Code of Alabama

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Section 16-6D-9 Tax credit claims; administrative accountability; verification of requirements;
rules and procedures. (a)(1) An individual taxpayer who files a state income tax return and
is not claimed as a dependent of another taxpayer, a taxpayer subject to the corporate income
tax levied by Chapter 18 of Title 40, an Alabama S corporation as defined in Section 40-18-160,
or a Subchapter K entity as defined in Section 40-18-1 may claim a credit for a contribution
made to a scholarship granting organization. If the credit is claimed by an Alabama S corporation
or Subchapter K entity, the credit shall pass through to and may be claimed by any taxpayer
eligible to claim a credit under this subdivision who is a shareholder, partner, or member
thereof, based on the taxpayer's pro rata or distributive share, respectively, of the credit.
(2) The tax credit may be claimed by an individual taxpayer or a married couple filing jointly
in an amount equal to 100 percent of the total... - 24K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-17-105 Permits; LP-Gas Recovery Fund; proof of insurance; surety bond; Liquefied
Petroleum Gas Board Personal Bond Fund; change of name. (a) The board may issue permits to
any person, who is a citizen of the United States or, if not a citizen of the United States,
is legally present in the United States with appropriate documentation from the federal government,
to engage in or continue the business of selling, distributing, storing, or transporting liquefied
petroleum gases and to engage in or continue the business of installing, servicing, repairing,
removing, or adjusting liquefied petroleum gas containers, tanks, or systems or to perform
magnetic, hydrostatic, visual, or X-ray inspections of liquefied petroleum gas storage containers,
cargo tanks, motor fuel containers, and cylinders in the State of Alabama; and to prescribe
the requirements of any person to obtain the permits. The board may revoke any permit issued,
for cause, in the opinion of the board. (b) The permits... - 19K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-61-1 Surplus Lines Insurance Multi-State Compliance Compact. The Surplus Lines Insurance
Multi-State Compliance Compact Act is enacted into law and entered into with all jurisdictions
mutually adopting the compact in the form substantially as follows: PREAMBLE WHEREAS, with
regard to Non-Admitted Insurance policies with risk exposures located in multiple states,
the 111th United States Congress has stipulated in Title V, Subtitle B, the Non-Admitted and
Reinsurance Reform Act of 2010, of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection
Act, hereafter, the NRRA, that: (A) The placement of Non-Admitted Insurance shall be subject
to the statutory and regulatory requirements solely of the insured's Home State, and (B) Any
law, regulation, provision, or action of any State that applies or purports to apply to Non-Admitted
Insurance sold to, solicited by, or negotiated with an insured whose Home State is another
State shall be preempted with respect to such application;... - 62K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 23-1-45 Acquisition of rights-of-way. Any other provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding,
the Director of Transportation shall have authority to acquire the rights-of-way deemed necessary
by the State Department of Transportation for the construction of a state road, either by
purchase or by the exercise of the right of eminent domain in condemnation proceedings as
provided under the laws of this state, or the county or municipality in which such road deemed
necessary by the Director of Transportation is located shall acquire such rights-of-way deemed
necessary by the Director of Transportation, when requested to do so by said Director of Transportation.
Should the county or municipality fail or refuse to acquire said rights-of-way, the Director
of Transportation shall have authority to acquire such rights-of-way as first above authorized.
Rights-of-way acquired under the provision of this section shall be paid for in the manner
prescribed by law. (Acts 1955, No. 566,... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 23-5-7 Trash, litter, etc., upon public thoroughfare - Erection of signs. The State
Department of Transportation, the county commission of each of the several counties and the
governing body of each city or town shall cause signs to be erected at suitable intervals
on highways and public thoroughfares in their respective areas of authority, including public
parks, informing the public that it is unlawful to perform the acts prohibited by Section
13A-7-29. (Acts 1961, Ex. Sess., No. 55, p. 1920, §3.)... - 817 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 23-1-30 Legal division - Functions and duties. The functions and duties of the legal
division of the State Department of Transportation shall, as all other assistant attorneys
general, include the following: (1) To advise the Director of Transportation and other personnel
of the State Department of Transportation on the legal aspects of all State Department of
Transportation business; (2) To examine and advise as to the legality of all contracts and
agreements entered into by the State Department of Transportation or the Director of Transportation;
(3) To take all legal action necessary or desirable in the acquisition of rights-of-way for
state and interstate highways; (4) To appear in court as attorney for the State of Alabama
and the State Department of Transportation in the acquisition of rights-of-way for state and
interstate highways; and (5) To represent the State Department of Transportation and the Director
of Transportation in all legal proceedings to which the State... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 23-3-5 Acquisition of property and property rights. (a) For the purpose of this chapter,
the highway authorities of the state, acting alone or through the counties, cities, and towns,
may acquire private or public property and property rights for controlled access facilities
and service roads, including rights of access, air, view and light, by gift, devise, purchase,
or condemnation in the same manner as such authorities are now, or hereafter may be, authorized
by law to acquire such property or property rights in connection with highways and streets
within their respective jurisdiction. In connection with the acquisition of property or property
rights for any controlled access facility, or portion thereof or service road in connection
therewith, the state, county, city, or town highway authority is hereby authorized, in its
discretion, to acquire an entire lot, block or tract of land, even though such entire lot,
block or tract of land is not immediately needed for the... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-10-239 Property rights not to be affected by article; sections imposing licensing
requirements, taxes, etc., are void if such requirements not otherwise imposed. It is the
intent of this article that it shall not restrict or impair the real, personal or mixed property
in which any individual person, industry, business, utility, industrial development board
or similar board or authority, public or private corporation or the Alabama State Port Authority
has any legal, equitable, absolute or conditional right, title or interest, whether by fee
simple, leasehold, easement, possession, contract, license, permit or any other form of ownership
or other rights thereto whatsoever or any existing or future rights of way required by the
State of Alabama Department of Transportation for the construction of Interstate Route I-210
and the construction of the new Cochrane Bridge and its roadway approaches and any future
connections to or between these two highway facilities. In the event... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 23-1-8 Numbers and names of highways. All highways built or maintained by and through
federal or state aid shall be designated by numbers and by names, where such highways are
known by names, on the directional signs erected along said highways and upon the maps authorized
and published by the state. Memorial or other distinctive highways built or maintained by
federal or state aid, such as the Bankhead Highway, Craft Highway, Bee Line Highway, Spanish
Trail Highway, Brandon Highway, Jefferson Davis Highway, Dixie Highway, Jackson Highway, Lee
Highway and such other memorial roads as may hereafter be designated, shall be designated
on such markers, signs, and maps by names as well as by numbers. (Acts 1931, No. 702, p. 827;
Code 1940, T. 23, §39.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 28-3-16 Advertising of alcoholic beverages. There shall be no electric signs, painted
signs or signs of any kind displayed outside any place of business advertising alcoholic beverages,
as enumerated and defined in this chapter. There shall be no advertising of alcoholic beverages,
as enumerated and defined in this chapter, except through newspapers, magazines, radio broadcasting
stations, commercial vehicles used for transportation of alcoholic beverages and billboards
located in "wet" counties, as defined in this chapter; provided, that there shall
be no advertising of alcoholic beverages by means of billboards located in "dry"
counties, as defined in this chapter. (Acts 1936-37, Ex. Sess., No. 66, p. 40; Code 1940,
T. 29, §12; Acts 1978, No. 434, p. 442.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

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