Code of Alabama

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Section 23-1-60 Authority of Director of Transportation to alter plans or character of work,
determine need for extra work, make supplemental agreements, etc. The following implementation
of the provisions of the State Department of Transportation standard specifications for highways
and bridges is hereby adopted as a statutory provision, any and all other laws in conflict
notwithstanding: (1) ALTERATION OF PLANS OR CHARACTER OF WORK. The Director of Transportation
shall have the authority to make, at any time during the progress of any construction on any
highway project under his or her jurisdiction, such changes or alterations of construction
details, including alterations in grade or alignment of roadway or bridges, or both, as may
be necessary or desirable for the successful completion of the project. The aforementioned
changes or alterations may or may not increase or decrease the original planned quantities;
however, under no circumstances shall changes or alterations involve... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

by the division for a period of not less than 60 days from the date the property is first published
in the list of surplus property, as set out in subsection (b) of Section 41-16-121, and not
purchased by any eligible entity as set out in subsection (e) of Section 41-16-120 as follows:
(1) All contracts made by or on behalf of the State of Alabama or a department, board, bureau,
commission, institution, corporation, or agency thereof, of whatever nature for the sale or
disposal of tangible personal property owned by the State of Alabama, other than the
following: a. Alcoholic beverages. b. Products of the Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind.
c. Barter arrangements of the state prison system. d. Books. e. School supplies. f. Food.
g. Property used in vocational projects. h. Livestock. i. Property owned by any state college
or university, including those state two-year colleges under the control of the Board of Education
of the State of Alabama, which has market value or which has... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 39-2-12 Partial and final payments of contractors by awarding authorities. (a) As used
in this section the following words shall have the meanings ascribed to them as follows: (1)
CONTRACTOR. Any natural person, partnership, company, firm, corporation, association, limited
liability company, cooperative, or other legal entity licensed by the Alabama State Licensing
Board for General Contractors. (2) NONRESIDENT CONTRACTOR. A contractor which is neither a.
organized and existing under the laws of the State of Alabama, nor b. maintains its principal
place of business in the State of Alabama. A nonresident contractor which has maintained a
permanent branch office within the State of Alabama for at least five continuous years shall
not thereafter be deemed to be a nonresident contractor so long as the contractor continues
to maintain a branch office within Alabama. (3) RETAINAGE. That money belonging to the contractor
which has been retained by the awarding authority conditioned on... - 18K - Match Info - Similar pages

the Governor, except in cases where the awarding authority is a two-year or four-year college
or university governed by a board. The awarding authority or requisitioning agency shall have
the right to reject any bid if the price is deemed excessive or quality of product inferior.
Awards are final only after approval of the purchasing agent. (b)(1) The awarding authority
may award multiple purchase contracts resulting from a single invitation-to-bid where the
specifications of the items of personal property or services intended to be purchased
by a requisitioning agency or agencies are determined, in whole or in part, by technical compatibility
and operational requirements. In order to make multiple awards under this provision, the awarding
authority must include in the invitation-to-bid a notice that multiple awards may be made
and the specific technical compatibility or operational requirements necessitating multiple
awards. Multiple awards of purchase contracts with unique... - 10K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-16-24 Advertisement for and solicitation of bids; opening of bids; public inspection;
reverse auction procedures; certain partial contracts void. (a)(1) The Purchasing Agent shall
advertise for sealed bids on all purchases in excess of the competitive bid limit as established
in Section 41-16-20 by posting notice thereof on a bulletin board maintained outside the office
door or by publication of notice thereof, one time, in a newspaper published in Montgomery
County, Alabama, or in any other manner, for such lengths of time as the Purchasing Agent
may determine. The Purchasing Agent shall also solicit sealed bids or bids to be submitted
by reverse auction procedure by notifying all Alabama persons, firms, or corporations who
have filed a request in writing that they be listed for solicitation on bids for the particular
items set forth in the request and the other persons, firms, or corporations the Purchasing
Agent deems necessary to insure competition. If any person, firm,... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-10-271 Acquisition, construction, etc., of judicial facilities; award of contract;
payments under contract; Building Commission expenses; revision of plans. The authority shall
proceed with the acquisition, construction, installation and equipping of the judicial facilities
as soon as may be practicable following the sale of the authority's bonds. Such acquisition,
construction, installation and equipping shall be done by the authority under the supervision
of the Building Commission upon the award of a contract or contracts for each part of the
work to the lowest responsible bidder after advertisement for and public opening of sealed
bids; provided, that for the purpose of determining the lowest responsible bidder, the invitation
for bids and the bidding documents shall be so arranged that alternates from the base bid
shall constitute cumulative deductions from the base bid in the event such alternates should
be selected. All such contracts shall be lump sum contracts and... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 21-1-80 Contracts for sale, etc., of tangible personal property or standing
timber of institute by public auction or sealed bid, advertisement of sale; manner of taking
bids and awarding contract. All contracts of whatever nature for the sale or disposal of tangible
personal property or standing timber owned by the Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind
shall be let by free and open competitive public auction or sealed bids by the Alabama Institute
for Deaf and Blind. Every proposal to make a sale covered by this article shall be advertised
for at least two weeks in advance of the date fixed for receiving the bids. Such advertisement
shall appear at least once a week for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation
in the county where the sale is to be made, and a copy of such proposal shall simultaneously
be posted on a readily accessible public bulletin board at the main office of the president
of the Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind and a public bulletin... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 39-2-5 Return of proposal guaranties to bidders generally; disposition of proposal
guaranty when award not made within 30 days of opening of proposals. All bid guaranties, except
those of the three lowest bona fide bidders, shall be returned immediately after bids have
been checked, tabulated, and the relation of the bids established. The bid guaranties of the
three lowest bidders shall be returned as soon as the contract bonds and the contract of the
successful bidder have been properly executed and approved. When the award is deferred for
a period of time longer than 15 days after the opening of the bids, all bid guaranties, except
those of the potentially successful bidders, shall be returned. If no award is made within
30 days after the opening of the bids, or such other time as specified in the bid documents,
all bids shall be rejected and all guaranties returned, except for any potentially successful
bidder that agrees in writing to a stipulated extension in time for... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-16-50 Contracts for which competitive bidding required. (a) With the exception of
contracts for public works whose competitive bidding requirements are governed exclusively
by Title 39, all expenditure of funds of whatever nature for labor, services, work, or for
the purchase of materials, equipment, supplies, or other personal property involving
fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) or more, and the lease of materials, equipment, supplies,
or other personal property where the lessee is, or becomes legally and contractually,
bound under the terms of the lease, to pay a total amount of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000)
or more, made by or on behalf of any state trade school, state junior college, state college,
or university under the supervision and control of the Alabama Community College System, the
Alabama Fire College, the district boards of education of independent school districts, the
county commissions, the governing bodies of the municipalities of the state, and the... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

bid bond. (a) This chapter shall apply to county boards of education and city boards of education,
or any combination of city and county boards of education as herein provided for the competitive
bidding of certain contracts. With the exception of contracts for public works whose competitive
bidding requirements are governed exclusively by Title 39, all expenditure of funds of whatever
nature for labor, services, work, or for the purchase of materials, equipment, supplies, or
other personal property involving fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) or more, and the
lease of materials, equipment, supplies, or other personal property where the lessee
is, or becomes legally and contractually, bound under the terms of the lease, to pay a total
amount of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) or more, made by or on behalf of any city or
county board of education, except as hereinafter provided, shall be made under contractual
agreement entered into by free and open competitive bidding, on... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

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