Code of Alabama

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Section 40-23-1 Definitions; transactions considered or not considered sales. (a) For the purpose
of this division, the following terms shall have the respective meanings ascribed by this
section: (1) PERSON or COMPANY. Used interchangeably, includes any individual, firm, copartnership,
association, corporation, receiver, trustee, or any other group or combination acting as a
unit and the plural as well as the singular number, unless the intention to give a more limited
meaning is disclosed by the context. (2) DEPARTMENT. The Department of Revenue of the State
of Alabama. (3) COMMISSIONER. The Commissioner of Revenue of the State of Alabama. (4) TAX
YEAR or TAXABLE YEAR. The calendar year. (5) SALE or SALES. Installment and credit sales and
the exchange of properties as well as the sale thereof for money, every closed transaction
constituting a sale. Provided, however, a transaction shall not be closed or a sale completed
until the time and place when and where title is transferred by... - 20K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-44-3 Scope of chapter. (a) This chapter shall provide coverage for the policies
and contracts specified in subsection (b) as follows: (1) To persons who, regardless of where
they reside (except for non-resident certificate holders under group policies or contracts),
are the beneficiaries, assignees, or payees of the persons covered under subdivision (2).
(2) To persons who are owners of or certificate holders under the policies or contracts, other
than structured settlement annuities, and in each case who are either of the following: a.
Residents b. Not residents, but only under all of the following conditions: 1. The insurer
that issued the policies or contracts is domiciled in this state. 2. The states in which the
persons reside have associations similar to the association created by this chapter. 3. The
persons are not eligible for coverage by an association in any other state due to the fact
the insurer was not licensed in the state at the time specified in the state's... - 12K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 33-12-5 Powers, duties and functions. The powers, duties and functions of the agency
shall be as follows: (1) GENERALLY. The agency a. Shall have perpetual succession in its corporate
name. b. May sue and be sued in its corporate name. c. May adopt, use and alter a corporate
seal, which shall be judicially noticed. d. May enter into such contracts and cooperative
agreements with the federal, state and local governments, with agencies of such governments,
with private individuals, corporations, associations, trusts and other organizations as the
board may deem necessary or convenient to enable it to carry out the purposes of this chapter,
including the planned, orderly residential development of the area. e. May adopt, amend and
repeal bylaws. f. May appoint such managers, officers, employees, attorneys and agents as
the board deems necessary for the transaction of its business, fix their compensation, define
their duties, require bonds of such of them as the board may... - 18K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 17-11-46 Overseas voter certificate. In determining the requirements for an overseas
voter certificate, the committee and the Secretary of State shall consider including information
including the following: "OVERSEAS VOTER CERTIFICATE "I, ___ (print name), swear
or affirm, under penalty of perjury, that: "1. I am a member of the uniformed services
or Merchant Marine on active duty temporarily residing outside the United States; or the eligible
spouse or dependent of such a member temporarily residing outside the United States; or a
United States citizen temporarily residing outside the United States; and "2. I am a
United States citizen, at least 18 years of age, as of the date of the applicable election,
and eligible to vote in the requested jurisdiction; and "3. I have not been convicted
of a disqualifying felony or been adjudicated mentally incompetent or, if I have, my voting
rights have been reinstated; and "4. I am not registering, requesting a ballot, or... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-9A-11.1 Issuance of Certificate of Foreign Birth without judicial proceedings. (a)
A child who has automatically acquired United States citizenship following a foreign adoption
and who possesses a Certificate of Citizenship in accordance with the Child Citizenship Act,
CAA, P.L. 106-395, shall be exempt from the provisions of Section 22-9A-11, which require
a judicial report to acquire a Certificate of Foreign Birth. (b) The State Registrar, upon
written request, shall prepare a Certificate of Foreign Birth reflecting the actual date and
place of birth for a child who was born in a foreign country, adopted by a United States citizen,
and who has automatically acquired citizenship in accordance with the federal Child Citizenship
Act upon the production of all of the following documents: (1) The child's Certificate of
Citizenship. (2) A certified copy of the child's foreign birth certificate and certified English
translation. (3) The original documents related to the foreign... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 25-9-6 Qualifications and residence of mine inspectors and head mine inspector. (a)
Each mine inspector and head mine inspector shall: (1) Be a qualified elector; (2) Possess
a mine foreman certificate of competency of the State of Alabama; (3) Have had eight or more
years' practical experience in coal mines; and (4) Be not less than 28 years of age. (b) The
mine inspectors shall reside at points convenient to their respective districts. (Acts 1949,
No. 207, p. 242, §3; Acts 1975, 4th Ex. Sess., No. 147, p. 2866, §1.)... - 891 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 31-13-3 Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter, the following words shall have
the following meanings: (1) ALIEN. Any person who is not a citizen or national of the United
States, as described in 8 U.S.C. § 1101, et seq., and any amendments thereto. (2) BUSINESS
ENTITY. Any person or group of persons employing one or more persons performing or engaging
in any activity, enterprise, profession, or occupation for gain, benefit, advantage, or livelihood,
whether for profit or not for profit. Business entity shall include, but not be limited to,
the following: a. Self-employed individuals, business entities filing articles of incorporation,
partnerships, limited partnerships, limited liability companies, foreign corporations, foreign
limited partnerships, foreign limited liability companies authorized to transact business
in this state, business trusts, and any business entity that registers with the Secretary
of State. b. Any business entity that possesses a business... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-5-33 Coroner qualifications. (a) No person shall be eligible to hold the office
of coroner unless he or she meets the following qualifications: (1) Is a citizen of the United
States. (2) Is a resident in the county in which he or she seeks the office of coroner for
at least one year prior to his or her qualifying for election to the office and remains a
resident of the county during his or her term of office. (3) Is a registered voter. (4) Has
attained the age of 25 years prior to the date of the general primary election in the year
that he or she qualifies for election to the office. (5) Has obtained a high school diploma
or its recognized equivalent. (6) Has not been convicted of a felony offense or any offense
involving moral turpitude contrary to the laws of Alabama, or any other state, or the United
States. (7) Has successfully completed the next scheduled training course no longer than 180
days after his or her election or appointment, unless an affidavit affirms that... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-13-92 Qualifications of applicants; examination requirements; fee. (a) In order
to qualify for a license as an embalmer, the applicant shall satisfy all of the following:
(1) Be a citizen of the United States or legally present in this state. (2) Be over 18 years
of age. (3) Be of good character. (4) Have completed a two-year course of apprenticeship under
an embalmer or embalmers licensed and engaged in practice as an embalmer in this state, and
shall have completed the required course of apprenticeship within a period of three consecutive
years, excluding time lost by interruption caused by the active duty of the applicant in the
military service of the United States or its allies during war or national emergency, and
excluding time lost by interruptions which the board deems excusable as caused by circumstances
beyond the control of the applicant. (5) Have completed a course of instruction in an embalming
school or college which has been approved by the board as defined... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-1A-3 Powers of board. The board shall have all of the following powers: (1) License
and regulate persons and business entities who hold themselves out as engaging in the business
of alarm system, CCTV, or electronic access control system installation or service, as a locksmith,
or as an alarm monitoring company. (2) Establish the qualifications for licensure to ensure
competency and integrity to engage in these businesses and allow graduates of technical school
or community college programs in related fields to qualify. Qualifications for licensure shall
include the requirement that the applicant is a United States citizen or legally present in
this state. (3) Examine, or cause to be examined, the qualifications of each applicant for
licensure including the preparation, administration, and grading of examinations, and when
necessary, requiring the applicant to supply a board approved criminal background check. A
nonresident who is not physically working in the state, located... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

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