Code of Alabama

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Section 27-33-11 Trusteed assets - Trustee statements. (a) The trustee of trusteed assets shall
from time to time file with the commissioner statements, in such form as he may designate
and request in writing, certifying the character of such assets and the amounts thereof. (b)
If the trustee fails to file any such statement after request therefor and expiration of a
reasonable time thereafter, the commissioner may suspend or revoke the certificate of authority
of the insurer. (Acts 1971, No. 407, p. 707, ยง666.)... - 834 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-17A-11 Application for certificate; statements; issuance; expiration; transfer.
(a) An application to the commissioner for a certificate of authority shall be accompanied
by the statement and other matters described in this section in the form prescribed by the
commissioner. Annually thereafter, within six months after the end of its fiscal period, or
within an extension of time therefor, as the commissioner for good cause may grant, the person
authorized to engage in the sale of preneed contracts shall file with the commissioner a full
and true statement of his or her financial condition, transactions, and affairs, prepared
on a basis as adopted by a rule of the commissioner, as of the preceding fiscal period or
at such other time or times as the commissioner may provide by rule, together with information
and data which may be required by the commissioner. (b) The statement shall include all of
the following: (1) The types of preneed contracts proposed to be written and the... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 15-18-179 Application for incorporation; certificate of incorporation; amendment; board
of directors; dissolution; funding; competitive bidding laws not applicable. (a) A public
corporation may be organized as a community punishment and corrections authority pursuant
to this article in any county or group of counties located in one or more judicial circuits.
In order to incorporate the public corporation, any number of natural persons, not less than
three, who are duly qualified electors of a proposed county or counties shall first file a
written application with the county commission or any two or more thereof. The application
shall contain all of the following: (1) The names of each county commission with which the
application is filed. (2) A statement that the applicants propose to incorporate an authority
pursuant to this article. (3) The proposed location of the principal office of the authority.
(4) A statement that each of the applicants is a duly qualified elector of... - 14K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 25-5-8 Employers' options to secure payment of compensation. (a) Option to insure risks.
An employer subject to this chapter may secure the payment of compensation under this chapter
by insuring and keeping insured his or her liability in some insurance corporation, association,
organization, insurance association, corporation, or association formed of employers and workers
or formed by a group of employers to insure the risks under this chapter, operating by mutual
assessment or other plans or otherwise. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the insurance association,
organization, or corporation shall have first had its contract and plan of business approved
in writing by the Commissioner of the Department of Insurance of Alabama and have been authorized
by the Department of Insurance to transact the business of workers' compensation insurance
in this state and under the plan. Notwithstanding any other provision of the law to the contrary,
the obligations of employers under law for... - 14K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-37-140.13 Annexation; referendum; hearing; reestablishment of boundaries. (a) Whenever
any municipal corporation in Jefferson County annexes any portion of a district and a petition
is filed with the clerk of the municipality requesting annexation of the remaining portion
of the district, the petition containing the following: (1) signatures of 20 percent of the
qualified electors residing within the district or signatures of 200 qualified electors, whichever
is less, and (2) a written statement signed by at least two members of the board of trustees
of the district reciting that those signing the petition constitute either 10 percent of the
qualified electors residing within the district or 100 qualified electors residing within
the district, whichever is applicable, and (3) a description of the district; then the governing
body of such municipal corporation shall provide for and finance the cost of a referendum
election wherein the remaining qualified voter residents of... - 12K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-2A-7 Uniform revenue procedures. (a) Maintenance of records; audit and subpoena
authority; authority to issue regulations. (1) In addition to all other recordkeeping requirements
otherwise set out in this title, taxpayers shall keep and maintain an accurate and complete
set of records, books, and other information sufficient to allow the department to determine
the correct amount of value or correct amount of any tax, license, permit, or fee administered
by the department, or other records or information as may be necessary for the proper administration
of any matters under the jurisdiction of the department. The books, records, and other information
shall be open and available for inspection by the department upon request at a reasonable
time and location. (2) The department may examine and audit the records, books, or other relevant
information maintained by any taxpayer or other person for the purpose of computing and determining
the correct amount of value or correct... - 28K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-33-13 Trusteed assets - Withdrawal. (a) The trust agreement shall provide, in substance,
that no withdrawals of trusteed assets shall be made by the insurer or permitted by the trustee
without the written authorization or approval of the commissioner in advance thereof except
as follows: (1) Any or all income, earnings, dividends, or interest accumulations of the trusteed
assets may be paid over to the United States manager of the insurer upon request of the insurer
or the manager; (2) For substitution, coincidentally with such withdrawal, of other securities
or assets of value at least equal in amount to those being withdrawn, if such substituted
securities or assets are likewise such as are eligible for investment of the funds of like
domestic insurers and if such withdrawal is requested in writing by the insurer's United States
manager pursuant to general or specific written authority previously given or delegated by
the insurer's board of directors, or other similar... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-3-26 Annual statement of insurers; furnishing of other information on request. (a)
Each authorized insurer shall, annually on or before March 1, or within such extension of
time not exceeding 30 days after March 1 as the commissioner for good cause shown may grant
as to a particular insurer, file with the commissioner a full and true statement of its financial
condition, transactions and affairs as of the December 31, preceding. The statement shall
be in such general form and context as is in current use for similar reports to states in
general with respect to the type of insurer and kinds of insurance to be reported upon and
as supplemented by additional information required by the commissioner. The statement shall
be verified by the oath of the insurer's president or vice-president and secretary or actuary
as applicable or, if a reciprocal insurer, by the oath of the attorney-in-fact or its like
officers if a corporation. (b) The statement of an alien insurer shall be... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-30-8 Certificate of authority - Application. (a) To apply for a certificate of authority,
a mutual aid association shall file with the commissioner its application therefor, on forms
as prescribed and furnished by him, and showing: (1) Name of the association and the address
of its principal office or place of business in this state; (2) Name, identification, and
residence address of each director, trustee, or officer of the association; (3) The types
of aid or benefits to be provided its members or policyholders; (4) The general plan or plans
according to which its business is, or will be, conducted; and (5) Such other information
as the commissioner may reasonably require. (b) The applicant shall at the time of application
for certificate of authority file with the commissioner such of the following as are not already
on file with him: (1) A copy of its articles of incorporation, its bylaws, and other charter
or constituent documents, certified by the public official... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-30-22 Annual statement; furnishing of other information. (a) Each mutual aid association
shall, annually on or before March 1, file with the commissioner a full and true statement
of its financial condition, transactions, and affairs as of the December 31 preceding. The
statement shall be in such general form and content as is prescribed or approved by the commissioner
and shall be reasonably adapted to the plans of operation of such associations. The statement
shall be verified by an officer of the association having knowledge of the facts. (b) In addition
to information called for and furnished in connection with its annual statement, an association
shall furnish promptly to the commissioner such information as to any of its transactions
or affairs as the commissioner may, from time to time, request in writing. (c) At the time
of filing, the association shall pay the fee for filing its annual statement as prescribed
by Section 27-4-2. (d) The commissioner may, in his... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

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