Code of Alabama

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Section 23-6-9 Disposition of bond proceeds; industrial access road and bridge construction
account; refunding bonds; contracts for construction, etc., of roads and bridges; performance
of work done without contract; property acquired by corporation; roads and bridges constructed
to be part of public highway system; appropriation for road and bridge construction. The proceeds
of all bonds, other than refunding bonds, issued by the corporation, remaining after paying
the expenses of their issuance, shall be turned into the treasury, shall be carried in a special
industrial access road and bridge construction account, and shall be available to be drawn
upon by the corporation, upon the approval of the State Department of Transportation and the
Governor, but solely for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, and relocating industrial
access roads and bridges and work incidental or related thereto, including the acquisition
of property necessary therefor. Moneys on deposit in the... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 23-6-8 Bonds of corporation; annual appropriation from state Public Road and
Bridge Fund. (a) The bonds of the corporation shall be signed by its president and attested
by its secretary and the seal of the corporation shall be affixed thereto or a facsimile thereof
printed or otherwise reproduced thereon. The signatures of both the president and the secretary
on any bonds may be facsimile signatures if the board of directors, in its proceedings with
respect to issuance of the bonds, provides for manual authentication thereof, or manual execution
of certificates of registration thereon, by a trustee, registrar, or paying agent or by named
individuals who are employees of the state assigned to the Finance Department or the State
Treasurer's office. Any bonds of the corporation may be executed and delivered by it at any
time and shall be in the form and denominations and of the tenor and maturities, shall bear
the rate or rates of interest payable and evidenced in such manner, may... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 33-2-188 Docks facilities revenue bonds and refunding bonds - Disposition of
proceeds of refunding bonds. The proceeds of refunding bonds shall be applied, together with
any other moneys legally available therefor to the payment of the expenses authorized by this
article and to the payment of the principal of, premium, if any, and interest due and to become
due on any outstanding bonds to be refunded thereby and, if so required by order of the director,
shall be deposited by the department, with one or more trustees or escrow agents, which trustees
or escrow agents shall be trust companies or national or state banks, located either within
or without the state, having powers of a trust company, in an interest account to pay interest
on refunding bonds, and in a reserve account to further secure the payment of the principal
of, premium, if any, and interest on any refunding bonds. Proceeds of refunding bonds may
also be applied to repay the department's lease obligations with... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 33-2-189 Docks facilities revenue bonds and refunding bonds - Disposition of
proceeds of docks facilities revenue bonds. The department shall pay out of the proceeds from
the sale of any of the docks facilities revenue bonds all expenses that the director may deem
necessary or advantageous in connection with the sale and issuance of such docks facilities
revenue bonds (including any discount reflected in the purchase price thereof paid to the
department), including fees and disbursements of attorneys, accountants, financial advisors,
consulting engineers, and other consultants, fees and disbursements of trustees and escrow
agents, bond insurance premiums, printing costs, and other customary bond issuance expenses.
Proceeds of any of the docks facilities revenue bonds may also be applied to pay the costs
of any surety bonds or bonds that the department may cause to be deposited in a reserve account
to further secure the payment of principal of, premium, if any, and interest on... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-10-468 Use of proceeds from sale of bonds. All proceeds derived from the
sale of any bonds (except refunding bonds) sold by the authority remaining after payment of
the expenses of issuance thereof and the funding of any required reserve or replacement fund
shall be turned over to the State Treasurer, shall be carried by the State Treasurer in a
special account to the credit of the authority, and shall be subject to be drawn on by the
authority solely for the purposes of constructing, renovating, reconstructing, improving,
altering, adding to, demolishing, and equipping one or more public office buildings (including
the State Capitol), surfacing and resurfacing of land for parking and other uses to produce
revenue, and all reasonable and necessary expenses incidental thereto, including interest
which shall accrue on said bonds during the construction, renovation, reconstruction, improvement,
alteration, addition, demolition, and equipping of said buildings, surfacing and... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-17-371 Cost of collection; distribution of tax proceeds. (a) The Alabama
Department of Revenue shall retain one-quarter of one percent (0.25%) of the tax proceeds,
less any refunds, from this additional excise tax on gasoline and diesel fuel for its cost
of collection. The department may adopt rules and such forms as may be necessary for the administration
of the excise tax provided for in this article. (b) Each month, prior to the remaining payments
provided in this article, up to $750,000 of the tax proceeds from the additional excise tax
on gasoline and up to $230,000 of the tax proceeds from the additional excise tax on diesel
fuel shall be distributed first to the Alabama Highway Finance Corporation for the payment
of the principal of and interest on bonds to be issued by it to finance improvements to the
ship channel providing access to the facilities of the Alabama State Docks, to the extent
necessary for such purpose. The amount distributed pursuant to this section... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-16A-7 Additional findings; bonds authorized; procedures. (a) The Legislature
finds that the number of students attending the several school systems located in those areas
of North Alabama that will be directly impacted by the 2005 BRAC and Subsequent BRAC Actions
will collectively increase by an estimated 9,000 students. As a result, there will be a need
for the construction of additional school facilities as well as the renovation of existing
school facilities. The Legislature also finds that the 2005 BRAC and Subsequent BRAC Actions
will have a positive impact on future receipts to the Education Trust Fund, as the significant
population growth in North Alabama will increase sales, income, and other tax collections.
Thus, it is an efficient use of state funds to allow such revenue growth to help pay for capital
improvement costs associated with BRAC-related school construction. (b) The Alabama Public
School and College Authority is hereby authorized to sell and issue its... - 24K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 23-1-301 Definitions. When used in this article, the following words and phrases
shall have the following respective meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
(1) AUTHORITY. The Alabama Federal Aid Highway Finance Authority, a public corporation and
instrumentality of the state authorized to be organized under the provisions of this article.
(2) BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The board of directors of the authority. (3) BONDS. The bonds, including
refunding bonds issued to refund outstanding obligations, that in this article are authorized
to be sold and issued by the authority. (4) CORPORATION. The authority. (5) HIGHWAY GASOLINE
TAX. The excise tax levied under subdivision (1) of subsection (a) of Section 40-17-325,
with the exception of those portions of the tax levied on aviation fuel and marine gasoline.
(6) LEGISLATURE. The Legislature of Alabama. (7) NET GASOLINE TAX PROCEEDS. The entire proceeds
from the highway gasoline tax less the cost of collection and less any... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-37-170.26 Powers of authority. The authority shall have the following powers
together with all powers incidental thereto or necessary for the performance of the powers
stated in this section: (1) To have succession by its corporate name without time limit.
(2) To sue and be sued and to prosecute and defend civil actions in any court having jurisdiction
of the subject matter and of the parties. (3) To have and to use a corporate seal and to alter
the same at its pleasure. (4) To receive and expend funds from federal, state, county, municipal,
and private sources for the purposes hereof. (5) To dig channels, build dikes, dams, and lakes
or ponds to contain flood waters as deemed useful by it to improve flood control, and whenever
practical to build any and all facilities which can contribute to the use of such flood control
channels for navigation. (6) To contract with municipalities and counties for the financing
and joint construction and operation of such facilities. (7) To... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-50A-9 Issuance of bonds; prerequisites; procedure; provisions; execution;
bond resolution covenants. (a) The authority shall, prior to the adoption by the board of
a resolution authorizing the issuance of any bonds, enter into one or more contracts with
two or more municipalities which are authorized to contract with the authority pursuant to
Section 11-50A-17. Any resolution of the board authorizing the issuance of bonds may
authorize those bonds to be issued in more than one series, and the issuance of each series
of bonds so authorized by that resolution need not be preceded by the entering into by the
authority of additional contracts pursuant to Section 11-50A-17. (b) The board may
by resolution or resolutions authorize the issuance of bonds. Unless otherwise provided therein,
the resolution or resolutions shall take effect immediately and need not be published or posted.
The board may authorize such types of bonds as it may determine, subject only to any agreement
with... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

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