Code of Alabama

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Section 22-52-10.6 Petition for renewal of inpatient commitment order; probate court; special
judge; notice; hearing. (a) A petition for renewal of an inpatient commitment order may be
filed by the director of a state mental health facility or his designee at least 30 days prior
to the expiration of the current commitment order. The petition, together with a copy of the
original commitment order and copies of any subsequent renewal commitment orders, shall be
filed with the probate court of the county where the facility is located. The petition shall
explain in detail why renewal of the order is being requested, and shall further explain in
detail why less restrictive conditions of treatment are not appropriate. (b) Such probate
court may consider, hear, and enter appropriate orders pursuant to this section or may request
that the case be heard by a special judge of probate. (c) Whenever and wherever it shall become
necessary that a special judge of probate be provided to hear and... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-24-337 Renewal of certificate; reinstatement of license. (a) Renewal of license.
Every person licensed to practice medicine or osteopathy in the State of Alabama shall, on
or before December 31 of each succeeding year, apply to the commission for renewal of a certificate
of registration which shall be effective during the next calendar year. All new licenses issued
by the commission, upon application, shall be registered by the commission at the time of
issuance, and a certificate of registration, which shall be effective until and including
the following December 31, shall be issued to the licensee. Each renewal application shall
be made on a form to be furnished by the commission. The application shall give the name of
the applicant in full, his or her address, the date and number of the license issued to the
applicant for the practice of medicine or osteopathy, and such other facts as shall tend to
identify the applicant for registration as the commission shall deem... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 13A-9-71 Registration of charitable organizations, professional fund raisers, and commercial
co-venturers, and professional solicitors; notification of changes; exempt persons; annual
report; prohibition against fund raising by unregistered person; contracts between professional
fund raisers and commercial co-venturers; appointment of Secretary of State as agent for service
of process; use of name of charitable organization without consent; disclosure by solicitors;
violations and penalties; injunctive relief. (a) Every charitable organization, except those
granted an exemption in subsection (f), which is physically located in this state, intends
to solicit contributions in or from this state, or to have contributions solicited in this
state, on its behalf, by other charitable organizations, paid solicitors, or commercial co-venturers
in or from this state shall, prior to any solicitation, file a registration statement with
the Attorney General upon a form prescribed by the... - 16K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-21A-2 Establishment of health maintenance organizations. (a) Notwithstanding any
law of this state to the contrary, any person may apply to the commissioner for and obtain
a certificate of authority to establish and operate a health maintenance organization in compliance
with this chapter. No person shall establish or operate a health maintenance organization
in this state without obtaining a certificate of authority under this chapter. A foreign corporation
may qualify under this chapter, subject to its registration to do business in this state as
a foreign corporation under the provisions of Sections 10-2A-220, et seq. (b) Health maintenance
organizations licensed as of May 29, 1986, shall be issued a certificate of authority in accordance
with Section 27-21A-29. (c) Each application for a certificate of authority shall be verified
by an officer or authorized representative of the applicant, shall be in a form prescribed
by the commissioner, and shall set forth or be... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 36-25-1 Definitions. Whenever used in this chapter, the following words and terms shall
have the following meanings: (1) BUSINESS. Any corporation, partnership, proprietorship, firm,
enterprise, franchise, association, organization, self-employed individual, or any other legal
entity. (2) BUSINESS WITH WHICH THE PERSON IS ASSOCIATED. Any business of which the person
or a member of his or her family is an officer, owner, partner, board of director member,
employee, or holder of more than five percent of the fair market value of the business. (3)
CANDIDATE. This term as used in this chapter shall have the same meaning ascribed to it in
Section 17-5-2. (4) COMMISSION. The State Ethics Commission. (5) COMPLAINT. Written allegation
or allegations that a violation of this chapter has occurred. (6) COMPLAINANT. A person who
alleges a violation or violations of this chapter by filing a complaint against a respondent.
(7) CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. A complaint filed pursuant to this... - 21K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 8-6-19 Civil liabilities of sellers, agents, etc.; remedies of purchasers. (a) Any
person who: (1) Sells or offers to sell a security in violation of any provision of this article
or of any rule or order imposed under this article or of any condition imposed under this
article, or (2) Sells or offers to sell a security by means of any untrue statement of a material
fact or any omission to state a material fact necessary in order to make the statements made,
in the light of the circumstances under which they are made, not misleading, the buyer not
knowing of the untruth or omission, and who does not sustain the burden of proof that he did
not know and in the exercise of reasonable care could not have known of the untruth or omission,
is liable to the person buying the security from him who may bring an action to recover the
consideration paid for the security, together with interest at six percent per year from the
date of payment, court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees,... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 10A-2A-1.41 Notice and other communications. (a) A notice under this chapter must be
in writing unless oral notice is reasonable in the circumstances. Unless otherwise agreed
between the sender and the recipient, words in a notice or other communication under this
chapter must be in English. (b) A notice or other communication may be given by any method
of delivery, except that electronic transmissions must be in accordance with this section.
If the methods of delivery are impracticable, a notice or other communication may be given
by means of a broad non-exclusionary distribution to the public (which may include a newspaper
of general circulation in the area where published; radio, television, or other form of public
broadcast communication; or other methods of distribution that the corporation has previously
identified to its stockholders). (c) A notice or other communication to a corporation or to
a foreign corporation registered to do business in this state may be delivered... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-29-69 Powers of board. The board shall be a body corporate and shall have the power
to do all of the following: (1) Examine and determine the qualifications and fitness of applicants
for a license to practice veterinary medicine in the state. (2) Issue, renew, deny, suspend,
and revoke licenses, issue private reprimands and private informed admonitions to practitioners
who practice veterinary medicine in this state, or otherwise discipline or censure veterinary
professionals, irrespective of their licensure status, whether active, inactive, expired,
lapsed, surrendered, or disciplined, relative to acts, omissions, complaints, and investigations
which occurred during the licensure period consistent with this article. (3) Conduct investigations
for the purpose of discovering violations of this article or grounds for disciplining licensed
veterinary professionals or other non-licensed individuals pursuant to the administrative
code of the board and appoint individuals and... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 37-14-4 Primary supplier's option to acquire facilities within existing municipal limits.
The primary electric supplier within each municipality shall, at its option, have the right
to acquire all distribution facilities of any secondary electric supplier used to supply retail
electric service within the existing municipal limits and shall have the right to serve all
premises within the existing municipal limits of such municipality subject to the following;
(1) The primary electric supplier must announce its intention to exercise its option in writing
by registered or certified mail to the affected secondary suppliers within each municipality,
addressed to the chief executive officer or manager of such secondary supplier, no later than
nine months after April 26, 1984. Simultaneously with the delivery of the notice of exercise
of its option by the primary electric supplier, the primary electric supplier shall deposit
in escrow with a bank whose principal office is in Alabama... - 11K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-5A-6 Chief examiner - Recovery audits for overpayments of state funds. (a) For the
purposes of this section, the following words have the following meanings: (1) CHIEF EXAMINER.
The Chief Examiner of Public Accounts. (2) OVERPAYMENT. Any payment in excess of amounts due
and includes failure to meet eligibility requirements, failure to identify third party liability
where applicable, any payment for an ineligible good or service, any payment for a good or
service not received, duplicate payments, invoice and pricing errors, failure to apply discounts,
rebates, or other allowances, failure to comply with contracts or purchasing agreements, or
both, failure to provide adequate documentation or necessary signatures, or both, on documents,
or any other inadvertent error resulting in overpayment. (3) RECOVERY AUDIT. A financial management
technique used to identify overpayments made by a state agency with respect to individuals,
vendors, service providers, and other entities in... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

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