Code of Alabama

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Section 40-18-401 Applications; construction of article. (a) The port credit provided
for in Section 40-18-403 is created by this article and is allowed upon strict compliance
with the provisions herein. (b) Prior to the allowance of the port credit, an application
shall be filed with the commission, on a form promulgated by the commission. (1) The application
shall be filed by the port facility user desiring to claim the credit. (2) The commission
shall establish deadlines for applications. Such applications shall solicit whatever information
the commission deems important to its determination of whether granting a port credit will
create new, high paying jobs in the state, bring substantial capital to the state, increase
the usage of a port facility, promote the development of clusters of businesses in the state,
or promote the economic development efforts of the state. (3) Upon review of the applications,
the commission may approve such applications as shall result in port credits... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 15-18-180 Funding for community-based programs, facilities, services; user fees;
inmate wages. (a) Community punishment and corrections funds may be used to develop or expand
the range of community punishments and services at the local level. Community-based programs
should utilize evidence-based practices, as defined in Section 12-25-32, in the treatment
and supervision of program participants. The supervision and treatment of each program participant
is expected to be based on the participant's anticipated risk of reoffending, as determined
through a validated risk and needs assessment as defined in Section 12-25-32, administered
by the program. Supervision and treatment of program participants should include the following:
(1) Use of a validated risk and needs assessment; (2) Use of assessment results to provide
guidance for determining the appropriate level of supervision responses consistent with the
levels of supervision and evidence-based practices reasonably anticipated... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-1-21 Uniformity of limits applied to fulfillment of certain drug prescriptions.
(a) For the purposes of this section, the following words shall have the following
meanings: (1) ENROLLEE. A person enrolled in a health benefit plan. (2) HEALTH BENEFIT PLAN.
Any individual or group plan, policy, or contract for health care services issued, delivered,
issued for delivery, renewed in this state by a health care insurer, health maintenance organization,
accident and sickness insurer, fraternal benefit society, nonprofit hospital service corporation,
nonprofit medical service corporation, health care service plan, or any other person, firm,
corporation, joint venture, or other similar business entity that pays for, purchases, or
furnishes health care services to patients, insureds, or beneficiaries in this state. The
term includes, but is not limited to, entities created pursuant to Article 6 of Chapter 4
of Title 10. The term shall not include any collective bargaining agreement... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 15-18-8 Terms of confinement, etc.; probation. (a) When a defendant is convicted
of an offense, other than a sex offense involving a child as defined in Section 15-20A-4,
that constitutes a Class A or Class B felony offense, and receives a sentence of 20 years
or less in any court having jurisdiction to try offenses against the State of Alabama and
the judge presiding over the case is satisfied that the ends of justice and the best interests
of the public as well as the defendant will be served thereby, he or she may order: (1) That
a defendant convicted of a Class A or Class B felony be confined in a prison, jail-type institution,
or treatment institution for a period not exceeding three years in cases where the imposed
sentence is not more than 15 years, and that the execution of the remainder of the sentence
be suspended notwithstanding any provision of the law to the contrary and that the defendant
be placed on probation for such period and upon such terms as the court... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 2-13-111 Legislative declaration and findings. (a) It is hereby declared and
the Legislature hereby finds that: (1) Dairy products are basic foods that are a valuable
part of the human diet; (2) The production of dairy products plays a significant role in the
state's economy, the milk from which dairy products are manufactured is produced by milk producers
and dairy products are consumed by thousands of people throughout the state and the United
States; (3) Dairy products must be readily available and marketed efficiently to ensure that
the people of the state receive adequate nourishment; (4) The maintenance and expansion of
existing markets for dairy products are vital to the welfare of milk producers and those concerned
with marketing, using and producing dairy products, as well as to the general economy of the
state; (5) Dairy products move in intrastate, interstate and foreign commerce; (6) The Ninety-eighth
Congress of the United States enacted the Dairy Production... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-18-1 Text. Article I. Findings and Purposes. (a) The party states find that
the South has a sense of community based on common social, cultural and economic needs and
fostered by a regional tradition. There are vast potentialities for mutual improvement of
each state in the region by cooperative planning for the development, conservation and efficient
utilization of human and natural resources in a geographic area large enough to afford a high
degree of flexibility in identifying and taking maximum advantage of opportunities for healthy
and beneficial growth. The independence of each state and the special needs of subregions
are recognized and are to be safeguarded. Accordingly, the cooperation resulting from this
agreement is intended to assist the states in meeting their own problems by enhancing their
abilities to recognize and analyze regional opportunities and take account of regional influences
in planning and implementing their public policies. (b) The purposes of... - 24K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-23-85 Functions of board and division. (a) The board shall exercise authority
with respect to all matters pertaining to the acceptance and adoption, and implementation
of the Alabama Energy and Residential Codes by the State of Alabama. In so doing, the board
may perform any of the following functions: (1) Review, amend, and adopt the Alabama Energy
and Residential Codes. The board shall consider updates and changes to the codes referenced
herein no less than two years after the date of publication of the most recent version of
the codes. (2) Evaluate, assess, advise, and counsel the division and the units of local government,
on residential energy codes and the impact of those codes upon the economy and the environment.
(3) Solicit and enlist the cooperation of all appropriate private-sector and community-based
organizations to implement the purpose of this article. (4) Make recommendations to the division
for the enactment of additional legislation as it deems necessary... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 31-9-10 Local emergency management organizations; emergency powers of political
subdivisions. (a) Each political subdivision of this state is hereby authorized and directed
to establish a local organization for emergency management in accordance with the state emergency
management plan and program and may confer or authorize the conferring, upon members of the
auxiliary police, the powers of peace officers, subject to such restrictions as shall be imposed.
The governing body of the political subdivision is authorized to appoint a director, who shall
have direct responsibility for the organization, administration, and operation of such local
organization for emergency management, subject to the direction and control of such governing
body. Each local organization for emergency management shall perform emergency management
functions within the territorial limits of the political subdivision within which it is organized,
and, in addition, shall conduct such functions outside of... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 14-9-41 Computation of incentive time deductions. (a) Each prisoner who shall
hereafter be convicted of any offense against the laws of the State of Alabama and is confined,
in execution of the judgment or sentence upon any conviction, in the penitentiary or at hard
labor for the county or in any municipal jail for a definite or indeterminate term, other
than for life, whose record of conduct shows that he or she has faithfully observed the rules
for a period of time to be specified by this article may be entitled to earn a deduction from
the term of his or her sentence as follows: (1) Seventy-five days for each 30 days actually
served while the prisoner is classified as a Class I prisoner. (2) Forty days for each 30
days actually served while the prisoner is a Class II prisoner. (3) Twenty days for each 30
days actually served while the prisoner is a Class III prisoner. (4) No good time shall accrue
during the period the prisoner is classified as a Class IV prisoner. (b)... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-13A-4 Establishment and promotion of program; duties of officer; strategies
for raising public awareness and educating consumers and professionals. (a) The State Department
of Health, hereinafter referred to as "the department," shall establish, promote,
and maintain an osteoporosis prevention and treatment education program in order to raise
public awareness, educate consumers, educate and train health professionals, teachers, and
human service providers, and for other purposes. (b) For purposes of administering this chapter,
the State Health Officer shall do all of the following: (1) Provide sufficient staff to implement
the Osteoporosis Prevention and Treatment Education Program. (2) Provide appropriate training
for staff of the Osteoporosis Prevention and Treatment Education Program. (3) Identify the
appropriate entities to carry out the program. (4) Base the program on the most up-to-date
scientific information and findings. (5) Work to improve the capacity of... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

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