Code of Alabama

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Section 2-26-75 Conduct of investigation as to complaint by committee; hindering, obstructing,
etc., access to premises, review of records, etc., by committee; report of findings and recommendations.
When the Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries refers a complaint by a farmer or other
seed purchaser to the Seed Investigation and Arbitration Committee, said committee shall make
a full and complete investigation of the matters complained of and at the conclusion of said
investigation report its findings with its recommendations and file same with the Commissioner
of Agriculture and Industries. The purchaser of the seed and the seed dealer shall upon request
of either party be entitled to a hearing before the committee before any findings and recommendations
are made. Notice of the date, time and place of the hearing shall be given to both parties.
In conducting its investigation the committee or any member or members thereof is authorized
to investigate the farmer or other... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-30-19 Penalties and remedies. (a) Whenever, on the basis of any information, the
department determines that any person is in violation of any requirement of this chapter,
any rule or regulation promulgated by the department or any permit issued under authority
granted by this chapter, the department may issue an order requiring compliance immediately
or within a specified time period, and, in cases where an imminent threat to human health
or the environment is demonstrated, suspend operations causing such threat until the department
determines that adequate steps are being taken to correct such violations. (b) Whenever, on
the basis of any information, the department determines that there is or has been a release
of hazardous waste into the environment from a facility authorized to operate under Section
22-30-12(i), the department may issue an order requiring corrective action or such other response
measure as it deems necessary to protect human health or the environment.... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-9A-12 New birth certificate upon adoption, legitimation, or paternity determination;
availability of original certificate; contact preference form. (a) The State Registrar shall
establish a new certificate of birth for a person born in this state upon receipt of any of
the following: (1) A report of adoption as provided in Section 22-9A-11 or a report of adoption
prepared and filed in accordance with the laws of another state, the District of Columbia,
a territory of the United States, or a foreign country, or a certified copy of the decree
of adoption, together with the information necessary to identify the original certificate
of birth and to establish a new certificate of birth. A new certificate of birth shall not
be established if so requested by the court decreeing the adoption. (2) A request that a new
certificate be established upon completion of the legitimation procedure specified in Sections
26-11-2 and 26-17-6. If the name of another man is shown as the father of... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 29-2-4 Reporting requirements; powers and duties. (a) On or before January 31 of each
year, any county or city required to report local motor fuel excise tax rate information to
the Department of Revenue pursuant to Act 1998-192 shall provide a similar report to the transportation
department regarding the total amount of local motor fuel excise tax revenues collected by
the county or city for the immediately preceding fiscal year and the total amount of the revenues
expended on road and bridge maintenance and improvement during that same fiscal year. The
transportation department shall collect the information and deliver a report to the Joint
Transportation Committee on or before March 31 of each year. (b) The powers and duties of
the Joint Transportation Committee shall be as follows: (1) It shall review and shall consider
concurring with the long-range plan of the transportation department as such plan exists at
the date of the meeting called for the purpose of reviewing the... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 36-17-3 Duties generally. The powers, functions, and duties of the Treasurer shall
be: (1) To receive all moneys due the state and deposit them in the proper accounts. (2) To
perform the functions and duties now authorized by law with respect to state depositaries.
(3) To pay all warrants duly executed by the Comptroller, and to pay for funds electronically
transferred by the Comptroller in accordance with Section 41-4-50, upon the determination
that there is sufficient money for the payment thereof in the fund upon which they are drawn.
No warrant executed by any other person shall be honored. All checks drawn on the state funds
shall be signed by the Treasurer, or the chief clerk in the office, and countersigned by the
special assistant in the office of the Treasurer, who is appointed by the Treasurer with the
approval of the Governor. Another employee may be designated by the Treasurer, with the approval
of the Governor, to countersign checks in the absence of the special... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-2-244.004 Duties of cigarette wholesalers, jobbers, and retailers. (a) It shall
be the duty of each wholesale dealer or jobber who sells, stores, or delivers cigarettes to
retail sellers in this county to affix to each package of cigarettes sold or delivered in
the county the designated stamp. Each wholesaler or jobber who desires to do so may purchase
the stamps from the county commission of the county at a 10 percent discount on the entire
amount of sale when the purchases are made in quantities of one thousand dollars ($1,000)
or more. The discount allowed hereby will be compensation to the wholesale dealer or jobber
for the cost of affixing the stamp to the cigarettes and for the keeping of the records required
by this subpart. All other persons, except such wholesale dealers, or jobbers, must pay the
full face amount for stamps, and no person, wholesaler, jobber, or dealer, shall be entitled
to purchase any such number of the stamps as would cause the purchase price to... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-49-249.04 Purchase of stamps; records. (a)It shall be the duty of each wholesale
dealer or jobber who sells, stores, or delivers cigarettes to retail sellers in this county
to affix to each package of cigarettes sold or delivered in the county the designated stamp.
Each wholesaler or jobber who desires to do so may purchase the stamps from the county commission
of the county at a 10 percent discount on the entire amount of sale when the purchases are
made in quantities of two hundred dollars ($200) or more. The discount allowed hereby will
be compensation to the wholesale dealer or jobber for the cost of affixing the stamp to the
cigarettes and for the keeping of the records required by this subpart. All other persons,
except such wholesale dealers, or jobbers, must pay the full face amount for stamps, and no
person, wholesaler, jobber, or dealer, shall be entitled to purchase any such number of stamps
as would cause the purchase price to include a fraction of a cent.... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 5-25-5 Application for license. (a) An application for a license under this chapter
shall be made in writing, under oath, and in the form as the department may prescribe. (b)
The application shall include all of the following: (1) The legal name, business address,
and telephone number of the applicant and, if the applicant is a partnership, association,
corporation, or other group of individuals, however organized, the legal name, residence,
and business address of every principal, together with the resume of the applicant and of
every principal of the applicant. (2) The name under which the applicant will conduct business
in the state. (3) The complete address of the applicant's initial registered office and any
other locations at which the applicant will engage in any business activity covered by this
chapter. (4) Any other data, financial statements, and pertinent information as the department
may require with respect to the applicant, its directors, principals, trustees,... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-17-109 Violations; records; fees; assessment and hearing; filling of containers;
installation, maintenance, etc., of appliances; damages. (a) Any person violating this article
or any rule, order, or regulation promulgated pursuant to this article shall, on conviction
thereof, be fined not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) and may also be imprisoned in
the county jail or sentenced to hard labor for the county for not more than six months. Every
violation of this article or any rule, order, or regulation promulgated pursuant to this article
shall constitute a separate offense. (b) Every person subject to the fees imposed by Section
9-17-106 shall keep and preserve suitable records of all liquefied petroleum gas transactions
subject to fees and any other books or accounts necessary to determine the amount of fees
for which the person is liable under this article. Those records shall be retained for a period
of not less than three years, and shall include the name and... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 13A-9-71 Registration of charitable organizations, professional fund raisers, and commercial
co-venturers, and professional solicitors; notification of changes; exempt persons; annual
report; prohibition against fund raising by unregistered person; contracts between professional
fund raisers and commercial co-venturers; appointment of Secretary of State as agent for service
of process; use of name of charitable organization without consent; disclosure by solicitors;
violations and penalties; injunctive relief. (a) Every charitable organization, except those
granted an exemption in subsection (f), which is physically located in this state, intends
to solicit contributions in or from this state, or to have contributions solicited in this
state, on its behalf, by other charitable organizations, paid solicitors, or commercial co-venturers
in or from this state shall, prior to any solicitation, file a registration statement with
the Attorney General upon a form prescribed by the... - 16K - Match Info - Similar pages

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