Code of Alabama

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Section 23-6-8 Bonds of corporation; annual appropriation from state Public Road and Bridge
Fund. (a) The bonds of the corporation shall be signed by its president and attested by its
secretary and the seal of the corporation shall be affixed thereto or a facsimile thereof
printed or otherwise reproduced thereon. The signatures of both the president and the secretary
on any bonds may be facsimile signatures if the board of directors, in its proceedings with
respect to issuance of the bonds, provides for manual authentication thereof, or manual execution
of certificates of registration thereon, by a trustee, registrar, or paying agent or by named
individuals who are employees of the state assigned to the Finance Department or the State
Treasurer's office. Any bonds of the corporation may be executed and delivered by it at any
time and shall be in the form and denominations and of the tenor and maturities, shall bear
the rate or rates of interest payable and evidenced in such manner, may... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 33-2-8 General provisions relative to inland waterways improvement bonds and temporary
loans. In order to provide funds for the purposes herein authorized, the Governor is hereby
empowered to execute, with the concurrence of the director of state docks, and to sell the
state's bonds in such amounts, not exceeding in the aggregate the sum of $3,000,000.00 as
may be necessary for said purposes, all under and subject to the following provisions: Said
bonds shall be appropriately designated as inland waterways improvement bonds of the state.
The bonds may be issued from time to time in one or more series and the bonds of each series
shall be payable in substantially equal annual installments of principal and interest at such
times as may be designated by the State Docks Department with approval of the Governor; provided,
that the first installment of principal of the bonds of each series must mature not later
than 10 years from the date of such series and the last installment of... - 10K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-2-41 Fund of the Board for the Registration of Architects; compensation of members;
expenses; bond. The executive director of the board shall receive and account for all moneys
derived from the operation of this chapter. Such moneys shall be certified into the treasury
in a fund to be known as the Fund of the Board for the Registration of Architects. Such fund
shall be drawn against only for the purposes of this chapter. The fiscal year shall commence
on the first day of October and end on the thirtieth day of September. Each member of the
board shall receive a per diem as recommended by the board consistent with applicable state
laws for attending sessions of the board or its committee, and for the time spent in necessary
travel to attend meetings of the board or its committee. In addition, each member of the board
shall be reimbursed for traveling and clerical expenses incurred in carrying out the provisions
of this chapter. Expenses certified by the board as properly and... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 35-4-431 Definitions. (a) As used in this article, the following words have the following
meanings: (1) ASSOCIATION. An association or unit owners' association, as defined in Section
35-8A-103 of the Alabama Uniform Condominium Act of 1991; an association as defined in Section
35-8-2 of the Condominium Ownership Act; or a nonprofit or cooperative membership organization
composed exclusively of owners of mobile homes, manufactured housing, time-shares, camping
resort interests, or other interests in real property that is responsible for the maintenance,
improvements, services, or expenses related to real property that is owned, used, or enjoyed
in common by the members. (2) PAYEE. The person or entity who claims the right to receive
or collect a private transfer fee payable under a private transfer obligation. A payee may
or may not have a pecuniary interest in the private transfer fee obligation. (3) PRIVATE TRANSFER
FEE. A fee or charge payable upon the transfer of an interest... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-18-103 Procedure for setoff and notification of taxpayer. (a) A county or municipality
may submit a debt of at least $25 owed to it for collection under this chapter. Provided,
however, that a county or municipality must submit the debt to the department through one
of the following: (1) The Association of County Commissions of Alabama or an entity established
through the Association of County Commissions of Alabama. (2) The Alabama League of Municipalities
or an entity established through the Alabama League of Municipalities. The organization which
submits a debt on behalf of any county or municipality may assess a reasonable fee, which
shall be twenty-five dollars ($25) for submitting the debt. This fee may be assessed against
the debtor and collected as the first amount set off against any tax refund. (b) Within a
time frame specified by the department, a claimant agency seeking to collect a debt through
setoff shall supply the information necessary to identify each... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-9F-33 Limitations on tax credits; Historic Income Tax Credit Account; transfer or
assignment of tax credits. (a) The state portion of any tax credit against the tax imposed
by Chapter 18 for the taxable year in which the certified rehabilitation is placed in service,
shall be equal to 25 percent of the qualified rehabilitation expenditures for certified historic
structures. No tax credit claimed for any certified rehabilitation may exceed five million
dollars ($5,000,000) for all allowable property types except a certified historic residential
structure, and fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) for a certified historic residential structure.
(b) There is created within the Education Trust Fund a separate account named the Historic
Preservation Income Tax Credit Account. The Commissioner of Revenue shall certify to the Comptroller
the amount of income tax credits under this section and the Comptroller shall transfer into
the Historic Preservation Income Tax Credit Account only... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-11-244.11 Effective date; termination of levy of taxes. (a) If the governing body
of the county elects to levy and impose any of the taxes herein authorized to be levied and
imposed, it shall specify in the resolution levying and imposing such taxes the first day
of the second calendar month next following that during which such levy is made as the effective
date of such levy. Such resolution may provide such other terms or provisions relating to
the levy, collection, administration, and enforcement of such taxes as are not contrary to
or inconsistent with the provisions of this part. (b) The governing body of the county may,
at any time and from time to time after the levy of any of the taxes herein authorized, but
subject to succeeding provisions of this section, and subject to constitutional limitations
on the impairment of contracts, terminate any of the taxes herein authorized to be levied
by it. (c) No tax levied hereunder may be terminated by the county, as authorized... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 8-32-3 Requirements for selling or offering to sell service contracts. (a) Either the
provider or its designee shall: (1) Provide a receipt for, or other written evidence of, the
purchase of the service contract to the contract holder. (2) Provide a copy of the service
contract to the service contract holder within a reasonable period of time from the date of
purchase. (b) A provider may, but is not required to, appoint an administrator or other designee
to be responsible for any or all of the administration of service contracts and compliance
with this chapter. (c) Each provider of service contracts sold in this state shall file a
registration with the commissioner on a form prescribed by the commissioner. Each provider
shall pay to the commissioner a fee in the amount of two hundred dollars ($200) annually.
All fees collected shall be paid into a special revolving fund to be set up by the State Treasurer
referred to as the "Service Contract Revolving Fund." The Service... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-17-161 Separate office of clerk of district court may be established; appointment
and removal of clerk; abolition of separate office; participation in supernumerary fund. (a)
Authority and responsibility for the operation of a separate clerk's office for the district
court of a county may be authorized by the Supreme Court upon the written request of the clerk
of the circuit court or the judges of the district court. When the Supreme Court authorizes
a separate clerk's office for the district court of a county, the clerk of the circuit court
shall not be the ex officio clerk of the district court and shall have no administrative responsibilities
for and supervision over the operation of the office. Whenever a separate district clerk's
office is authorized, the administrative responsibility for and supervision of the records
and clerical services of the respective district court is vested in an official who shall
be known as the clerk of the district court, who shall perform... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-17A-49 Endowment care fund deposits; qualification as endowment care cemetery. (a)
From the sale price of each plot, crypt, or niche sold by the cemetery authority, of an endowment
care cemetery, it shall pay an amount, not less than as determined in accordance with the
following schedule, to the trustee of the endowment care fund, which payment shall be paid
over to the trustee not more than four months after the close of the month in which the total
or final payment on the sale has been received: (1) Fifteen percent of the sale price of each
grave or lawn crypt space. (2) Five percent of the sale price of each mausoleum crypt or niche.
(3) The amount received for special care funds, gifts, grants, contribution devises, or bequests
made with respect to the separate or special care of a particular lot, grave, crypt, niche,
mausoleum, monument, or marker or that of a particular family, as distinguished from the general
endowed care of a cemetery or of a garden. (b) In... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

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