Code of Alabama

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Section 45-17A-80.12 Architectural review board. (a) Tuscumbia, upon enacting an ordinance
pursuant to this part, may elect to create an architectural review board, hereinafter sometimes
called the board, to perform the duties and responsibilities of the historic preservation
commission in accepting, considering, and approving or rejecting applications for certificates
of appropriateness, as set out in Sections 45-17A-80.08, 45-17A-80.09, 45-17A-80.10, and 45-17A-80.11.
(b) If such board is created, it shall be composed of not less than five members who shall
have demonstrated training or experience in the fields of history, architecture, architectural
history, urban planning, archaeology, or law. A majority of the members of the board shall
be bona fide residents of the territorial jurisdiction of Tuscumbia. No elected public official
shall serve as a member of the board. Not more than one-fifth of the members of the board
shall be public officials. (c) Members of the board shall be... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-18-90.01 Conecuh County Reservoir Management Area Authority - Creation; board of
directors. (a) The Conecuh County Reservoir Management Area Authority is created, and may
incorporate under the general laws of this state as a public corporation and political subdivision
of the State of Alabama for the purpose of developing that part of Murder Creek and its tributaries
and watershed area located in Conecuh County and the area managed by the authority for purposes
of water conservation, flood management, industrial development, recreation, irrigation, and
related purposes. (b) The authority shall be governed by a board of directors which shall
consist of one member appointed by each of the county commission members, to serve at the
pleasure of the appointing members of the county commission. A board member is not required
to be a resident of Conecuh County. The board shall elect at its first meeting of each year
a chair to preside over meetings of the board. Meetings shall be... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-1A-41 Protection of historic architectural character of Prattville. (a) In Autauga
County, the governing body of the City of Prattville is hereby authorized to adopt ordinances
to protect the historic architectural character of the city in the manner hereinafter prescribed.
(b) The governing body of the city may dedicate as an historic district any section of the
city having an overall atmosphere of architectural and historic distinction. A single structure
may be designated as an historic district. (c) An historic development commission with the
following membership, duties and powers may be created by the city governing body. (1) The
commission shall be composed of no less than 11 members who shall be selected by the city
governing body in such a manner as to serve overlapping terms, Except for the first members,
their terms shall be four years. (2) The commission shall operate under a constitution as
adopted by the commission and approved by the city governing body. (3)... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-2-171.21 Baldwin County Indigent Care Board authorized. At the determination of
the county commission, there may be hereby established the Baldwin County Indigent Care Board,
hereinafter referred to as the board, whose composition and duties shall be as follows: (1)
The county commission may appoint a Baldwin County Indigent Care Board which shall consist
of four members who are duly qualified electors of Baldwin County, but no member of such board
shall be employed by any hospital. Of the members of the board first appointed under the provisions
of this section, one shall be appointed for a term of one year, one shall be appointed for
a term of two years, one shall be appointed for a term of three years and one shall be appointed
for a term of four years. Thereafter, their successors shall be appointed for terms of four
years and may be appointed to succeed themselves as members of the board. The county commission
shall appoint all members of the board. In the event the... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-3-120.07 Personnel board - Membership; eligibility term clerical and administrative
support; meetings. (a) There is created the Barbour County Personnel Board. The personnel
board shall be composed of five persons. The board members shall be registered voters and
residents of the county. No member of the board, while a member of the board or for a period
of one year after he or she ceases to be a member, may be eligible for appointment to, or
election to, any county elective office. Two members shall be appointed to the board by a
consensus of the county commission. Two members shall be elected to the board by vote of the
classified employees of the county in an election conducted pursuant to election procedures
and regulations promulgated and administered by the judge of probate of the county. The election
procedures and regulations shall provide for nominations and balloting. One member shall be
appointed by agreement of the appointed members and the elected members. The... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-49-171.41 Mobile County Indigent Care Board authorized. At the determination of
the county commission, there may be hereby established the Mobile County Indigent Care Board,
hereinafter referred to as the board, whose composition and duties shall be as follows: (1)
The county commission may appoint a Mobile County Indigent Care Board which shall consist
of three members who are duly qualified electors of Mobile County, but no member of such board
shall be employed by any hospital. Of the members of the board first appointed under this
section, one shall be appointed for a term of one year, one shall be appointed for a term
of three years, and one shall be appointed for a term of five years. Thereafter, their successors
shall be appointed for terms of five years and may be appointed to succeed themselves as members
of the board. The county commission shall appoint all members to the board. In the event the
county commission does not appoint the board, the duties and... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-105-5 Powers of board. (a) The power of the authority shall be vested in and exercised
by the board of directors pursuant to this chapter. (b) The board may employ agents, employees,
officers, consultants, attorneys, and secure services and assistance the board deems necessary
to enable it to conduct and engage in the activities and purposes for which the authority
is created. (c) The board may delegate to one or more of its members, employees, agents, or
officers, the duties it deems proper. (d) The board shall elect a chair and a treasurer, and
may elect a vice chair of the board who shall serve as chair in the event of the absence of
the chair, and a secretary. One person may serve as treasurer and secretary. The treasurer
and secretary may, but need not be, a member of the board. (e) The board shall provide by
resolution for the dates on which the chair, vice chair, treasurer, secretary, or any other
officers shall be elected, which resolution shall also specify the term... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

by the commission pursuant to this paragraph or services borrowed pursuant to paragraph F of
this article shall be reported in the annual report of the commission. Such report shall include
the nature, amount and conditions, if any, of the donation, grant, or services borrowed, and
the identity of the donor or lender. H. The commission may establish and maintain such facilities
as may be necessary for the transacting of its business. The commission may acquire, hold,
and convey real and personal property and any interest therein. I. The commission shall
adopt bylaws for the conduct of its business and shall have the power to amend and rescind
these bylaws. The commission shall publish its bylaws in convenient form and shall file a
copy thereof and a copy of any amendment thereto, with the appropriate agency or officer in
each of the party states. J. The commission annually shall make to the governor and legislature
of each party state a report covering the activities of the... - 17K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 2-8-193 Application for certification and approval to conduct referendum - Generally.
(a) Any commission, established by the mutual agreement of any two or more nonprofit associations
of cotton producers, fairly and substantially representative of the producers of cotton throughout
the state, may at any time after May 5, 1981, make application to the State Board of Agriculture
and Industries for certification and approval for the purpose of conducting a referendum among
cotton producers of the state, upon the question of levying an assessment, collecting, expending
and utilizing the same for the purpose or purposes authorized under this article and as stated
in such referendum. For the purpose of determining whether the cotton producers are fairly
represented by such applicant, the nonprofit associations establishing the commission or the
commission shall submit to the State Board of Agriculture and Industries for approval or disapproval
a plan or system for dividing the state... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-22-7 Technical and other advisory committees. (a) In order to make available to
the commission the services of an advisory body on such technical matters as the commission
shall require, there is hereby created the Technical Advisory Committee to the commission
which shall consist of the Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries, the Commissioner of
Conservation and Natural Resources, the Director of the Alabama Development Office and the
State Geologist, each of whom shall be members of said advisory committee throughout his respective
term and until the appointment of his successor. The Technical Advisory Committee shall meet
on call of the chairman of the commission and shall advise the chairman and the commission
on any technical matters referred to it by the chairman of the commission. From time to time,
as circumstances may require, a member of the Technical Advisory Committee may designate a
representative of his department or agency to perform the duties of the... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

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