Code of Alabama

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Section 40-29-22 Lien for taxes - Validity and priority against certain persons. (a) Purchasers,
holders of security interests, mechanic's lienors, and judgment lien creditors. The lien imposed
by Section 40-29-20 shall not be valid as against any purchaser, holder of a security interest,
mechanic's lienor, or judgment lien creditor until notice thereof which meets the requirements
of subsection (f) has been filed by the Commissioner of Revenue or his delegate, and shall
not be perfected as against any purchaser, holder of a security interest, mechanic's lienor,
or judgment lien creditor until the date such notice is filed. (b) Protection for certain
interest even though notice filed. Even though notice of a lien imposed by Section 40-29-20
has been filed, such lien shall not be valid: (1) SECURITIES. With respect to a security (as
defined in subsection (g)(4)): a. As against a purchaser of such security who at the time
of purchase did not have actual notice or knowledge of the... - 17K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 37-6-3 Enumerated powers. A cooperative shall have the power: (1) To sue and be sued
in its corporate name. (2) To adopt a corporate seal and alter the same at its pleasure. (3)
To generate, manufacture, purchase, acquire and transmit electric energy and to distribute,
sell, supply and dispose of electric energy to its members, to governmental agencies and political
subdivisions and to other persons; provided, however, that should a cooperative acquire any
electric facilities dedicated or devoted to the public use, it may continue to serve the persons
served directly from such facilities at the time of such acquisition without requiring that
such persons become members, and, provided further, that such nonmembers shall have the right
to become members upon nondiscriminatory terms. Cooperatives may not condition membership
or provision of service on compliance by the member with requirements not directly related
to the electric or other service to be provided by the cooperative.... - 19K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-16-90 Environmental protection performance standards. (a) Any permit issued pursuant
to this article to conduct surface mining operations shall require that such surface coal
mining operations will meet all applicable performance standards of this article, and such
other requirements as the regulatory authority shall promulgate. (b) General performance standards
shall be applicable to all surface coal mining and reclamation operations and shall require
the operation as a minimum to: (1) Conduct surface coal mining operations so as to maximize
the utilization and conservation of the solid fuel resource being recovered so that reaffecting
the land in the future through surface coal mining can be minimized; (2) Restore the land
affected to a condition capable of supporting the uses which it was capable of supporting
prior to any mining, or higher or better uses of which there is reasonable likelihood, so
long as such use or uses do not present any actual or probable hazard to... - 30K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-2A-7 Uniform revenue procedures. (a) Maintenance of records; audit and subpoena
authority; authority to issue regulations. (1) In addition to all other recordkeeping requirements
otherwise set out in this title, taxpayers shall keep and maintain an accurate and complete
set of records, books, and other information sufficient to allow the department to determine
the correct amount of value or correct amount of any tax, license, permit, or fee administered
by the department, or other records or information as may be necessary for the proper administration
of any matters under the jurisdiction of the department. The books, records, and other information
shall be open and available for inspection by the department upon request at a reasonable
time and location. (2) The department may examine and audit the records, books, or other relevant
information maintained by any taxpayer or other person for the purpose of computing and determining
the correct amount of value or correct... - 28K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 23-1-56 Contracts to do work - Qualification of bidders. (a) Prequalifications of contractors.
The Director of Transportation shall require all bidders to furnish a statement under oath,
on such forms as the State Department of Transportation may prescribe, of detailed information
with respect to their financial resources, equipment, past record, and experience of both
the firm and personnel of the organization, together with such other information as the State
Department of Transportation may deem necessary for carrying out the provisions of this chapter.
Such forms shall include a financial statement actually prepared by a certified public accountant
(C.P.A.) or any independent licensed public accountant approved by the Alabama State Department
of Transportation, an inventory of equipment listing its location and book value, a listing
of material and equipment houses with whom a line of credit is established as well as those
firms from whom principal materials and equipment... - 13K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 2-27-56 Surety bond or liability insurance. Each applicant for a license to perform
the custom application of pesticides shall, before a license is issued to him, furnish and
file with the commissioner a surety bond in which the State of Alabama is named as obligee
in the sum of $3,000.00 for each applicant operating ground equipment or not more than two
aircraft. Where an applicant operates more than two aircraft, the amount of the bond required
to be furnished shall be increased by the sum of $3,000.00 for each additional aircraft, provided
the total amount of any bond required under this section shall not exceed the sum of $12,000.00.
The bond shall be conditioned for the protection of, and that the licensee will answer in
damages to, persons who may suffer legal damages as a result of licensee's custom application
of pesticides or drift to plants, animals or property or by failure of licensee to comply
with any of the requirements of this article, and rules and regulations... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 15-8-150 Contents; sufficiency; use of analogous forms. The forms of indictment set
forth in this section in all cases in which they are applicable, are sufficient, and analogous
forms may be used in other cases. (1) CAPTION, COMMENCEMENT AND CONCLUSION GENERALLY. The
State of Alabama,) Circuit court, ___ session, ___) 20___ The grand jury of said county charge
that, before the finding of this indictment, etc. (describing the offense as in the following
forms), against the peace and dignity of the State of Alabama. E.F.J.,District Attorney of
the ______ circuit. (2) ADVERTISING, ETC., UNREGISTERED SECURITIES. A. B. did, contrary to
law, and subsequent to the ____ day of ____, 20__, advertise (or otherwise describing the
unlawful act) in this state for the purpose of inducing or securing subscriptions to or sales
of the capital stock of the X. Y. company (or otherwise describing the security so advertised),
which said stock (or other security) had not then... - 33K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-60-2 Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Compact. The State of Alabama hereby
agrees to the following interstate compact known as the Interstate Insurance Product Regulation
Compact: ARTICLE I. PURPOSES. The purposes of this compact are, through means of joint and
cooperative action among the compacting states: 1. To promote and protect the interest of
consumers of individual and group annuity, life insurance, disability income, and long-term
care insurance products; 2. To develop uniform standards for insurance products covered under
the compact; 3. To establish a central clearinghouse to receive and provide prompt review
of insurance products covered under the compact and, in certain cases, advertisements related
thereto, submitted by insurers authorized to do business in one or more compacting states;
4. To give appropriate regulatory approval to those product filings and advertisements satisfying
the applicable uniform standard; 5. To improve coordination of... - 45K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-17-335 Surety bond. (a) Upon approval of the application by the department, the
applicant shall file with the department a surety bond as herein provided: (1) Except as provided
under subdivision (3), the bond amount for an applicant for a license as a supplier, permissive
supplier, or terminal operator shall be in the approximate amount of twice the average monthly
tax liability, not to exceed two million dollars ($2,000,000). (2) Except as provided under
subdivision (3), the bond amount for an applicant for a license as an exporter, blender, importer,
or distributor shall be a minimum of two thousand dollars ($2,000) or the approximate amount
of twice the average monthly tax liability, whichever is greater. (3) The bond for distributors,
suppliers, and permissive suppliers who are licensed with the department on October 1, 2012,
shall remain at the amount that is filed with the department on that date, except as provided
under subsection (b). (4) For an applicant for a... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-17-168.5 Surety bond. (a) Upon approval of the application by the department, the
applicant must file with the department a surety bond. The bond amount for an applicant for
a license as a public seller of CNG/LNG or a fleet producer of CNG/LNG shall be a minimum
of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) or in the approximate amount of twice the average
monthly tax liability, whichever is greater. (b) The department shall review the bond amounts
every five years beginning January 2023 to ensure that each public seller of CNG/LNG and each
fleet producer of CNG/LNG has posted a surety bond sufficient to cover twice the average monthly
tax liability as referenced in subdivision (a). Based upon this review or at any time that
the department determines that the bond amount is insufficient to cover twice the average
monthly tax liability, the commissioner may require an additional surety bond from any licensee
under one or more of the following circumstances: (1) The commissioner... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

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