Code of Alabama

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Section 27-19-54 Minimum standards for benefits, compensation arrangement, etc.; conformity
with federal provisions. (a) The commissioner shall issue reasonable regulations to establish
minimum standards for benefits, claims payment, marketing practices, compensation arrangements,
and reporting practices, for Medicare supplement policies and certificates. For the purposes
of this section, the term compensation arrangements shall not include payment methods, fee
schedules, or other compensation arrangements between licensed health care providers and purchasers
of health care services. (b) The commissioner may, from time to time, adopt reasonable regulations
as are necessary to conform Medicare supplement policies and certificates to the requirements
of federal law and regulations promulgated thereunder, including, but not limited to, the
following: (1) Requiring refunds or credits if the policies or certificates do not meet loss
ratio requirements. (2) Establishing a uniform methodology... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-21A-3 Issuance of certificate of authority. (a)(1) Upon receipt of an application
for issuance of a certificate of authority, the commissioner shall forthwith transmit copies
of such application and accompanying documents to the State Health Officer. (2) The State
Health Officer shall determine whether the applicant for a certificate of authority, with
respect to health care services to be furnished: a. Has demonstrated the willingness and potential
ability to assure that such health care services will be provided in a manner to assure both
availability and accessibility of adequate personnel and facilities and in a manner enhancing
availability, accessibility, and continuity of service; b. Has arrangements, established in
accordance with the regulations promulgated by the State Health Officer, for an on-going quality
assurance program concerning health care processes and outcomes; and c. Has a procedure, established
in accordance with regulations of the State Health... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-4A-3 Generally. (a) Subject to the exceptions and exemptions hereinafter set forth,
for the year beginning on January 1, 1995, and for each year thereafter, every insurer shall
pay to the commissioner a premium tax equal to the percentage, as set out in this subsection,
of the premiums received by the insurer for business done in this state, whether the same
was actually received by the insurer in this state or elsewhere: (1) PREMIUM TAX ON LIFE INSURANCE
PREMIUMS. a. Except as hereinafter provided, the rates of taxation on life insurance premiums
shall be those amounts set out in the following schedule: Year Foreign Insurers Domestic Insurers
1995 2.9 1.3 1996 2.8 1.6 1997 2.7 1.8 1998 2.5 2.1 Every Year Thereafter 2.3 2.3 b. Individual
life insurance policies in a face amount of greater than $5,000 and up to and including $25,000,
excluding group life insurance policies, shall be taxed at the rate of one percent per annum.
c. Individual life insurance policies in a face... - 16K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 33-1-25 Port authority authorized to carry fire and casualty and public liability insurance.
The Alabama State Port Authority is hereby authorized to provide insurance covering loss or
damage to its properties, or any properties of others in its custody, care or control, or
any properties as to which it has any insurable interest, caused by fire or other casualty;
and may likewise provide insurance for the payment of damages on account of the injury to
or death of persons, and the loss of or destruction of properties of others; and may pay the
premiums thereon out of the revenues of the port authority. Nothing herein shall be construed
to authorize or permit the institution of any civil action or proceeding in any court against
the port authority for or on account of any matters referred to in this section; provided,
that any contracts of insurance herein authorized may, in the discretion of the director of
the port authority, provide for a direct right of action against the... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 8-37-3 (Effective January 1, 2018) GAP waivers authorized; charges; insurance; creditor
requirements. (a) GAP waivers may be offered, sold, or provided to borrowers in this state
under this chapter. (b) GAP waivers, at the option of the creditor that offers the GAP waiver,
may be sold for a single payment or may be offered with a monthly or periodic payment option.
(c) Notwithstanding any other provision of law and subject to Section 8-37-7, any cost to
the borrower for a GAP waiver entered into in compliance with The Truth in Lending Act, 15
U.S.C. ยง1601 et seq., and its implementing regulations, as they may be amended from time
to time, shall be separately stated and is not to be considered a finance charge or interest.
If the charge for a GAP waiver is financed, the charge shall be separately itemized on the
finance agreement. (d) A retail seller shall insure its GAP waiver obligations under a contractual
liability or other insurance policy issued by an insurer. A creditor,... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-21-386 Examination and investigation of corporations by department; power to summon
and examine witnesses; payment of expenses. (a) The Department of Insurance, any agent or
examiner of the department, or any other person appointed by the department shall have the
power of visitation and examination into the affairs, transactions, accounts, business records,
and assets of any such dental service plan corporation, shall have free access to all of the
books, papers, and documents that relate to the business of the corporation, may summon and
qualify witnesses under oath, and may examine its officers, agents, and employees or other
relative persons regarding the affairs, transactions, and condition of the corporation. The
corporation whose affairs are examined shall pay to the department for deposit into the State
Treasury the traveling expenses and any other expenses of the examiner or other person making
the examination which shall be credited as provided by Section... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-15-53 Requirements for death master file comparisons. (a) An insurer shall perform
a comparison of its insureds' in-force life insurance policies, annuity contracts, and retained
asset accounts against a death master file, to identify potential death master file matches
of its insureds. Such comparison shall be completed by January 1, 2019. Thereafter, an insurer
shall maintain a program designed to compare each such policy, contract, or account with a
death master file no less frequently than every three years, it being the intent that insurers
fashion a program that best fits their business systems while at the same time protecting
consumers by assuring reasonable checks are being performed to identify unreported deaths.
For those potential death master file matches identified as a result of a death master file
comparison, the insurer shall do all of the following: (1) Within 90 days of a death master
file match: a. Complete a commercially reasonable effort, which shall be... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-14B-1 Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the following
meanings: (1) AFFILIATE. An affiliate of another person shall include any of the following:
a. A person who directly or indirectly either: 1. Beneficially owns 15 percent or more of
the outstanding voting securities or other voting ownership interests of the other person,
whether through rights, options, convertible interests, or otherwise; or 2. Controls or holds
power to vote 15 percent or more of the outstanding voting securities or other voting ownership
interests of the other person. b. A person owning 15 percent or more of the outstanding voting
securities or other voting ownership interests of which are directly or indirectly either:
1. Beneficially owned by the other person, whether through rights, options, convertible interests,
or otherwise; or 2. Controlled or held with power to vote by the other person. c. A partnership
or limited liability company in which the other person... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-26B-21 Privilege assessment on nursing facilities. To provide further for the availability
of indigent health care, the operation of the Medicaid program, and the maintenance and expansion
of medical services: (a) There is levied and shall be collected a privilege assessment on
the business activities of every nursing facility in the State of Alabama. The privilege assessment
imposed is in addition to all other taxes and assessments, and shall be at the annual rate
of one thousand eight hundred ninety-nine dollars and ninety-six cents ($1,899.96) for each
bed in the nursing facility. Beginning September 1, 2020, the privilege assessment shall be
increased from one thousand eight hundred ninety-nine dollars and ninety-six cents ($1,899.96)
for each bed in the nursing facility, by an addition to the privilege assessment equal to
three hundred twenty-seven dollars and forty-eight cents ($327.48) per annum. The addition
to the privilege assessment shall be paid in equal monthly... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-10-755 Bonds of the authority. (a) General. The authority is authorized from time
to time to sell and issue its bonds for the purpose of providing funds to be transferred to
and deposited in the Alabama Trust Fund and the Rainy Day Account, to provide additional funds
to the Alabama Medicaid Agency, for paying the costs of transportation projects, and for the
purpose of refunding any or all of the authority's outstanding bonds. (b) Sources of payment.
Bonds issued by the authority shall be solely and exclusively an obligation of the authority
and shall not create an obligation or debt of the state. Such bonds shall not be general obligations
of the authority but shall be payable solely from one or more of the following sources: (1)
Appropriated funds. (2) The income or proceeds realized by the authority under any mortgage
or security granted to the authority. (3) Amounts derived from any letter of credit, insurance
policy, or other form of credit enhancement applicable to... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

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