Code of Alabama

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Section 27-31C-3 License to provide homeowners insurance; exemptions; powers and duties.
(a) An Alabama Coastal Captive Insurance Company, if permitted by its articles of incorporation
or organization, operating agreements, or charter, may apply to the commissioner for a license
to write homeowners insurance coverage as limited in Section 27-31B-3(a)(4) and as
defined and limited in the standard real property and contents insurance forms as approved
by the commissioner. (b) An Alabama Coastal Captive Insurance Company that qualified as an
association captive under the provisions of Section 27-31B-8 is exempt from the requirement
that the association be in existence for one year so long as the association is in good standing
as an entity before becoming an owner of an Alabama Coastal Captive Insurance Company. (c)
An Alabama Coastal Captive Insurance Company may write homeowners insurance coverage as limited
in Section 27-31B-3(a)(4) and as limited to perils described in subsection (a)... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-34-6 License - Requirement; renewal; fee; evidence. (a) No fraternal benefit
society shall transact business in this state unless authorized therefor under a subsisting
license issued to the society by the commissioner. (b) Societies authorized to transact business
in this state as of immediately prior to January 1, 1972, may continue such business until
the April 1 next succeeding January 1, 1972. The authority of such societies, and of all societies
hereafter licensed, may thereafter be renewed annually, but in all cases to terminate on the
succeeding April 1; however, a license so issued shall continue in full force and effect until
the new license is issued or specifically refused. (c) For each such license or renewal, the
society shall pay the commissioner $50.00. (d) A duly certified copy or duplicate of the license
shall be prima facie evidence that the licensee is a fraternal benefit society within the
meaning of this chapter. (e) Any person who in this state... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-12-313 Examination of application and issuance of license. As soon as practical
after the receipt of any such application, the probate judge or license commissioner shall
carefully examine such application to ascertain whether it is in the proper form and contains
the necessary and requisite information. If upon examination the probate judge or license
commissioner shall find that any such application is not in the proper form and does not contain
the necessary and requisite information, he shall return such application for correction.
If an application is found to be satisfactory and if the issuance and license fees, as herein
prescribed, shall have been paid, the probate judge or license commissioner shall issue to
the applicant a license for each store for which an application for a license shall have been
made. Each licensee shall display the license so issued in a conspicuous place in the store
for which such license is issued. It shall be the duty of the license... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 8-7A-13 Reports. (a) A licensee shall file a report to the commission within
15 business days of any material change in information provided in a licensee's application.
(b) A licensee shall file a report with the commission within five business days after the
licensee has reason to know of the occurrence of any of the following events: (1) The filing
of a petition by or against the licensee under the United States Bankruptcy Code for bankruptcy
or reorganization. (2) The filing of a petition by or against the licensee for receivership,
the commencement of any other judicial or administrative proceeding for its dissolution or
reorganization, or the making of a general assignment for the benefit of its creditors. (3)
The commencement of a proceeding to revoke or suspend its license in a state or country in
which the licensee engages in business or is licensed. (4) The cancellation or other impairment
of the licensee's bond or other security. (5) A charge or conviction of the... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-51-193 List of state licensing boards; confirmation of taxpayer status prior
to issuance of license; categorization of licenses. (a) The Department of Revenue shall periodically,
at least annually, compose a list of all state boards and agencies that regulate the licensing
of businesses or occupations under their jurisdiction, and that so notify the department in
writing, herein collectively called "state licensing boards." The list shall be
distributed to all municipal license officers at least once each year until January 1, 2009,
at which time the list shall continue to be updated periodically thereafter but shall be required
to be available only in the department's Internet website or other computer-accessible database
available to the general public by remote access. Prior to issuing a business license to a
taxpayer who is subject to the jurisdiction of a particular state licensing board, the taxing
jurisdiction shall attempt to confirm from the board that the taxpayer... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-13-62 Rating organizations - License; application therefor; renewal thereof;
fee for same. No rating organization shall do business in this state until it shall have been
licensed to do so by the commissioner. Application for such license shall be made on such
forms as the commissioner shall prepare for that purpose. Upon applying for such license,
every rating organization shall file with the department: (1) A copy of its constitution,
its articles of agreement or association, or its certificate of incorporation and of its bylaws
or rules governing the conduct of its business or such of the foregoing, if any, as such rating
organization may have; (2) A list of insurers who are or, who have agreed to, become members
of, or subscribers to, such rating organization; (3) The name and address of a person, or
persons, in this state upon whom notices or orders of the commissioner affecting such rating
organization may be served; and (4) Such other information as the commissioner... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-20A-2 Chapter applicable to group, etc., policies. No group, blanket, franchise,
or association health insurance policy providing coverage on an expense incurred basis, nor
group, blanket, franchise, or association service or indemnity type contract issued by a nonprofit
corporation, nor group-type self insurance plan providing protection, insurance, or indemnity
against hospital, medical, or surgical expenses, nor health maintenance organization plan
shall be issued, delivered, executed, or renewed in this state, or approved for issuance or
renewal in this state by the Commissioner of Insurance after 90 days beyond the effective
date of this chapter, unless such policy, contract, or plan, at the option of the policyholder
or sponsor, provides benefits to any insured, subscriber, or other person covered under the
policy, contract, or plan for expenses incurred in connection with the treatment of alcoholism
when such treatment is prescribed by a duly licensed doctor of... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-38-3 Variable contracts - Licensing of insurer. (a) No insurer shall deliver,
or issue for delivery, within this state variable contracts unless it is licensed to do a
life insurance or annuity business in this state and the commissioner is satisfied that its
condition or method of operation in connection with the issuance of such contracts will not
render its operation hazardous to the public or its policyholders in this state. In this connection,
the commissioner shall consider among other things: (1) The history and financial condition
of the insurer; (2) The character, responsibility, and fitness of the officers and directors
of the insurer; and (3) The law and regulation under which the insurer is authorized in the
state of domicile to issue variable contracts. (b) If the company is a subsidiary of an admitted
life insurer or affiliated with such insurer through common management or ownership, it may
be deemed to have met the provisions of the section if either it or... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-43-9 Bond or deposit requirements. (a) To assure the faithful performance
of its obligations in the event of insolvency, each corporation authorized under Section
27-43-8 shall, through the commissioner, deposit and maintain with the Treasurer of the State
securities of the type eligible for deposit by insurers under Section 27-6-3, which
securities shall have at all times a market value as follows: (1) An insurer which has transacted
no legal expense insurance in this state prior to January 1, 1982, shall, prior to the issuance
of its certificate of authority and before receiving any premiums, place in trust with the
Treasurer of the State, through the commissioner an initial amount of $50,000.00; (2) An insurer
transacting a legal expense insurance business in this state prior to January 1, 1982, and
having in force in this state less than $300,000.00 of gross written premiums, membership
fees, or similar charges shall place in trust with the Treasurer of the State,... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-62-6 Notification of cybersecurity event. (a) Each licensee shall notify
the commissioner as promptly as possible, but in no event later than three business days from
a determination that a cybersecurity event involving nonpublic information that is in the
possession of a licensee has occurred when either of the following criteria has been met:
(1) This state is the state of domicile of the licensee, in the case of an insurer, or this
state is the home state of the licensee, in the case of a producer, as those terms are defined
in Section 27-7-1, and the cybersecurity event has a reasonable likelihood of materially
harming a consumer residing in this state or reasonable likelihood of materially harming any
material part of the normal operation of the licensee. (2) The licensee reasonably believes
that the nonpublic information involves 250 or more consumers residing in this state and the
cybersecurity event is either of the following: a. A cybersecurity event impacting the... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

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