Code of Alabama

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Section 23-1-57 Agreements and contracts with adjoining states and federal government relative
to bridges. The State Department of Transportation may enter into agreements and contracts
with adjoining states and the federal government relative to the acquisition, construction,
maintenance, and repair of bridges across any river or stream forming the boundary between
this state and an adjoining state upon the following terms and conditions: (1) Any bridge,
the subject of such agreement or contract, shall be open to the public and no toll or other
charge shall be levied for the privilege of crossing it. (2) Any bridge, the subject of such
agreement or contract, shall connect a highway in this state designated as a "state highway"
or a "United States highway" with a highway in the adjoining state designated as
a "state highway" or a "United States highway." (3) The agreement or contract
may fix the amount the State of Alabama will pay, but the amount so agreed upon shall not
be governed... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 23-7-6 Funding; pledge of revenues. (a) The following sources may be used to capitalize
the bank and for the bank to carry out its purposes: (1) An annual contribution, as determined
by the Director of the Department of Transportation and approved by the Governor, of an amount
not to exceed revenues produced by one cent ($.01) a gallon of the tax on gasoline imposed
pursuant to subdivision (1) of subsection (a) of Section 40-17-325. Any funds contributed
pursuant to this subdivision shall be derived from the gasoline tax proceeds collected during
the fiscal year remaining in the Public Road and Bridge Fund after distributions of the tax
to the cities and counties. (2) An annual contribution, as determined by the Director of the
Department of Transportation and approved by the Governor, of an amount of the revenues collected
during the fiscal year pursuant to Section 40-12-248, not to exceed the balance remaining
in the Public Road and Bridge Fund pursuant to Section... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-17-371 Cost of collection; distribution of tax proceeds. (a) The Alabama Department
of Revenue shall retain one-quarter of one percent (0.25%) of the tax proceeds, less any refunds,
from this additional excise tax on gasoline and diesel fuel for its cost of collection. The
department may adopt rules and such forms as may be necessary for the administration of the
excise tax provided for in this article. (b) Each month, prior to the remaining payments provided
in this article, up to $750,000 of the tax proceeds from the additional excise tax on gasoline
and up to $230,000 of the tax proceeds from the additional excise tax on diesel fuel shall
be distributed first to the Alabama Highway Finance Corporation for the payment of the principal
of and interest on bonds to be issued by it to finance improvements to the ship channel providing
access to the facilities of the Alabama State Docks, to the extent necessary for such purpose.
The amount distributed pursuant to this section... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 29-2-1 Legislative findings and intent. The Legislature hereby finds and declares as
follows: improving the efficiency, cost effectiveness and performance of all branches of government
can only be achieved with proper oversight, accountability, and transparency in government
decision making and processes for service delivery; a long-range program of highway development
and maintenance in Alabama (herein "the state") is vital to the safety of the traveling
public as well as the industrial and agricultural growth of the state; the highway system
in the state must be adequate to meet expanding needs; highway construction, maintenance,
and administration to support such a system should include long-range planning, soundness
in scope of the highway program, efficient performance, and fiscal responsibility in both
policy and planning; the use of a long-range highway program will further the judicious expenditure
of highway funds, will promote the public safety and convenience, will... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 29-2-4 Reporting requirements; powers and duties. (a) On or before January 31 of each
year, any county or city required to report local motor fuel excise tax rate information to
the Department of Revenue pursuant to Act 1998-192 shall provide a similar report to the transportation
department regarding the total amount of local motor fuel excise tax revenues collected by
the county or city for the immediately preceding fiscal year and the total amount of the revenues
expended on road and bridge maintenance and improvement during that same fiscal year. The
transportation department shall collect the information and deliver a report to the Joint
Transportation Committee on or before March 31 of each year. (b) The powers and duties of
the Joint Transportation Committee shall be as follows: (1) It shall review and shall consider
concurring with the long-range plan of the transportation department as such plan exists at
the date of the meeting called for the purpose of reviewing the... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-17-361 Disposition of diesel proceeds. (a) The proceeds of the thirteen cents ($.13)
diesel excise tax imposed by this article, when collected, shall be applied as follows: (1)
For payment of the costs of collection thereof, being the amount appropriated for each fiscal
year by the Legislature to the department for the administration of this article. (2) For
payment of the principal of and interest on bonds issued after October 1, 1969, and prior
to December 1, 1977, by the Alabama Highway Authority, a public corporation and instrumentality
of the state, all in the manner and to the extent and subject to the priorities as to rank
as are provided in the respective statutes under which the bonds were issued. (3) For payment
of the principal of and interest on bonds and other obligations, including refunding obligations,
issued after December 1, 1977, by a public corporation existing at the time of issuance under
the laws of Alabama pursuant to then existing statutory or... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 23-6-8 Bonds of corporation; annual appropriation from state Public Road and Bridge
Fund. (a) The bonds of the corporation shall be signed by its president and attested by its
secretary and the seal of the corporation shall be affixed thereto or a facsimile thereof
printed or otherwise reproduced thereon. The signatures of both the president and the secretary
on any bonds may be facsimile signatures if the board of directors, in its proceedings with
respect to issuance of the bonds, provides for manual authentication thereof, or manual execution
of certificates of registration thereon, by a trustee, registrar, or paying agent or by named
individuals who are employees of the state assigned to the Finance Department or the State
Treasurer's office. Any bonds of the corporation may be executed and delivered by it at any
time and shall be in the form and denominations and of the tenor and maturities, shall bear
the rate or rates of interest payable and evidenced in such manner, may... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

representative of any of them. (22) PICKUP TRUCK. As defined in Section 32-8-2. (23) PRIVATE
PASSENGER AUTOMOBILE. Every motor vehicle designed primarily for the transportation of nine
persons or less except the following: a. Motorcycles. b. Motor vehicles used in the transportation
of persons for hire. c. Trailers or semitrailers. d. Self-propelled campers or house cars
including every motor vehicle of the type usually referred to as a bus which is owned and
operated by an individual for personal or private use and not for hire, rent, or compensation.
Motor trucks of the type commonly known as "pickups" or "pickup trucks,"
regardless of the use made of any such motor trucks and regardless of whether the owner thereof
owns or has access to any other mode of transportation, shall not be deemed to constitute
a private passenger automobile. (24) PUBLIC HIGHWAY. Every highway, road, street, alley, lane,
court, place, trail, drive, bridge, viaduct, or trestle, located either within a... - 10K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-12-270 Disbursement of net proceeds from license taxes and registration fees; Secondary
Road Committee created. (a) The moneys collected each month by the judge of probate from motor
vehicle license taxes and registration fees, after deducting therefrom the amounts referred
to in subdivisions (1) and (2) of subsection (a) of Section 40-12-269, the moneys remaining
after making the said deductions being referred to in this section as "the net proceeds,"
shall be disbursed by the judge of probate as follows: (1) That portion of the net proceeds
that consists of additional amounts paid under the schedule of additional amounts set forth
in subsection (b) of Section 40-12-248 shall be remitted by the judge of probate to the State
Treasurer who shall distribute said amounts as follows: a. 64.75 percent of said amounts shall
be distributed by the State Treasurer to the State of Alabama; b. 35.25 percent of said amounts
shall be apportioned and distributed by the State Treasurer... - 12K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 23-8-5 Program purposes; annual report. (a) The net tax proceeds allocated to ALDOT
in subsection (c) of Section 40-17-371 shall be used for the following program purposes, and
ALDOT shall annually report the results of the programs and itemize the specific projects
to the Permanent Joint Transportation Committee of the Alabama Legislature in compliance with
such procedures established by or for the committee: (1) Congestion Relief Program - The purpose
of this program is to add capacity to state, U.S., and Interstate routes in highly congested
areas of the state. ALDOT shall develop an assessment and prioritization plan to allocate
funds for congestion relief projects on the state's transportation infrastructure. (2) Economic
Development Roads Program - The purpose of this program is to develop and improve transportation
infrastructure to enhance economic development efforts in the State of Alabama. ALDOT shall
develop an assessment and prioritization plan to allocate funds... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

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