Code of Alabama

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Section 26-14-10 Doctrine of privileged communications not grounds for exclusion of evidence
as to child's injuries. The doctrine of privileged communication, with the exception of the
attorney-client privilege, shall not be a ground for excluding any evidence regarding a child's
injuries or the cause thereof in any judicial proceeding resulting from a report pursuant
to this chapter. (Acts 1965, No. 563, p. 1049, §4; Acts 1975, No. 1124, p. 2213, §1.)... - 769 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-15-319 Grounds for termination of parental rights; factors considered; presumption
arising from abandonment. (a) If the juvenile court finds from clear and convincing evidence,
competent, material, and relevant in nature, that the parents of a child are unable or unwilling
to discharge their responsibilities to and for the child, or that the conduct or condition
of the parents renders them unable to properly care for the child and that the conduct or
condition is unlikely to change in the foreseeable future, it may terminate the parental rights
of the parents. In a hearing on a petition for termination of parental rights, the court shall
consider the best interests of the child. In determining whether or not the parents are unable
or unwilling to discharge their responsibilities to and for the child and to terminate the
parental rights, the juvenile court shall consider the following factors including, but not
limited to, the following: (1) That the parents have abandoned... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-27-1 Compact adopted; terms. The following Multistate Tax Compact is hereby approved,
adopted and enacted into law by the State of Alabama: Multistate Tax Compact Article I. Purposes.
The purposes of this compact are to: 1. Facilitate proper determination of state and local
tax liability of multistate taxpayers, including the equitable apportionment of tax bases
and settlement of apportionment disputes. 2. Promote uniformity or compatibility in significant
components of tax systems. 3. Facilitate taxpayer convenience and compliance in the filing
of tax returns and in other phases of tax administration. 4. Avoid duplicative taxation. Article
II. Definitions. As used in this compact: 1. "State" means a state of the United
States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or any territory or possession
of the United States. 2. "Subdivision" means any governmental unit or special district
of a state. 3. "Taxpayer" means any corporation, partnership, firm,... - 42K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-15-213 Children charged with delinquent acts or alleged to be in need of supervision
to be accorded privilege against self-incrimination; admissibility in evidence of extrajudicial
statements of children and evidence illegally seized or obtained; double jeopardy. (a) A child
charged with a delinquent act or who is alleged to be in need of supervision shall be accorded
the rights and privileges afforded by the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution
of Alabama of 1901. (b) An extrajudicial statement which would be constitutionally inadmissible
in a criminal proceeding may not be received in evidence over objection. Evidence illegally
seized or obtained may not be received in evidence over objection to establish the allegations
against the child. An extrajudicial admission or confession made by the child out of court
is insufficient to support a finding that the child committed the acts alleged in the petition
unless it is corroborated by other evidence. (c)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 30-3D-316 Special rules of evidence and procedure. (a) The physical presence of a nonresident
party who is an individual in a tribunal of this state is not required for the establishment,
enforcement, or modification of a support order or the rendition of a judgment determining
parentage of a child. (b) An affidavit, a document substantially complying with federally
mandated forms, or a document incorporated by reference in any of them, which would not be
excluded under the hearsay rule if given in person, is admissible in evidence if given under
penalty of perjury by a party or witness residing outside this state. (c) A copy of the record
of child-support payments certified as a true copy of the original by the custodian of the
record may be forwarded to a responding tribunal. The copy is evidence of facts asserted in
it, and is admissible to show whether payments were made. (d) Copies of bills for testing
for parentage of a child, and for prenatal and postnatal health care of... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 8-6-15 Investigations and subpoenas by commission. (a) The Securities Commission, in
its discretion, may: (1) Make such public or private investigations within or outside of this
state as he deems necessary to determine whether any registration in the sale of securities
should be granted, denied, or revoked, whether any person has violated or is about to violate
any provision of this article or any rule or order hereunder, to aid in the enforcement of
this article or in the prescribing of rules and forms hereunder; (2) Require or permit any
person to file a statement in writing, under oath, or otherwise as the commission may determine,
as to all the facts and circumstances concerning the matter to be investigated; and (3) Publish
information concerning any violation of this article or any rule or order hereunder. (b) For
the purpose of any investigation or proceeding under this article, the Securities Commission
or any officer designated by it may administer oaths and... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-2-27 Witnesses and evidence for examination, investigation, or hearing - Compelling
testimony or production of documents, etc.; immunity from prosecution. (a) If any individual
asks to be excused from attending or testifying or from producing any books, papers, records,
contracts, correspondence, or other documents in connection with any examination, hearing,
or investigation being conducted by the commissioner or his examiner on the ground that the
testimony or evidence required of him may tend to incriminate him or subject him to a penalty
or forfeiture and shall, by the Attorney General, be directed to give such testimony or produce
such evidence, he must nonetheless comply with such direction; but he shall not thereafter
be prosecuted or subjected to any penalty or forfeiture for, or on account of, any transaction,
matter or thing concerning which he may have so testified or produced evidence, and no testimony
so given or evidence produced shall be received against him... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 2-17-24 Conduct of investigations and requirement of reports as to organization, business,
practices, etc., of persons, firms, etc., engaged in intrastate commerce by commissioner;
access to copying, etc., of documentary evidence; powers of commissioner as to witnesses generally;
issuance of subpoenas and orders for taking of depositions; enforcement of subpoenas and orders
of commissioner, etc., generally; fees of witnesses, etc.; witnesses not to be excused from
testifying on grounds of self-incrimination; immunity from prosecution of witnesses as to
matters, etc., upon which compelled to testify. (a) The commissioner shall also have power:
(1) To gather and compile information concerning and to investigate from time to time the
organization, business, conduct, practices and management of any person, firm or corporation
engaged in intrastate commerce and the relation thereof to other persons, firms and corporations;
(2) To require, by general or special order, persons, firms... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 28-1-6 Issuance of licenses for sale of intoxicating beverages in Class 1 or Class
2 municipalities. (a)(1) All other provisions of law, rules, or regulations to the contrary
notwithstanding, the Alabama Alcoholic Beverage Control Board shall absolutely have no authority
to issue any form of license in a Class 1 municipality, including, but not limited to, off-premises
consumption licenses, restaurant licenses, or club licenses, for the retail sale of any form
of intoxicating beverages, including, but not limited to, malt liquor, beer, wine, liquor,
or other alcoholic beverage regulated by the board, unless one of the following requirements
is satisfied: a. The application has first been approved by the governing body of the Class
1 municipality in which the site of the license is situated. b. The denial of approval by
the Class 1 governing body has been set aside by order of the circuit court of the county
in which the site is situated on the ground that the municipal approval... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-2-24 Examinations - Report; confidentiality of information. (a) The commissioner,
or his or her examiner, shall make a full and true written report of each examination. The
examination report shall contain only information obtained from examination of the books,
records, accounts, files, or other documents of, or relative to, the person examined, its
agents or other persons examined, or as ascertained from the testimony of its officers or
agents or other persons examined concerning its affairs, together with conclusions and recommendations
as the examiners find reasonable warranted from the facts. (b) No later than 60 days following
completion of the examination, the examiner in charge shall file with the department a verified
written report of examination under oath. Upon receipt of the verified report, the department
shall transmit the report to the company examined, together with a notice that the company
examined may make a written submission or rebuttal with respect to... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

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