Code of Alabama

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Section 45-39-241.41 Minimum annual salary. In Lauderdale County, all persons serving as supernumerary
tax collectors and supernumerary tax assessors as of September 25, 1986, shall receive a minimum
annual salary payable in equal monthly installments from the county in the amount of fifteen
thousand five hundred dollars ($15,500). Any supernumerary official who is paid less than
the minimum annual salary shall hereby be paid in monthly installments additional amounts
from the county as will provide a minimum annual salary of fifteen thousand five hundred dollars
($15,500). The additional sum shall be deducted on a pro rata millage basis from the county
and all subdivisions and agencies thereto with the exception of municipalities to which the
person collecting ad valorem taxes is charged with the distribution of ad valorem taxes collected
as provided by law. (Act 86-651, 1st Sp. Sess, p. 34, §1.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 6-11-51 Definitions. As used in this article the following words and terms shall have
the following meanings: (1) ANNUITY ISSUER. An insurer that has issued a contract to fund
periodic payments under a structured settlement. (2) DEPENDENTS. A payee's spouse and minor
children and all other persons for whom the payee is legally obligated to provide support,
including alimony. (3) DISCOUNTED PRESENT VALUE. The present value of future payments determined
by discounting the payments to the present using the most recently published applicable federal
rate for determining the present value of an annuity, as issued by the United States Internal
Revenue Service. (4) GROSS ADVANCE AMOUNT. The sum payable to the payee or for the payee's
account as consideration for a transfer of structured settlement payment rights before any
reductions for transfer expenses or other deductions to be made from the consideration. (5)
INDEPENDENT PROFESSIONAL ADVICE. Advice of an attorney, certified public... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

shall revert to the judgment debtor. (g) In the event periodic payments are ordered under this
section, the court shall order the judgment marked satisfied when the judgment debtor satisfies
the court that he is adequately insured or posts security sufficient to assure full payment
of such damages or purchases an annuity of sufficient value as set out in subsection (c) of
this section. (h) It is the intent of the Legislature in enacting this section to require
the entry of judgments in malpractice actions against health care providers which provide
for the payment of future damages in excess of $150,000 through periodic payments rather than
lump sum payments. By authorizing periodic payment of judgments as required herein it is the
intent of the Legislature that the courts will utilize such judgments to provide compensation
sufficient to meet the needs of an injured plaintiff and those persons who are dependent upon
the plaintiff for the period of years during which said future... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-49-240.42 Supernumerary tax collectors. In Mobile County, all persons serving as
supernumerary tax collectors as of April 30, 1986, shall receive a minimum annual salary payable
in equal monthly installments from the county in the amount of seventeen thousand five hundred
dollars ($17,500). Any supernumerary official who is paid less than the minimum annual salary
shall hereby be paid in monthly installments such additional amounts from the county as will
provide a minimum annual salary of seventeen thousand five hundred dollars ($17,500). The
additional sum shall be deducted on a pro rata millage basis from the county and all subdivisions
and agencies thereto with the exception of municipalities to which the person collecting ad
valorem taxes is charged with the distribution of ad valorem taxes collected as provided by
law. (Act 86-548, p. 1122, §1.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-36A-7 Computation of minimum standard by calendar year of issue. (a) The interest
rates used in determining the minimum standard for the valuation of the following shall be
the calendar year statutory valuation interest rates as defined in this section: (1) Life
insurance policies issued in a particular calendar year, on or after the operative date of
Section 27-15-78. (2) Individual annuity and pure endowment contracts issued in a particular
calendar year on or after January 1, 1982. (3) Annuities and pure endowments purchased in
a particular calendar year on or after January 1, 1982, under group annuity and pure endowment
contracts. (4) The net increase, if any, in a particular calendar year after January 1, 1982,
in amounts held under guaranteed interest contracts. (b) Calendar year statutory valuation
interest rates. (1) The calendar year statutory valuation interest rates, I, shall be determined
as follows and the results rounded to the nearest one-quarter of one... - 12K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-10-44.9 Establishment of tax increment funds. In order to provide a method of financing
project costs other than by the issuance of project obligations payable from the amounts required
to be paid by an approved company under a financing agreement, the authority may establish
one or more tax increment funds with respect to a project, into which the authority and an
approved company may agree that the approved company will deposit either or both of the following:
(i) an annual amount equal to the amount of corporate income tax levied by Section 40-18-31
that otherwise would be owed by the approved company on its income generated by or arising
from such project, and (ii) the aggregate job development fees withheld by the approved company
as provided in Section 41-10-44.7. The authority may also arrange for any gifts, grants, loans,
appropriations or other forms of aid from the federal or state governments or from any other
public or private entity to be paid into a tax... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-12-270 Disbursement of net proceeds from license taxes and registration fees; Secondary
Road Committee created. (a) The moneys collected each month by the judge of probate from motor
vehicle license taxes and registration fees, after deducting therefrom the amounts referred
to in subdivisions (1) and (2) of subsection (a) of Section 40-12-269, the moneys remaining
after making the said deductions being referred to in this section as "the net proceeds,"
shall be disbursed by the judge of probate as follows: (1) That portion of the net proceeds
that consists of additional amounts paid under the schedule of additional amounts set forth
in subsection (b) of Section 40-12-248 shall be remitted by the judge of probate to the State
Treasurer who shall distribute said amounts as follows: a. 64.75 percent of said amounts shall
be distributed by the State Treasurer to the State of Alabama; b. 35.25 percent of said amounts
shall be apportioned and distributed by the State Treasurer... - 12K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 1-1-10 Repeal of uncodified statutes of public, general, and permanent nature; certain
statutes saved from repeal. Subject to the provisions of this section, or as may be otherwise
provided in this Code, all statutes of a public, general and permanent nature, not included
in this Code, are repealed. The foregoing provisions of this section shall not repeal, nor
be construed to repeal, local, private or special statutes; nor statutes which relate to or
apply to only one county, municipality, political subdivision, district or territory; nor
statutes which apply to one or more counties, municipalities, political subdivisions, districts
or territories on the basis of population; nor statutes in effect on the effective date of
this Code which apply to one or more judicial circuits of the state, whether by specific reference
thereto, or the basis of population or by some other method of identification or classification;
nor statutes in effect on the effective date of this Code which... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-52-52 Filing of tentative report of board of appraisers; notice of filing of report
and of period for filing objections thereto; meeting of board of appraisers as to objections
and transmittal of report to council; approval or disapproval of report by council; payment
of compensation to property owners generally; effect of failure of council to approve report
or provide for payment of compensation within 90 days. The board of appraisers shall, within
90 days after the time fixed for the filing of claims, file its tentative report with the
clerk of the council, setting forth its findings as to the amounts of compensation to be paid
the respective owners of the lands included within the lines of such reservations as located
on the approved plat. Thereupon the clerk of the council shall publish once a week for two
consecutive weeks in at least two newspapers of general circulation in the municipality the
fact of the filing of the report of the appraisers and specify a period of... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-13-231 Purposes and plan of apportionment. (a) In addition to all other appropriations
and apportionments of public school money now provided by law and made available for public
schools there shall be apportioned and paid to local boards of education from the Foundation
Program Fund, the amounts to be determined as hereinafter provided and in accordance with
regulations of the State Board of Education. This Foundation Program Fund shall be used principally:
(1) To aid in providing at least a 180 full instructional day minimum school term, or the
hourly equivalent thereof, except as otherwise provided in paragraph c. of subdivision (1)
of subsection (b); and, (2) To assist in the promotion of educational opportunity for all
children in the public schools. (b) The following requirements and procedures, supplemented
when necessary by regulations of the State Board of Education, shall govern the apportionment
of the fund: (1) REQUIREMENTS FOR PARTICIPATING IN FUND. In order for... - 14K - Match Info - Similar pages

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