Code of Alabama

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Section 24-8-13 Recommendation for hearing by investigator; order for hearing; parties' right
to take civil action; amendment of complaint; subpoenas; refusal to allow discovery; hearing;
panel opinion and order; review. (a) If not sooner resolved, the investigator, upon completion
of his investigation, shall submit to ADECA a statement of the facts disclosed by his investigation
and recommend either that the complaint be dismissed or that a panel of office members be
designated to hear the complaint. ADECA, after review of the case file and the statement and
recommendation of the investigator, shall issue an order either of dismissal or for a hearing,
which is not subject to judicial or other further review. (b) If the order is for dismissal,
ADECA shall mail a copy of the order to the complainant and the respondent at their last known
addresses. The complainant may bring an action against the respondent in circuit court within
90 days of the date of the dismissal or within one year... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 30-3C-9 Hearing on petition to prevent abduction. (a) If a petition is filed under
this chapter, the court may set a preliminary hearing as necessary, and shall cause to be
issued all summonses and notices as required by law and otherwise deemed necessary and appropriate.
Should the court determine from the petition, or on evidence presented at a preliminary hearing,
that no emergency or temporary orders are appropriate, then the court shall set the petition
for a final hearing at such time as the court deems appropriate and as the best interests
of the child require. (b) If, at a hearing on a petition under this chapter, the court after
reviewing the evidence finds a credible risk of abduction of the child, the court shall enter
an abduction prevention order. The order must include the provisions required by subsection
(c), specifying measures that are reasonably calculated to prevent abduction of the child
and giving due consideration to the custody and visitation rights of... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 38-9-6 Protective placement or other protective services. (a) An interested person
may petition the court to order protective placement or other protective services for an adult
in need of protective services. No protective placement or other protective services may be
ordered unless there is a determination by the court that the person is unable to provide
for his or her own protection from abuse, neglect, exploitation, sexual abuse, or emotional
abuse. Upon a petition, setting forth the facts and name, age, sex, and residence of the person,
the court of the circuit in which the person resides shall appoint a day, not more than 30
days from the filing of the petition, for the hearing on the petition. If, on the hearing
of a petition, the person is not represented by counsel, the court shall appoint a guardian
ad litem to represent him or her. A jury of six persons shall be impanelled for the hearing
to serve as the trier of facts. (b) Costs of court proceedings under this... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-10-121 Manner of redemption of land sold to state. THIS SECTION WAS AMENDED BY ACT
SEE THE VERSION LABELED PENDING. (a) In order to obtain the redemption of land from tax sales
where the same has been heretofore or hereafter sold to the state, the party desiring to make
such redemption shall apply therefor as hereinafter provided and shall deposit with the judge
of probate of the county in which the land is situated the amount of money for which the lands
were sold, with interest thereon at the rate of 12 percent, together with the amount of all
taxes found to be due on such land since the date of sale, as provided herein, with interest
at the rate of 12 percent and all costs and fees due to officers. (b) Upon application to
the probate judge to redeem land where the same has been sold to the state for taxes, which
application shall be made on blank forms to be furnished by the Land... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 5-2A-82 Appeals from acts of bureau or supervisor. Any person aggrieved by any order
or act of the bureau or the supervisor may, within 30 days from the entry of the order complained
of or within 60 days of the act complained of if there is no order, file a complaint or appeal
from the order or act against the supervisor in the Circuit Court of Montgomery County or
the circuit court of the county of the residence of the party aggrieved or the circuit court
of the county wherein the party aggrieved does business and file security with the court for
costs. Such complaint may pray for a reversal, rescission or modification of the order or
act complained of and for such other relief as may be appropriate. It shall allege the facts
relied upon as the basis for such relief. When the complaint has been filed, a summons shall
be issued forthwith and shall be served upon the supervisor personally or by registered or
certified mail addressed to his office in the State Banking Department.... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 25-2-13 Board of appeals - Powers and duties generally; appeals from findings as to
dangerous condition, etc., of machines, etc. (a) The functions and duties of the board of
appeals shall be as follows: (1) To hear and determine appeals under Chapter 4 of this title.
(2) To hold public hearings on proposed safety rules and regulations and amendments and repeals
thereof, and to promulgate and publish such rules and regulations and amendments and repeals
as provided in this chapter. (3) To hear and determine appeals from the finding of any officers
or employees of the Department of Labor that any machine, tool, equipment or structure is
in a dangerous condition or is not properly guarded or is dangerously placed, when the discontinuance
of the use thereof has been ordered. (b) When such appeal is taken by a person affected by
such order, no appeal shall be taken from such determination of the board of appeals, except
on questions of law or on the ground that the determination is... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-6F-6 Authorization of establishment; Alabama Public Charter School Commission; registration
requirements; powers and duties of authorizers. (a) Eligible authorizing entities. (1) A public
charter school shall not be established in this state unless its establishment is authorized
by this section. No governmental entity or other entity, other than an entity expressly granted
chartering authority as set forth in this section, may assume any authorizing function or
duty in any form. The following entities shall be authorizers of public charter schools: a.
A local school board, for chartering of schools within the boundaries of the school system
under its jurisdiction, pursuant to state law. b. The Alabama Public Charter School Commission,
pursuant to this section. (2) A local school board that registers as an authorizer may approve
or deny an application to form a public charter school within the boundaries of the local
school system overseen by the local school board. (3) All... - 21K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-24-361 Investigations; reporting offenses; proceedings and actions; privileged information.
(a)(1) The State Board of Medical Examiners on its own motion may investigate any evidence
which appears to show that a physician or osteopath holding a certificate of qualification
to practice medicine or osteopathy in the State of Alabama is or may be guilty of any of the
acts, offenses, or conditions set out in Section 34-24-360. As part of its investigation,
the board may require a criminal history background check of the physician or osteopath. In
such event, the physician or osteopath shall submit a complete set of fingerprints to the
State Board of Medical Examiners. The board shall submit the fingerprints provided by the
physician or osteopath to the Alabama Bureau of Investigation (ABI). The fingerprints shall
be forwarded by the ABI to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for a national criminal
history record check. Costs associated with conducting a criminal history... - 14K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-8-6 Prohibited acts; penalties; cease and desist orders. (a) Any person, firm, or
corporation not being duly authorized who shall engage in the business of general contracting
in this state, except as provided for in this chapter, and any person, firm, or corporation
presenting or attempting to file as its own the license certificate of another, or who shall
give false or forged evidence of any kind to the board, or to any member thereof, in obtaining
a certificate of license, or who falsely shall impersonate another, or who shall use an expired
or revoked certificate of license shall be deemed guilty of a Class A misdemeanor and for
each offense for which he or she is convicted shall be punished as provided by law. Furthermore,
any person including an owner, architect, engineer, construction manager, or private awarding
authority who considers a bid from anyone not properly licensed under this chapter shall be
deemed guilty of a Class B misdemeanor and shall for each... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-9B-3 Definitions. (a) For purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases
mean: (1) ABATE, ABATEMENT. A reduction or elimination of a taxpayer's liability for tax or
payments required to be made in lieu thereof. An abatement of transaction taxes imposed under
Chapter 23 of this title, or payments required to be made in lieu thereof, shall relieve the
seller from the obligation to collect and pay over the transaction tax as if the sale were
to a person exempt, to the extent of the abatement, from the transaction tax. (2) ALTERNATIVE
ENERGY RESOURCES. The definition given in Section 40-18-1. (3) CONSTRUCTION RELATED TRANSACTION
TAXES. The transaction taxes imposed by Chapter 23 of this title, or payments required to
be made in lieu thereof, on tangible personal property and taxable services incorporated into
an industrial development property, the cost of which may be added to capital account with
respect to the property, determined without regard to any rule which... - 19K - Match Info - Similar pages

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