Code of Alabama

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Section 30-3-161 Definitions. As used in this article, the following words and phrases shall
have the following meanings, unless the context requires a different definition: (1) CHANGE
OF PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE. A change of the residence of a child whose custody has been determined
by a prior court order, whether or not accompanied by a change of the residence of a person
entitled to custody of the child, with the intent that such change shall be permanent in nature
and not amounting to a temporary absence of the child from his or her principal residence.
(2) CHILD. A minor child as defined by subdivision (2) of Section 30-3B-102. As used in this
article, the term may include the singular and the plural. (3) CHILD CUSTODY DETERMINATION.
A judgment, decree, or other order of a court providing for the legal custody, physical custody,
or visitation with respect to a child. The term includes a permanent, temporary, initial,
and modification order. The term does not include an order relating... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 8-6-119 Judicial validation proceedings. Any judicial validation proceeding instituted
under this article shall conform to and be conducted in accordance with either Section 6-6-750
et seq. or Section 11-81-220 et seq., whichever is applicable to the issuer. The petition
shall allege that the issue of industrial revenue bonds proposed by the issuer is not improvident,
and the director shall be served with notice of the proceeding in the same manner and for
the same time as the district attorney, and may attend the hearing before the circuit court
having jurisdiction of the matter in person or by attorney, present evidence, and be heard
by the court. The court shall not validate unless, pursuant to evidence presented at the hearing,
the court finds and determines that the issue is not improvident. No judicial validation proceedings
shall be instituted under this article until the commission enters a stop order or until the
expiration of 15 days after the proposed industrial... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 13A-8-117 Forfeiture of certain computers, software, etc. (a) On conviction of a violation
of this article or any other violation of the criminal laws of Alabama, the court shall order
that any computer, computer system, computer network, instrument of communication, software
or data that was owned or used by the defendant with the owner's knowledge of the unlawful
act or where the owner had reason to know of the unlawful act, and that was used in the commission
of the offense be forfeited to the State of Alabama and sold, destroyed, or otherwise properly
disposed. If the defendant is a minor, it also includes the above listed property of the parent
or guardian of the defendant. The manner, method, and procedure for the forfeiture and condemnation
or forfeiture of such thing shall be the same as that provided by law for the confiscation
or condemnation or forfeiture of automobiles, conveyances, or vehicles in which alcoholic
beverages are illegally transported. If the computer,... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-1-24.1 Safe school and drug-free school policy; treatment of policy violators; promulgation
and distribution of discipline policy; liability limited for discipline actions; local boards
may adopt more stringent guidelines. (a) The Legislature finds a compelling public interest
in ensuring that schools are made safe and drug-free for all students and school employees.
The Legislature finds the need for a comprehensive safe school and drug-free school policy
to be adopted by the State Board of Education. This policy should establish minimum standards
for classes of offenses and prescribe uniform minimum procedures and penalties for those who
violate the policies. It is the intent of the Legislature that our schools remain safe and
drug-free for all students and school employees. The State Board of Education shall adopt
and all local boards of education shall uniformly enforce policies that protect all students
and school employees. The State Board of Education shall require... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-27-82 Recovery of court costs. (a) The office of the district attorney serving Escambia
County, Alabama, shall be allowed to establish a court cost recovery division for the purpose
of collecting assessments, costs, fees, fines, or forfeitures due to be paid to the State
of Alabama, Escambia County, municipalities within Escambia County, or any agency or subdivision
of these governments as a result of any court action or proceeding. (b) The court, the clerk
of the court, or a probation officer shall notify the district attorney in writing when any
bail bond forfeitures, court costs, fines, penalty assessments, crime victims' compensation
assessments, or like assessments in any civil or criminal proceeding ordered by the court
to be paid to the state or municipality have been paid or are in default and the default has
not been vacated. Upon notification to the district attorney, the court cost recovery division
of the district attorney's office may collect or enforce the... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 8-26B-5 Registration as athlete agent; application; requirements; reciprocal registration.
(a) An applicant for registration as an athlete agent shall submit an application for registration
to the Secretary of State in a form prescribed by the Secretary of State. The applicant must
be an individual, and the application must be signed by the applicant under penalty of perjury.
The application must contain at least the following: (1) the name and date and place of birth
of the applicant and the following contact information for the applicant: (A) the address
of the applicant's principal place of business; (B) work and mobile telephone numbers; and
(C) any means of communicating electronically, including a facsimile number, electronic-mail
address, and personal and business or employer websites; (2) the name of the applicant's business
or employer, if applicable, including for each business or employer, its mailing address,
telephone number, organization form, and the nature of... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-15-408 Conducting hearings to commit the minor or child. At all hearings conducted
pursuant to this section to commit a minor or child to the custody of the department, the
following shall apply: (1) The minor or child sought to be committed shall be present unless,
prior to the hearing, the child's attorney for the minor or child has filed in writing a waiver
of the presence of the minor or child on the ground that the presence of the minor or child
would be dangerous to his or her physical or mental health or that the conduct of the minor
or child could reasonably be expected to prevent the hearing from being held in an orderly
manner and the juvenile court has determined from the evidence that the waiver should be granted
and has entered an order approving the waiver. (2) The minor or child sought to be committed
shall have the right to compel the attendance of and offer the testimony of witnesses, to
be confronted with the witnesses in support of the petition and to... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-64-1 Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter, the following terms have the
following meanings: (1) MINOR. An individual who, because of age, lacks the capacity to contract
under Alabama law. Under current law, this means a single individual under 19 years of age
and a married individual under 18 years of age, but excludes an individual whose disabilities
of nonage have been removed by a court of competent jurisdiction for a reason other than establishing
a legal residence in Alabama. If current law changes, this definition shall change accordingly.
(2) RESIDENCE. The single location at which a person resides with the intent of remaining
in that location indefinitely as evidenced by more substantial connections with that place
than with any other place. (3) RESIDENT. One whose residence is in the State of Alabama. (4)
RESIDENT/NONRESIDENT STUDENT. In determining resident or nonresident classification, the primary
issue is one of intent. If a person is in Alabama... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-52-10.9 Order finding defendant insane, mentally incompetent, etc., to be entered
into information systems; civil review. (a)(1) Upon any finding that a defendant is insane,
mentally incompetent, or not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect pursuant to Chapter
16 of Title 15, or the Alabama Rules of Criminal Procedure, the judge shall immediately forward
the order of the finding to the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency and the order shall be entered
in its information systems. The order shall be forwarded to the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency
in the manner as the Alabama Justice Information Center Commission shall provide. (2) The
Alabama Law Enforcement Agency, as soon as possible thereafter, shall enter the order in the
National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) and the information shall be entered
into the NICS Index Denied Persons File. (3) The records maintained pursuant to this section
shall only be used for purposes of determining eligibility to... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-8A-3 Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the following
meanings, respectively, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: (1) ADULT. Any person
19 years of age or over. (2) ARTIFICIALLY PROVIDED NUTRITION AND HYDRATION. A medical treatment
consisting of the administration of food and water through a tube or intravenous line, where
the recipient is not required to chew or swallow voluntarily. Artificially provided nutrition
and hydration does not include assisted feeding, such as spoon or bottle feeding. (3) ADVANCE
DIRECTIVE FOR HEALTH CARE. A writing executed in accordance with Section 22-8A-4 which may
include a living will, the appointment of a health care proxy, or both such living will and
appointment of a health care proxy. (4) ATTENDING PHYSICIAN. The physician selected by, or
assigned to, the patient who has primary responsibility for the treatment and care of the
patient. (5) CARDIOPULMONARY CESSATION. A lack of pulse or... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

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