of time. To the extent such costs are
actually avoided, the term may include incremental fuel costs, incremental energy losses,
incremental emission allowance costs, and incremental fuel-related operation and maintenance
expenses. The term does not include, among other things, costs associated with capacity, the
transmission and distribution system, administrative and general costs, customer accounting
costs, and general plant in service costs. (2) COMMISSION. The Alabama Public Service Commission.

Section 11-65-20 Terms of operator's license. (a) An operator's license issued under this chapter,
whether for horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon or for greyhound racing and pari-mutuel
wagering thereon, shall be for an initial period of 20 years, but shall be subject to renewal
as provided in this section. A commission shall have no power to modify the terms of an operator's
license, once issued, without the prior written consent of the holder of such license. An
operator's license shall be reviewed annually, but such license shall be revocable by the
commission only if the holder thereof shall not be in compliance with the provisions of this
chapter or the valid rules, regulations and orders of the commission and such noncompliance
shall have continued for 60 days after written notice shall be given to such holder by the
commission stating the circumstances of noncompliance and demanding corrective action. (b)
A commission issuing an operator's license shall state therein... - 16K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-17-91.23 Creation of Shoals Economic Development Fund; purposes for which moneys
in such fund may be expended. (a) There is created the Shoals Economic Development Fund, which
shall be a special or trust fund or account of the committee, and which shall be administered
in accordance with this subpart. (b)(1) The authority may, at any time and from time to time,
request that the committee authorize and approve the expenditure or appropriation of moneys
on deposit in the Shoals Economic Development Fund, but solely for purposes authorized in
subsection (c). Any such request may specify that such moneys shall be expended by, or appropriated
directly or indirectly to, any of the following: a. The authority itself. b. Either of the
counties, or any city or town located, in whole or in part, in either of the counties. c.
Any public corporation that has been organized with the approval or consent of any one or
more of the counties, the municipalities, or any other city or town in... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 25-4-134 Procedures for collection of delinquent contribution payments. (a) Generally.
The contributions, interest, and penalties required to be paid under this chapter shall be
a first and prior lien upon all property and rights to property, real or personal, of any
employer subject to this chapter. The lien shall arise at the time the contribution report,
or the payment of the contributions, as the case may be, was due to have been filed with or
made to the Department of Labor. The secretary may file in the office of the judge of probate
of any county in this state a certificate which shall show the name of the department for
which it is filed, the amount and nature of the contributions, interest, and penalties for
which a lien is claimed together with any costs that may have accrued, the name of the employer
against whose property a lien for such contributions, interest, and penalties is claimed and
the date thereof. An error in the certificate of the amount shall not... - 18K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-12-176 Vending machines. (a) Every person, firm, corporation, association, or copartnership
operating a vending machine business whereby tangible personal property is sold through or
by the use of coin-operated machines shall pay an annual privilege license tax based on the
total sales of each such vending company during the preceding year as follows: Total Sales
Amount of Tax $12,000.00 or less $10.00 12,000.01 - 24,000.00 20.00 24,000.01 - 36,000.00
30.00 36,000.01 - 48,000.00 40.00 48,000.01 - 60,000.00 60.00 60,000.01 - 80,000.00 75.00
80,000.01 - 100,000.00 90.00 100,000.01 - 150,000.00 125.00 150,000.01 - 200,000.00 150.00
200,000.01 - 250,000.00 175.00 250,000.01 - 350,000.00 200.00 350,000.01 - 450,000.00 300.00
450,000.01 - 750,000.00 400.00 750,000.01 - 1,000,000.00 500.00 1,000,000.01 - 2,500,000.00
600.00 2,500,000.01 - 5,000,000.00 700.00 5,000,000.01 - 7,500,000.00 800.00 7,500,000.01
- 10,000,000.00 900.00 10,000,000.01 or more 1000.00 (b) The revenue produced... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

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