Code of Alabama

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Section 27-14-25 Receipt and giving of acquittance and discharge for payment by minors. (a)
Any minor domiciled in this state who has attained the age of 18 years shall be deemed competent
to receive and to give full acquittance and discharge for a payment, or payments, in aggregate
amount not exceeding $3,000.00 in any one year, made by a life insurer under the maturity,
death, or settlement agreement provisions in effect or elected by such minor under a life
insurance policy or annuity contract, provided such policy, contract, or agreement shall provide
for the payment, or payments, to such minor and if, prior to such payment, the insurer has
not received written notice of the appointment of a duly qualified guardian of the property
of such minor. No such minor shall be deemed competent to alienate the right to, or to anticipate,
such payments. This section shall not be deemed to restrict the rights of minors set forth
in Section 27-14-5. (b) This section shall not be deemed to... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

foregoing, the insurance association, organization, or corporation shall have first had its
contract and plan of business approved in writing by the Commissioner of the Department of
Insurance of Alabama and have been authorized by the Department of Insurance to transact the
business of workers' compensation insurance in this state and under the plan. Notwithstanding
any other provision of the law to the contrary, the obligations of employers under law for
workers' compensation benefits for injury of employees may be insured by any combination
of life, disability, accident, health, or other insurance provided that the coverages insure
without limitation or exclusion the workers' compensation benefits of this state. (b) Option
to operate as self-insurer. An employer subject to this chapter who elects not to insure his
or her liability thereunder shall furnish satisfactory proof to the secretary of his or her
financial ability to pay directly compensation in the amount and manner and... - 14K - Match Info - Similar pages

to hold, keep, improve, maintain, and impose restrictive covenants and land use controls, to
engage in environmental remediation and restoration efforts as required under applicable agreements
with the United States Department of Defense, to equip, furnish, develop, and to transfer,
convey, donate, sell, lease, grant options to, assign, encumber with easements and mortgages
and other security agreements, or otherwise convey or dispose of property of every kind and
character, real, personal, mixed, tangible, and intangible, and any interest therein,
to any person, with the authority receiving adequate consideration, as solely determined by
the authority upon the authority's consideration of tangible and intangible factors in determining
if adequate consideration is to be received by the authority. (5) To make, enter into, and
execute such contracts, agreements, cooperative agreements, leases, loan agreements, orders,
mortgages, deeds, and other legal arrangements and to take... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

designated as a beneficiary of the policy, and if: (1) The applicant or prospective owner of
the policy lacks an insurable interest in the prospective insured. (2) The applicant or prospective
owner of the policy is known on the basis of medical, police, or court records to have committed
an act of abuse against the prospective insured. (3) The insured or prospective insured is
a subject of abuse, and that person, or a person who has assumed the care of that person,
if a minor or incapacitated, has objected to the issuance of the policy on the ground that
the policy would be issued to or for the direct or indirect benefit of the abuser. (h) An
insurer shall not be held civilly or criminally liable for the death of or injury to
an insured resulting from any action taken in a good faith effort to comply with the requirements
of this chapter. This subsection does not prevent an action by the commissioner to investigate
or enforce a violation of this chapter. (Act 2000-595, p. 1185, ยง3.)... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-14-5 Power to contract; purchase of insurance by or for minors. (a) Any person of
competent legal capacity may contract for insurance. (b) Any minor of the age of 15 years
or more, as determined by the nearest birthday, may, notwithstanding his minority, contract
for annuities, or for insurance upon his own life, body, health, property, liabilities, or
other interests or on the person of another in whom the minor has an insurable interest. Such
a minor shall, notwithstanding such minority, be deemed competent to exercise all rights and
powers with respect to, or under: (1) Any contract for annuity or for insurance upon his own
life, body, or health; or (2) Any contract such minor effected upon his own property, liabilities,
or other interests or on the person of another, as might be exercised by a person of full
legal age, and may at any time surrender his interest in any such contracts and give valid
discharge for any benefit accruing or money payable thereunder. Such a... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-44-8 Powers and duties of association. (a) If a member insurer is an impaired insurer,
the association may, in its discretion and subject to any conditions imposed by the association
that do not impair the contractual obligations of the impaired insurer, and that are approved
by the commissioner: (1) Guarantee or reinsure, or cause to be guaranteed, assumed, or reinsured,
any or all of the covered policies of the impaired insurers. (2) Provide such moneys, pledges,
notes, guarantees, or other means as are proper to effectuate subdivision (1), and assure
payment of the contractual obligations of the impaired insurer pending action under subdivision
(1). (b) If a member insurer is an insolvent insurer, the association shall, in its discretion
and subject to the approval of the commissioner, do either of the following: (1)a. Guarantee,
assume, or reinsure, or cause to be guaranteed, assumed, or reinsured, the covered policies
of the insolvent insurer. b. Assure payment of the... - 24K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 25-14-9 Written contract; rights and duties of clients; employees, and professional
employer organizations. (a) All professional employer organization arrangements shall have
a written contract between the client and the professional employer organization recognizing
the rights, responsibilities, and duties of each party. The contract shall disclose to the
client the services to be rendered by the professional employer organization, including the
total administrative fees charged for professional employer organization services, the respective
rights and obligations of the parties, and shall provide the following: (1) The professional
employer organization reserves a right of direction and control over contract employees and
exercises that right in the context of the need to do so according to the terms and conditions
of the professional employment agreement. The client, however, as an employer, may retain
sufficient direction and control over covered employees necessary to... - 12K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-42-20 Access to assets of insolvent insurer; application for court approval of plan
to disburse assets; notice of application. (a) Within 120 days of a final determination of
insolvency of an insurance company by a court of competent jurisdiction the receiver shall
make application to the said court for approval of a proposal to disburse assets out of such
company's marshalled assets, from time to time as such assets become available, to the Alabama
Insurance Guaranty Association and to any entity or person performing a similar function in
another state. (The Alabama Insurance Guaranty Association and any entity or person performing
a similar function in other states shall hereinafter be referred to collectively as the associations.)
(b) Such proposal shall at least include provisions for: (1) Reserving amounts for the payment
of expenses of administration and claims falling within the priorities established in the
Alabama Uniform Insurers Liquidation Act but only with... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-44-21 Immediate access of associations in this and other states to assets of insolvent
insurer; application to court; contents of proposal; notice. (a) Within 120 days of a final
determination of insolvency of an insurance company by a court of competent jurisdiction the
receiver shall make application to the said court for approval of a proposal to disburse assets
out of such company's marshalled assets, from time to time as such assets become available,
to the Alabama Life and Disability Insurance Guaranty Association and to any entity or person
performing a similar function in another state. (The Alabama Life and Disability Insurance
Guaranty Association and any entity or person performing a similar function in other states
shall hereinafter be referred to collectively as associations.) (b) Such proposal shall at
least include provisions for: (1) Reserving amounts for the payment of expenses of administration
and claims falling within the priorities established in the... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

functions. 5. CORPORATE RECORDS OF THE COMMISSION The Commission shall maintain its corporate
books and records in accordance with the Bylaws. 6. QUALIFIED IMMUNITY, DEFENSE, AND INDEMNIFICATION
a. The Members, officers, executive director, employees, and representatives of the Commission,
the Executive Committee, and any other Committee of the Commission shall be immune from suit
and liability, either personally or in their official capacity, for any claim for damage to
or loss of property or personal injury or other civil liability caused by or
arising out of any actual or alleged act, error, or omission that occurred, or that the person
against whom the claim is made had a reasonable basis for believing occurred within the scope
of Commission employment, duties, or responsibilities; provided that nothing in this paragraph
shall be construed to protect any such person from suit and/or liability for any damage, loss,
injury, or liability caused by the intentional or willful or wanton... - 62K - Match Info - Similar pages

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