Code of Alabama

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Section 11-95-3 Application for incorporation of public corporation; approval by local governing
bodies. A public corporation may be organized pursuant to the provisions of this chapter in
any county. In order to incorporate such a public corporation, any number of natural persons,
not less than three, who are duly qualified electors of a county, shall first file a written
application with the governing body of such county and with the governing body of any single
municipality located wholly within such county, which application shall: (1) Recite the names
of the county and the municipality with the governing bodies of which such application is
being filed; (2) Contain a statement that the applicants propose to incorporate a corporation
pursuant to the provisions of this chapter; (3) State the proposed location of the principal
office of the corporation, which shall be within the county with whose governing body such
application is filed; (4) State that each of the applicants is a duly... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-95-4 Certificate of incorporation - Contents; execution, acknowledgment, attachments,
recordation by probate judge. (a) Within 80 days following the adoption of the first adopted
of the two authorizing resolutions required by the provisions of Section 11-95-3 and within
40 days following the adoption of the last adopted of the said two authorizing resolutions,
the applicants may proceed to incorporate a corporation by filing for record in the office
of the judge of probate of the authorizing county a certificate of incorporation which shall
comply in form and substance with the requirements of this section and which shall be in the
form and executed in the manner herein provided. (b) The certificate of incorporation of the
corporation shall state: (1) The names of the persons forming the corporation, and that each
of them is a duly qualified elector of the authorizing county; (2) The name of the corporation
(which shall be _____ county-city (town) of _____ joint hospital... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-97-3 Filing of application for incorporation of corporation; authorization of incorporation
by governing body of county or municipality. A public corporation may be organized pursuant
to the provisions of this chapter in any county or municipality. In order to incorporate such
a public corporation, any number of natural persons, not less than three, who are duly qualified
electors of the determining county or the determining municipality, as in the case may be
applicable, shall first file a written application with the governing body of such county
or municipality, which application shall: (1) Contain a statement that the applicants propose
to incorporate a corporation pursuant to the provisions of this chapter; (2) State the proposed
location of the principal office of the corporation; (3) State that each of the applicants
is a duly qualified elector of the county or the municipality with whose governing body such
application is filed; and (4) Request that the governing... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-97-4 Incorporation procedure; contents, execution, and filing of certificate of
incorporation. (a) Within 40 days following the adoption of an authorizing resolution the
applicants shall proceed to incorporate a corporation by filing for record in the office of
the judge of probate of the county or one of the counties in which the determining subdivision
is located a certificate of incorporation which shall comply in form and substance with the
requirements of this section and which shall be in the form and executed in the manner herein
provided. (b) The certificate of incorporation of the corporation shall state: (1) The names
of the persons forming the corporation, and that each of them is a duly qualified elector
of the determining subdivision; (2) The name of the corporation [which shall be "The
Governmental Utility Services Corporation of ___," with the insertion of the name of
the determining subdivision (which name may include additional wording identifying... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-99B-5 Authorization and procedure for amendment of certificate of incorporation.
(a) The certificate of incorporation of any district may at any time and from time to time
be amended in the manner provided in this section. (b)(1) The board shall first adopt a resolution
proposing an amendment to the certificate of incorporation which shall be set forth in full
in the said resolution and which amendment may include, without limitation: a. A change in
the name of the district. b. The addition to the project or projects of the district of a
new project or projects and the proposed location thereof. c. Any matters which might have
been included in the original certificate of incorporation, or any change in any such matters.
(2) If any proposed amendment would add any new county, municipality, or public corporation
as a member of a district, such proposed amendment shall include, in addition: a. Provisions
for election of at least one director by the governing body of each such... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-23-21 Reasons for cancellation. (a) No notice of cancellation of a policy of automobile
liability insurance shall be effective unless it is based on one or more of the following
reasons: (1) Nonpayment of premium; (2) The policy was obtained through a material misrepresentation;
(3) Any insured violated any of the terms and conditions of the policy; (4) The named insured
failed to disclose fully his motor vehicle accidents and moving traffic violations for the
preceding 36 months if called for in the application; (5) The named insured failed to disclose
in his written application or in response to inquiry by his broker, or by the insurer or its
agent information necessary for the acceptance or proper rating of the risk; (6) Any insured
made a false or fraudulent claim or knowingly aided or abetted another in the presentation
of such a claim; (7) Failure to maintain membership in any group or organization when such
membership is a prerequisite to the purchase of such... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 32-6-3 Examination prior to application for license or renewal. (a) Every person who
applies for an initial Alabama driver's license issued by the Department of Public Safety
under this article shall be given and successfully pass an examination before the issuance
of a driver's license. The person shall apply to the officer, state trooper, or duly authorized
third party testing agent of the Director of Public Safety, or one of them where there is
more than one, designated by the Director of Public Safety to conduct examinations. A minor
shall furnish a certified copy of his or her birth certificate or a certified statement from
the county superintendent of education of the county in which the minor resides or from the
superintendent of the school which the minor attends proving that the minor is at least 16
years of age. Upon satisfying this requirement, the minor shall be examined. (b)(1) The Director
of Public Safety shall promulgate reasonable rules and regulations not in... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 33-12-3 Procedure for incorporation. To become a corporation, the members of the board
of the agency shall present to the Secretary of State an application signed by them which
shall set forth: (1) The name, official designation and official residence of each of the
applicants, together with a certified copy of the resolution, order or commission evidencing
his right to office; (2) The term of office of each of the applicants; (3) The name of the
proposed corporation; (4) The location of the principal office of the proposed corporation;
and (5) Any other matter relating to the incorporation which the applicants may choose to
insert and which is not inconsistent with this chapter or the laws of the State of Alabama.
The applications shall be subscribed and sworn to by each of the applicants before an officer
authorized by the laws of this state to take acknowledgements to deeds. The Secretary of State
shall examine the application presented to him, and, if he finds that it... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-24-337 Renewal of certificate; reinstatement of license. (a) Renewal of license.
Every person licensed to practice medicine or osteopathy in the State of Alabama shall, on
or before December 31 of each succeeding year, apply to the commission for renewal of a certificate
of registration which shall be effective during the next calendar year. All new licenses issued
by the commission, upon application, shall be registered by the commission at the time of
issuance, and a certificate of registration, which shall be effective until and including
the following December 31, shall be issued to the licensee. Each renewal application shall
be made on a form to be furnished by the commission. The application shall give the name of
the applicant in full, his or her address, the date and number of the license issued to the
applicant for the practice of medicine or osteopathy, and such other facts as shall tend to
identify the applicant for registration as the commission shall deem... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-29-94 Veterinary technician licensing requirements; authorized acts; unlicensed
assistants; emergency care; suspension, revocation of license; continuing education. (a) In
order to obtain a license as a veterinary technician, the applicant shall do all of the following:
(1) Submit a complete notarized application on a form prescribed by the board setting forth
that the applicant meets all of the following qualifications: a. At least 18 years of age.
b. Of good character. c. Has attained a competent school education and has received a diploma
in veterinary technology from an American Veterinary Medical Association accredited school,
or other school of veterinary technology approved by the board. (2) Submit an application
accompanied by an authenticated copy of the college transcript of the applicant signed by
the dean or the registrar of the school, college, or university. (3) Submit an application
accompanied by a photograph of reasonable likeness of the applicant taken... - 11K - Match Info - Similar pages

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