Code of Alabama

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Section 8-6-51 Membership; qualifications and appointment of commissioners; use or disclosure
of confidential information by commissioners, employees, etc.; civil liability of commissioners.
(a) The Securities Commission shall consist of the Attorney General of Alabama, the State
Superintendent of Banks, the State Superintendent of Insurance and four other members appointed
by the Governor by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. Two appointed members shall
be members of the Alabama Bar Association appointed from a list of three nominees for each
position submitted by the bar association, and the other two appointed members shall be certified
public accountants appointed from a list of three nominees for each position submitted by
the Alabama Society of Certified Public Accountants. The membership of the commission shall
be inclusive and reflect the racial, gender, geographic, urban/rural, and economic diversity
of the state. (b) No person may be appointed to or by the... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-5-31 Alabama Coroner's Training Commission. (a) There is created the Alabama Coroner's
Training Commission to be appointed as herein provided. Appointments to the commission shall
be made as follows: (1) The President of the Alabama Coroner's Association shall appoint one
county coroner to serve an initial term of two years. (2) The Attorney General shall appoint
one district attorney to serve for an initial term of one year. (3) The Governor shall appoint
one county coroner to serve for an initial term of three years. (4) The Director of the Alabama
Department of Forensic Sciences shall appoint one person who is either a state medical examiner
or a forensic scientist to serve for an initial term of two years. (5) The Board of Directors
of the Alabama Coroner's Association shall appoint three county coroners to serve for initial
terms of two years each. (b) The membership of the commission shall be inclusive and reflect
the racial, gender, geographic, urban\rural, and... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-25-3 Membership. (a) The commission shall consist of the following voting members:
(1) The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, or at his or her designation, a sitting or retired
judge, who shall serve as chair, or at his or her designation another member of the commission
shall serve as chair. (2) The Governor, or his or her designee. (3) The Attorney General,
or his or her designee. (4) Three district attorneys appointed by the President of the Alabama
District Attorneys' Association. (5) Two circuit judges, active or retired, appointed by the
President of the Alabama Association of Circuit Court Judges. (6) A district judge, active
or retired, appointed by the President of the Alabama Association of District Court Judges.
(7) Two victims of a violent felony or persons whose immediate family member was a victim
of a violent felony, appointed by the Governor. (8) The Chair of the House Judiciary Committee,
or his or her designee who is a member of the House Judiciary... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-35-6 Alabama Underground and Aboveground Storage Tank Trust Fund Management Board
created; composition; powers and duties; compensation. (a) There is hereby created the Alabama
Underground and Aboveground Storage Tank Trust Fund Management Board, hereinafter referred
to as the "management board," comprised of nine voting members: One member appointed
by the Governor for a three-year term, one member appointed by the Lieutenant Governor for
a three-year term, one member appointed by the Senate President Pro Tempore for a two-year
term, one member appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives for a two-year term,
and one member appointed by the Speaker Pro Tempore for a one-year term, all of whom are from
a list of qualified individuals for each position provided by the governing body of the Petroleum
and Convenience Marketers of Alabama; and additionally, one member appointed by the Speaker
of the House of Representatives for a one-year term from a list of... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 23-1-354 Aeronautics Commission - Composition; qualifications; appointment; terms of
office; compensation; removal. The Alabama Aeronautics Commission, previously created pursuant
to Section 4-2-30, shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Director of the Alabama State
Department of Transportation. The commission shall consist of the Director of Public Safety,
the Director of the Alabama Development Office, and 12 members representing each congressional
district appointed by the Governor. The Governor shall appoint the remaining five additional
members, for a term of four years, a representative from the air carrier airport boards. The
12 members of the commission serving on May 13, 2000, shall continue to serve for the remainder
of their terms of office as designated by the Governor at the time of their original appointment.
Successor appointees shall serve for terms of four years in the same manner as their predecessors,
except that any person appointed to fill a vacancy... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-13A-3 State Board of Genetic Counseling. (a) The State Board of Genetic Counseling
is created to implement and administer this chapter. (b) The membership of the board shall
consist of all of the following: (1) One individual appointed by the Department of Genetics
at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. (2) Four individuals who practice genetic counseling
in Alabama and who hold a master's degree or doctoral degree in genetic counseling from an
ACGC or ABMGG accredited training program, or an equivalent program approved by the ACGC or
the ABMGG, appointed by the Governor. (3) One physician appointed by the Medical Association
of the State of Alabama. (4) One physician appointed by the State Board of Medical Examiners.
(5) One physician who specializes in pediatric genetics appointed by the Lieutenant Governor.
(6) One physician appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives. (c) Board members
appointed by the Governor shall serve for terms of two years and,... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-21-2 Board of Nursing generally. (a) There is created the Board of Nursing, which
shall be composed of 13 members to be appointed and have the duties and powers enumerated
in this section. The membership of the board shall be inclusive and reflect the racial, gender,
geographic, urban/rural, and economic diversity of the state. In order to insure continuity
of administration, the nine board members provided for by Section 3 of Act 427, Regular Session
1975, shall continue to serve to the completion of the term for which they are serving. The
Governor, within 60 days of January 1, 1984, shall appoint a tenth member who shall be a licensed
practical nurse for a term of four years from a list of nominees furnished him or her by the
Alabama Federation of Licensed Practical Nurses, Incorporated, or its successor organization.
As the terms of all board members expire, their successors shall be appointed for terms of
four years each. Vacancies in unexpired terms shall be filled in... - 13K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-29-63 State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners established; composition. (a)
There is established a state board to consist of eight members to be known as the Alabama
State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners. (b) Each of the eight members of the board shall
be appointed by the Governor from a list of three persons nominated and submitted to him or
her by the Alabama Veterinary Medical Association at least 30 days prior to appointment. (c)
The term of each member of the board shall be four years unless removed or until a successor
is appointed and qualified. Vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the Governor as provided
in subsection (b). (d) No person may serve as a member of the board for more than 13 years
total. (e) Members may not serve more than two consecutive terms of office. (f) The membership
of the board shall be inclusive and reflect the racial, gender, geographic, urban/rural, and
economic diversity of the state. (g) Each member of the board shall be... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-2A-3 Board of Examiners of Assisted Living Administrators. (a) There is created
a Board of Examiners of Assisted Living Administrators composed of nine members, seven members
as set out in this subsection, and two additional consumer members as set out in subsection
(b). The membership of the board shall be inclusive and reflect the racial, gender, geographic,
urban/rural, and economic diversity of the state. The seven original members shall be composed
as follows: Five members shall be assisted living administrators duly licensed and registered
under this chapter; one member shall be a physician licensed under the laws of the state;
and one shall be a licensed nursing home administrator who in the same or contiguous facility
manages assisted living beds. Appointments to the board for those positions to be held by
assisted living administrators shall be made by the Governor from a list of three nominees
for each position to be submitted to the Governor by the Assisted Living... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-25-4 Advisory council. (a) An advisory council to the commission shall be established
to advise and consult the commission on sentencing matters. The advisory council shall be
composed of representatives from the various state and non-state agencies and organizations
having an interest in or whose operations directly or indirectly impact upon the criminal
justice system. Membership of the advisory council shall include: (1) The Director of Public
Safety, or his or her designee. (2) The Director of the Department of Youth Services, or his
or her designee. (3) A sheriff appointed by the Alabama Sheriff's Association. (4) A police
chief appointed by the Alabama Association of Chiefs of Police. (5) A director of a community
corrections program appointed by the Chief Justice. (6) A representative of a prison ministry
organization, who is not employed by the state, appointed by the Commissioner of the Department
of Corrections. (7) A rehabilitated former prison inmate appointed by... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

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