Code of Alabama

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Section 9-16-11 Enforcement of provisions of article - Institution of civil action for enforcement
of final order of director; engaging in surface mining without valid permit; willful misrepresentations,
etc., in applications; rights of exception and appeal. (a) Should the director determine that
any final order or determination made by him, not then the subject of judicial review, is
being violated by any operator, then the director may cause to have instituted a civil action
in any court of competent jurisdiction to forfeit the bond of the operator as to land affected
by the operator's violation of this article or for injunctive or other appropriate relief
to prevent any further or continued violation of such final order or determination. (b) Any
person required by this article to have a permit who engages in surface mining without a valid
permit to do so as prescribed by this article shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this
article and, upon complaint made by the director in a... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-9-77 Objections to establishment of subdistrict or to assessments against lands;
appeals from orders of commission. Any owner of land within a proposed subdistrict may file
with the chairman objections in writing to the establishment of a subdistrict on or before
the day set for hearing the engineer's report on the same. If such subdistrict is established
by order of the county commission, said owner of land may within 10 days after the establishment
of the subdistrict appeal from the order of the county commission to the circuit court, upon
giving bond in a sum to be fixed by the county commission conditioned for the payment of costs
if the appeal should be decided against the appellant. Any owner of land within a subdistrict
may likewise file objections in writing to any assessment or assessments before the same shall
have been approved by the county commission. If the county commission approves said assessment
or assessments, said owner of land may appeal from the order of... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-42-66 Appeals from judgment of probate judge - Filing; security for costs; right
to jury trial. The property holders of the city shall have the right to appeal from the judgment
of the judge of probate to the circuit court of the county in which the land is situated,
within 10 days from the rendition of the judgment by the judge of probate, the property owner
giving security for cost of appeal, to be approved by the judge of probate, if the appeal
is taken by the property owner. On an appeal taken by either party, the action shall be entered
on the trial docket and tried de novo in the circuit court, without a jury unless a trial
by jury is demanded by the party taking the appeal by serving upon the other party a demand
therefor in writing not less than 10 days after filing the notice of appeal or unless a trial
by jury is demanded by the other party in the action by serving a demand therefor in writing
upon the other party within 10 days from the time that notice of such... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 18-2-2 Application to probate court. For authority to erect such dam, application in
writing, verified by affidavit, must be made to the probate court of the county in which it
is proposed to erect the mill, gin, factory or electric light plant, if by the owner of the
land on both sides of the stream or if by the owner of the land on one side only, to the court
of probate of the county in which the land on the opposite side of the stream, abutting the
proposed site of the dam, lies. (Code 1852, §§2090, 2091; Code 1867, §§2482, 2483; Code
1876, §§3556, 3557; Code 1886, §3185; Code 1896, §1728; Code 1907, §3889; Code 1923,
§7508; Code 1940, T. 19, §35.)... - 1023 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-42-69 Trial and entry of judgment by circuit court; appeals from judgment of circuit
court; endorsement on map by probate judge where no appeal from judgment of probate court.
(a) If on the trial in the circuit court it be adjudged that the requisite facts did exist
subjecting the land and property having a situs thereon to taxation by the city, a judgment
shall be entered adjudging that the land and property having a situs thereon be, and the same
is, subject to taxation by the city and that the taxes thereon shall be paid to the city.
If it be adjudged that the requisite facts did not exist, a judgment shall be entered adjudging
that the land and property having a situs thereon is not subject to taxation by the city,
and the cost of appeal and of contest shall be adjudged against the losing party. (b) Either
the city or the property owner may appeal from the judgment of the circuit court to the supreme
court within the time and in the same manner as is provided by the... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-30D-4 Election of coverage; administration of chapter; rules and regulations. (a)(1)
All owners and operators and all wholesale distributors shall elect by May 24, 2001, to be
covered or not to be covered by this chapter and shall do so by notifying the department in
writing that such owner or operator or wholesale distributor elects to be covered or not to
be covered by this chapter. Following May 24, 2001, any owner or operator or wholesale distributor
who may have initially elected not to be covered by this chapter or who may have inadvertently
failed to notify the department may notify the department that such owner or operator or wholesale
distributor has reconsidered and desires to be covered by the fund, but any such owner or
operator or wholesale distributor shall, with its notice of request for coverage, be required
to pay to the Department of Revenue the registration fees which would otherwise have been
due to the fund had such owner or operator or wholesale... - 14K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 35-6-58 Sale instead of partition - Property subject to sale; by whom application made;
where sale held; record of decrees. Any property, real or personal, held by joint owners or
tenants in common, on the written application of any one or more of them, may be decreed to
be sold by the probate court of the county in which such property is situated, or, in case
of land lying in different counties, of either of such counties, whether such lands are adjacent
or contiguous, when the same cannot be equitably divided or partitioned among them, notwithstanding
they, or any of them, are infants or persons of unsound mind, and the application may be made
by the executor or administrator of a deceased person in interest, or by the guardian of a
minor or person of unsound mind. Such lands shall be sold in the county where the decree is
rendered, unless otherwise directed by order of the court, upon rendition of the final decree
ordering such sale. The decree of sale and the decree... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 18-1A-295 Use of condemnation proceedings by institutions of higher learning. (a) Whenever
any institution of higher learning created by legislative act or by the state constitution
and whose governing boards' powers are derived by state statute or from the constitution needs
any land or interest therein near the campus of the institution for its educational purposes
and the owner thereof is a minor or an insane person, or refuses to sell the land to the state
for use of the institution, or will not agree with the board of trustees or the president
on a price therefor, the trustees are hereby authorized to institute in the probate court
of the county in which the land is located proceedings in the name of the state, to condemn
such land, which proceedings shall be conducted as nearly as possible in accordance with the
provisions of Chapters 1 and 1A of Title 18. It shall be the duty of the trustees to pay out
of the funds of the institution all costs of every condemnation... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-10-75 (Effective January 1, 2020) Right where sale proceedings were defective. THIS
THIS IS NOT IN THE CURRENT CODE SUPPLEMENT. In any action brought related to taxes delinquent
on or after January 1, 2020, the interest rate on any amounts awarded pursuant to this section
shall be eight percent. In any other action brought for the possession of land sold for taxes
delinquent before January 1, 2020, the title of the purchaser at the tax sale shall be defeated
on account of any defect in the proceedings under which the sale is had, or on account of
any defect in or insufficiency of the process by which the owner of the land was brought before
the probate court, as is provided, or in the service of the process, or by reason of the failure
of the judge of probate on account of any negligence or refusal on his or her part to produce
when called upon, sufficient evidence of the proper... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-9-12 Establishment of district - Appeal as to inclusion in or exclusion from district
of property. If the court finds that any property set out in the report of the engineer or
other plans submitted by petitioners should not be incorporated in the district, the board
of commissioners or any owner of realty in the district may, within 20 days after the refusal
of the court of probate to include said property in the district, appeal from the order of
the court to the circuit court upon giving bond in a sum to be fixed by the court, conditioned
for the payment of costs if the appeal should be decided against said appellant. Any person
owning lands within the district that, in his opinion, should not be included in the district
may, within 20 days, appeal from the decision of the court to the circuit court by filing
an appeal accompanied by a bond approved by the court, conditioned for the payment of the
cost if the appeal should be decided against him. (Acts 1965, No. 685, p.... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

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