Code of Alabama

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Section 16-46-5 License for operation of schools; fees; financial stability. (a) No private
postsecondary institution, except those enumerated in Section 16-46-3, shall operate within
this state unless the private postsecondary institution first secures a license from the Department
of Postsecondary Education, regardless of whether the private postsecondary institution enrolls
Alabama students or has a physical presence within the State of Alabama. Procedures for licensing
and bonding of private postsecondary institutions operating courses in separate locations
shall be established in the rules and regulations pursuant to Section 16-46-7. (b) For all
applicable private postsecondary schools or institutions that apply for a license and that
meet the criteria identified in this section, the Department of Postsecondary Education shall
issue a license to be publicly displayed on the premises where the private postsecondary institution
operates. (c) The application for a license for a... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 25-4-137 Adjustments or refunds. (a) If, not later than four years after the date on
which any contributions, penalties, or interest became due, an employer who has paid such
contributions, penalties, or interest thereon shall make application for an adjustment thereof
in connection with subsequent contribution payments, or for a refund thereof because such
adjustment cannot be made, and the secretary shall determine that such contributions, penalties,
or interest, or any portion thereof, was erroneously collected, the secretary shall allow
such employer to make an adjustment thereof in connection with subsequent contribution liability,
or, if such adjustment cannot be made, the secretary may refund such contributions, interest,
and penalties from the clearing account. Any refund of interest and/or penalties which have
been transferred to the Special Employment Security Administration Fund shall be made from
the Special Employment Security Administration Fund, provided for in... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 42-2-10 Order of condemnation vests title; right of entry on land pending appeal. The
order of condemnation, upon the payment of the sum ascertained and assessed by the verdict
of the jury, or the deposit thereof in the court for the defendant, shall vest in the United
States the title in fee simple to the lands to be acquired for the uses and purposes stated
in the application. But if an appeal shall be taken by either party, then the United States
or its agents, upon the deposit in the court for the party whose land is sought to be condemned
of the amount of damages and compensation so assessed, together with the cost of the proceeding,
and giving a bond in double the amount of damages assessed, shall be entitled to enter upon
the land so condemned and survey, construct and operate on the same for the uses, and purposes
stated in the application, but such easement shall not vest absolutely in the United States
until the final determination of the cause and payment or deposit... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-37-243.04 Bonds or securities. (a) Any person before engaging in selling any alcoholic,
spirituous, vinous, or fermented liquors in any county subject to this subpart shall file
with the judge of probate, license commissioner, director of county department of revenue,
or other public officer performing like duties in such counties a bond in the approximate
sum of two times the average monthly tax estimated by such official which shall be due by
the applicant. The bond filed with such official shall be in such form and amount as may be
approved by such official. If a bond is filed, it shall be executed by a surety company licensed
and duly authorized to do business in Alabama, shall be payable to the county subject to this
subpart, and be conditioned upon the prompt filing of true reports, and the bond shall be
conditioned upon the payment by the applicant to the judge of probate, license commissioner,
director of county department of revenue, or other public officer... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 6-6-48 By one nonresident against another nonresident. A nonresident of this state
may sue out an attachment against a nonresident for an existing debt or ascertained liability;
but the plaintiff, his agent or attorney is required, in addition to the oath necessary in
other cases, to swear that, according to the best of his knowledge, information and belief,
the defendant has not sufficient property within the state of his residence wherefrom to satisfy
the debt and must also give bond as in other cases, with surety resident in this state. (Code
1852, §2509; Code 1867, §2933; Code 1876, §3258; Code 1886, §2935; Code 1896, §530; Code
1907, §2930; Code 1923, §6178; Code 1940, T. 7, §851.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 37-1-128 Superseding order - Amount of bond. The bond required to be filed as provided
in this subdivision in order to supersede an order of the commission shall be double the sum
estimated under Section 37-1-127, with two or more sureties, to be approved by the judge,
one of which may be a surety company, payable to the State of Alabama and conditioned to pay
all such loss or damage as any person, firm or corporation may sustain, including all such
excess rates, fares or charges as such person, firm or corporation may have paid pending the
appeal to the circuit court, or any subsequent appeal to the supreme court, in the event the
order or action of the commission shall be sustained. (Acts 1909, No. 42, p. 96; Code 1923,
§9840; Code 1940, T. 48, §86.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-2-10 Appointment, etc., of State Fire Marshal, assistants, etc.; compensation and
bond thereof; contracting for professional services. (a) Subject to the Merit System Act and
rules and regulations issued pursuant thereto, the commissioner shall prescribe the qualifications
and duties of and appoint, employ, bond, and remove a State Fire Marshal and such other assistants,
deputies, actuaries, examiners, and other employees as he deems necessary for the efficient
performance of his duties under this code. (b) The commissioner shall fix the compensation
of all such personnel in accordance with the Merit System Act and the pay plan of the state
Personnel Department. (c) The commissioner may contract for and procure on a basis of fee,
and without giving such persons any status in the classified service of the state, such independently
contracting actuarial, technical, and other similar professional services as he may from time
to time require for the discharge of his duties. (d)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 8-15-7 Permit - Bond and proof of insurance; prerequisite to issuance of permit; filing
of additional bonds; actions on bond. (a) In the event the Commissioner of Agriculture and
Industries decides that a permit to operate a public warehouse should be issued, he shall
fix the amount of the bond, which shall be furnished by the applicant and approved by the
commissioner prior to the issuance of the permit. In addition to the requirement of bond,
the commissioner may require the applicant, as a prerequisite to the issuance of such bond,
to furnish legal proof of warehouseman's legal liability insurance in effect on the commodities
to be stored in any such public warehouse. (b) Such bond shall be made with some surety company
that has complied with the laws of the State of Alabama and which has a reputation for promptly
settling claims upon their merits and shall be payable to the State of Alabama in such sum
as the Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries may fix, but in no... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-8-22 Officers; bonds; compensation and expenses; rules and regulations. When the
Governor appoints the board, he or she shall designate and commission one member as the chairperson,
another as vice-chairperson, and another as secretary-treasurer. The board may make the bylaws,
rules, and regulations as it shall deem best, provided the same shall not conflict with the
laws of the State of Alabama. The secretary-treasurer shall give bond in the sum as the board
shall determine with the surety as shall be approved. The bond shall be conditioned upon the
faithful performance of the duties of the office and for the faithful accounting of all moneys
and other properties as shall come into his or her hands. Each member of the board shall receive
two hundred dollars ($200) per day for attending sessions of the board or its committees,
and for time actually spent in necessary travel in attending meetings of the board or its
committees and in addition shall be reimbursed for necessary... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 36-5-24 Liability of state or county officials collecting and paying out money and
of recipients thereof under law declared unconstitutional, void, etc. When any state or county
official shall have collected or paid out any money as fees, salary or compensation for official
services rendered under any law of Alabama, general or special, which law, subsequent to such
collection or paying out, shall be declared by the Supreme Court of Alabama to be unconstitutional
or void or illegal, such officer shall not be liable either individually or on his official
bond in any civil action brought for the recovery of such money so collected or paid out,
nor shall the person to whom the same shall have been paid be liable therefor. (Acts 1921,
Ex. Sess., No. 36, p. 50; Code 1923, §2610; Code 1940, T. 41, §58.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

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