Code of Alabama

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Section 45-9-243.40 Privilege or license tax. (a) The following words, terms, and phrases,
when used in this section, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this subsection, except
where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: (1) PERSON. Any natural person, firm,
partnership, association, corporation, receiver, trust, estate, or other entity, or any other
group or combination of any thereof acting as a unit. (2) COUNTY. Chambers County, Alabama.
(3) BUSINESS. All activities engaged in, or caused to be engaged in, by any person with the
object of gain, profit, benefit, or advantage, either direct or indirect to such person. (4)
GROSS PROCEEDS. The value proceeding or accruing from the leasing or rental of tangible personal
property, without any deduction on account of the cost of the property so leased or rented,
the cost of materials used, labor, or service cost, interest paid or any other expenses whatsoever,
and without any deduction on account of loss and shall also... - 13K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-50A-8 Powers of the authority. In addition to other powers granted the authority
by this chapter, it shall have all powers consistent with the purposes of the authority as
set forth in Section 11-50A-3, which are necessary or convenient to carry out and effectuate
the purposes and provisions of this chapter, including, but without limiting the generality
of the foregoing, the following enumerated powers, which shall be exercised by the authority
consistently with the provisions of Section 11-50A-3: (1) To sue and be sued and to prosecute
and defend in any court having jurisdiction of the subject matter and of the parties thereto;
(2) To adopt and alter a corporate seal; (3) To make and alter at pleasure all needful bylaws,
rules, and regulations for the transaction of its business and the control of its property
and affairs; (4) To have the same right of eminent domain through condemnation conferred by
Section 10-5-1, or any subsequent statute of similar import; provided... - 13K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-89A-2 Definitions. The following words and phrases used in this chapter, and others
evidently intended as the equivalent thereof, shall, in the absence of a clear implication
herein otherwise, be given the following respective interpretations herein: (1) APPLICANT.
A natural person who files a written application with the governing body of any county or
municipality in accordance with the provisions of Section 11-89A-3. (2) AUTHORITY. Any public
corporation organized pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. (3) AUTHORIZING RESOLUTION.
A resolution or ordinance adopted by the governing body of any county or municipality in accordance
with the provisions of Section 11-89A-3, that authorizes the incorporation of an authority.
(4) BOARD. The board of directors of an authority. (5) BONDS. Bonds, notes, or other obligations
representing an obligation to pay money. (6) COSTS. As applied to a facility or any portion
thereof, such term shall include all or any part of the cost of... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 13A-9-14.1 Fraud by persons authorized to provide goods and services; definitions.
(a) Definitions. - For purposes of this section, the following terms shall have the meanings
ascribed by this subsection: (1) ACQUIRER. A business organization including without limitation
a merchant, financial institution, or an agent of a business organization or financial institution
that authorizes a merchant to accept payment by credit card for money, goods, services, or
anything else of value. (2) CARDHOLDER. The person or organization named on the face of a
credit card to whom or for whose benefit the credit card is issued by an issuer. (3) CREDIT
CARD TRANSACTION RECORD. Credit card slips, electronically recorded information or other documentation
or evidence evidencing a transaction involving a credit card. (4) CREDIT CARD. Any instrument
or device, whether known as a credit card, credit plate, bank service card, banking card,
check guarantee card, or debit card or by any other name,... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

INTEREST. (a) In this section the following terms have the following meanings: (1) DETERMINABLE
CHARITABLE INTEREST. A charitable interest that is a right to a mandatory distribution currently,
periodically, on the occurrence of a specified event, or after the passage of a specified
time, and which is unconditional or will be held solely for charitable purposes. (2) UNCONDITIONAL.
Not subject to the occurrence of a specified event that is not certain to occur, other than
a requirement in a trust instrument that a charitable organization be in existence or qualify
under a particular provision of the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended,
on the date of the distribution, if the charitable organization meets the requirement on the
date of determination. (b) If a first trust... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 24-2-2 Powers of housing authorities or municipalities - Acquisition and redevelopment
of blighted property; limitations on eminent domain; definitions. (a) Any housing authority
now or hereafter established pursuant to this title, or any incorporated city or town may
carry out any work or undertaking, hereafter called a "redevelopment project": (1)
To acquire blighted property as defined in subsection (c). (2) To acquire other real property
for the purpose of removing, preventing, or reducing blight, blighting factors, or the causes
of blight, but this authority to acquire such other property shall not be construed to grant
the power of eminent domain to acquire property that is not blighted without the consent of
the owner. (3) To clear any areas acquired and install, construct, or reconstruct streets,
utilities, and site improvements essential to the preparation of sites for uses in accordance
with the redevelopment plan. (4) To sell or lease land so acquired for uses in... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-19-105 Regulations for long-term care policies; outline of coverage, policy summary,
and monthly report. (a) The commissioner may adopt regulations that include standards for
full and fair disclosure setting forth the manner, content, and required disclosures for the
sale of long-term care insurance policies, terms of renewability, initial and subsequent conditions
of eligibility, nonduplication of coverage provisions, coverage of dependents, preexisting
conditions, termination of insurance, continuation or conversion, probationary periods, limitations,
exceptions, reductions, elimination periods, requirements for replacement, recurrent conditions,
and definitions of terms. Regulations under this subsection should recognize the developing
and unique nature of long-term care insurance and the distinction between group and individual
long-term insurance policies. (b) No long-term care insurance policy may do any of the following:
(1) Be cancelled, nonrenewed, or otherwise... - 11K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-7-5.3 Licenses - Limited license for self-service storage facility. (a) As used
in this section, the following terms shall have the following meanings: (1) LIMITED LICENSEE.
A person or entity authorized to sell certain coverages for personal property maintained in
self-service storage facilities pursuant to this section. (2) OCCUPANT. A person, his or her
sublessee, successor, or assign entitled to the use of the storage space at a self-service
storage facility under a rental agreement, to the exclusion of others. (3) OWNER. The owner,
operator, lessor, or sublessor of a self-service storage facility, his or her agent, or any
other person authorized by him or her to manage the self-service storage facility or to receive
rent from an occupant under a rental agreement. (4) PERSONAL PROPERTY. Any movable property
not affixed to land including, but not limited to, goods, wares, merchandise, motor vehicles,
watercraft, and household items and furnishings. (5) RENTAL AGREEMENT.... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-27C-2 Creation; composition; sunset provision. (a) The Alabama Security Regulatory
Board is created. Each member of the board shall be a citizen of the United States and a resident
of this state, and the appointing authorities shall coordinate their appointments so that
diversity of gender, race, and geographical areas is reflective of the makeup of this state.
The board shall consist of the following members: (1) Two members appointed by the Governor.
The appointees shall not be qualified to be licensed under this chapter, not be engaged in
the rendering of contract security service for a minimum of three years prior to appointment,
not be employed by or affiliated with any other member of the board, and shall have served
for five or more years in a supervisory position in law enforcement in any municipality, county,
state, or district attorney's office. The members appointed by the Governor shall be selected
from a list of names submitted by a recognized security... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 37-3-4 Exemptions. (a) This chapter shall not be construed to apply to: (1)a. School
buses or other motor vehicles which are owned by county boards of education or under contract
with county boards of education, regardless of whether or not the school buses and other motor
vehicles are being used exclusively for the transportation of school children and school teachers
to and from school and provided the school buses and other motor vehicles do not take on passengers
for fare on a certificated route. b. Motor vehicles for hire while operating wholly within
the limits of a city or incorporated town or within the police jurisdiction thereof, or between
two or more incorporated towns or cities whose city limits join or are contiguous or whose
police jurisdictions join or are contiguous. c. Motor vehicles while used in the transportation
of property when the owner of the vehicle is legally and regularly engaged in the business
of selling such property and is the owner and has the... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

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