Code of Alabama

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Section 10A-20-15.01 Rights, powers, and authority. All corporations organized under the general
laws of this state, or heretofore under a special act of the Legislature, and all corporations
organized under the laws of any other of the United States which have complied with the Constitution
and laws of the State of Alabama as to foreign corporations and which by their charter have
the right to manufacture, supply, and sell to the public power produced by water as a motive
force, shall, after acquiring by purchase, or otherwise than by condemnation, a dam site or
power site comprising not less than one acre of land upon each and opposite sides of any watercourse
or after acquiring by purchase, or otherwise than by condemnation, a dam site comprising not
less than one acre of land upon one side of any watercourse and, where the dam site on the
other side of the watercourse is owned or controlled by the United States, shall have acquired
the permission of the United States to attach to... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 15-8-150 Contents; sufficiency; use of analogous forms. The forms of indictment set
forth in this section in all cases in which they are applicable, are sufficient, and analogous
forms may be used in other cases. (1) CAPTION, COMMENCEMENT AND CONCLUSION GENERALLY. The
State of Alabama,) Circuit court, ___ session, ___) 20___ The grand jury of said county charge
that, before the finding of this indictment, etc. (describing the offense as in the following
forms), against the peace and dignity of the State of Alabama. E.F.J.,District Attorney of
the ______ circuit. (2) ADVERTISING, ETC., UNREGISTERED SECURITIES. A. B. did, contrary to
law, and subsequent to the ____ day of ____, 20__, advertise (or otherwise describing the
unlawful act) in this state for the purpose of inducing or securing subscriptions to or sales
of the capital stock of the X. Y. company (or otherwise describing the security so advertised),
which said stock (or other security) had not then... - 33K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-12-270 Disbursement of net proceeds from license taxes and registration fees; Secondary
Road Committee created. (a) The moneys collected each month by the judge of probate from motor
vehicle license taxes and registration fees, after deducting therefrom the amounts referred
to in subdivisions (1) and (2) of subsection (a) of Section 40-12-269, the moneys remaining
after making the said deductions being referred to in this section as "the net proceeds,"
shall be disbursed by the judge of probate as follows: (1) That portion of the net proceeds
that consists of additional amounts paid under the schedule of additional amounts set forth
in subsection (b) of Section 40-12-248 shall be remitted by the judge of probate to the State
Treasurer who shall distribute said amounts as follows: a. 64.75 percent of said amounts shall
be distributed by the State Treasurer to the State of Alabama; b. 35.25 percent of said amounts
shall be apportioned and distributed by the State Treasurer... - 12K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-18-50 Enactment and text of Emergency Medical Services Personnel Licensure Interstate
Compact. The Emergency Medical Services Personnel Licensure Interstate Compact is hereby enacted
into law and entered into with all other jurisdictions legally joining therein in form substantially
as follows: SECTION 1. PURPOSE In order to protect the public through verification of competency
and ensure accountability for patient care related activities all states license emergency
medical services (EMS) personnel, such as emergency medical technicians (EMTs), advanced EMTs
and paramedics. This Compact is intended to facilitate the day to day movement of EMS personnel
across state boundaries in the performance of their EMS duties as assigned by an appropriate
authority and authorize state EMS offices to afford immediate legal recognition to EMS personnel
licensed in a member state. This Compact recognizes that states have a vested interest in
protecting the public's health and safety... - 41K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 25-4-51 Rates of contributions, etc., by employers. (a) Contributions. Except as hereinafter
provided and subject to the provisions of Section 25-4-54, every employer shall pay contributions,
or payments in lieu of contributions, equal to the percentages of wages payable or paid as
hereinafter set out, with respect to employment by him. (1) With respect to employment during
calendar years after December 31, 1975, every employer who has been liable to the provisions
of this chapter during a period of time sufficient to have his rate of contribution determined
under the experience rating provisions of Section 25-4-54 shall pay contributions at the rate
prescribed thereby. (2) With respect to employment after December 31, 1975, every employer
who has not been liable to the provisions of this chapter for a sufficient length of time
to have his rate determined under the experience rating provisions of Section 25-4-54 shall
pay contributions at the rate of 2.70 percent of such wages... - 33K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-60-2 Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Compact. The State of Alabama hereby
agrees to the following interstate compact known as the Interstate Insurance Product Regulation
Compact: ARTICLE I. PURPOSES. The purposes of this compact are, through means of joint and
cooperative action among the compacting states: 1. To promote and protect the interest of
consumers of individual and group annuity, life insurance, disability income, and long-term
care insurance products; 2. To develop uniform standards for insurance products covered under
the compact; 3. To establish a central clearinghouse to receive and provide prompt review
of insurance products covered under the compact and, in certain cases, advertisements related
thereto, submitted by insurers authorized to do business in one or more compacting states;
4. To give appropriate regulatory approval to those product filings and advertisements satisfying
the applicable uniform standard; 5. To improve coordination of... - 45K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 26-23-5 Civil action. The father, if married to the mother at the time she receives
a partial-birth abortion procedure, and if the mother has not attained the age of 18 years
at the time of the abortion, the maternal grandparents of the fetus, may in a civil action
obtain appropriate relief, unless the pregnancy resulted from the plaintiff's criminal conduct
or the plaintiff consented to the abortion. The relief shall be limited to monetary compensation
for all injuries, psychological and physical, occasioned by a violation under this chapter
and monetary punitive compensation as allowed by law. (Acts 1997, No. 97-485, p. 843, ยง5.)... - 953 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 26-11-3 Procedure for change of name of child upon petition by father generally; notification
of mother and child; filing of response; appointment of guardian ad litem; hearing; issuance
of order by court; certification of minutes of court to Center for Health Statistics, etc.
(a) The father may petition at the time of filing the declaration of legitimation or at any
time subsequent to the determination of legitimation to change the name of such child, stating
in his declaration the name it is then known by and the name he wishes it afterwards to have.
Such petition shall be filed in the office of the judge of probate of the father's residence
or the child's residence. (b) Upon the filing of the petition for name change, notice shall
be given to the child's mother and to the child as provided by the Alabama Rules of Civil
Procedure. Notice may be waived as provided by the Alabama Rules of Civil Procedure. The child's
mother shall, within 30 days after receiving notice, file her... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 31-3-3 Payment of compensation - Manner; apportionment among dependents. The compensation
payable to surviving dependents of Alabama national guardsmen who are killed under the circumstances
prescribed in Section 31-3-2 shall be paid to the persons entitled thereto, without administration,
or to a guardian or such other person as the awarding authority may direct, for the use of
the persons entitled thereto as follows: (1) If the deceased Alabama national guardsman leaves
a dependent widow and no other dependents or partial dependents the total amount of the compensation
provided for by this chapter shall be paid to such widow. (2) If the deceased Alabama national
guardsman leaves a dependent widow and a dependent child or dependent children and no other
dependents or partial dependents, then the total amount of the compensation provided for by
this chapter shall be paid to such widow for the benefit of herself and such child or children.
Or, in its discretion, the awarding... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 36-30-3 Payment of compensation - Generally. The compensation payable to surviving
beneficiaries or dependents of peace officers, firefighters, or rescue squad members who are
killed under the circumstances prescribed in Section 36-30-2 shall be paid to the beneficiaries
designated by those peace officers, firefighters, or rescue squad members. If no beneficiaries
have been designated, or if none remain, the compensation shall be paid to the persons entitled
thereto without administration or to a guardian or such other person as the awarding authority
may direct for the use of the persons entitled thereto, as follows: (1) If the deceased peace
officer, firefighter, or rescue squad member leaves a dependent spouse and no other dependents
or partial dependents, the total amount of the compensation provided for in Section 36-30-2
shall be paid to the surviving spouse. (2) If the deceased peace officer, firefighter, or
rescue squad member leaves a dependent spouse and a dependent... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

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