Code of Alabama

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Section 24-1-66 Powers and duties of authority generally. (a) An authority shall constitute
a public body and a body corporate and politic exercising public powers, and having all the
powers necessary or convenient to carry out and effectuate the purposes and provisions of
this article, including the following powers in addition to others granted in this article:
(1) To investigate into living, dwelling, and housing conditions and into the means and methods
of improving such conditions; (2) To determine where unsafe or unsanitary dwelling, public
school, or housing conditions exist; (3) To study and make recommendations concerning the
plan of the county in relation to the problem of clearing, replanning, and reconstruction
of areas in which unsafe or unsanitary dwelling, public school, or housing conditions exist,
and the provision of dwelling accommodations for persons of low income, and to cooperate with
the county or any regional planning agency; (4) To prepare, carry out, and... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-9B-4 Authorization of abatement. (a) Noneducational ad valorem taxes, construction
related transaction taxes, except those local construction related transaction taxes levied
for educational purposes or for capital improvements for education, and mortgage and recording
taxes, or payments required to be made in lieu thereof, and in the case of a qualifying industrial
or research enterprise described in Section 40-9B-3(a)(10)e. which is owned by an entity organized
under Chapter 6 of Title 37, or by an authority both organized and existing pursuant to Chapter
50A of Title 11, and subject to the payments required to be made in lieu of ad valorem, sales,
use, license, and severance taxes imposed by Section 11-50A-7, in addition to the foregoing,
all other ad valorem taxes, or payments required to be made in lieu thereof, imposed by the
state, counties, municipalities, and other taxing jurisdictions of Alabama, may be abated
with respect to private use industrial property and... - 15K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-37A-56.22 Definitions. Unless the context plainly indicates otherwise, the following
words and terms shall have the meanings hereby ascribed to them: (1) AUTHORITY. A public corporation
organized under this subpart. (2) BOARD. The board of directors of the authority (3) BOND.
Any bond authorized to be issued under this subpart. (4) CITY. A city subject to this subpart.
(5) COUPON. Any interest coupon evidencing an installment of interest payable with respect
to a bond. (6) DIRECTOR. A member of the board. (7) GOVERNING BODY. The body in which the
general legislative powers of the city are vested. (8) INDENTURE. A mortgage, and indenture
of mortgage, deed of trust, trust agreement, or trust indenture executed by the authority
as securityfor its bonds. (9) PARKING FACILITY. Any building, structure, land, right-of-way,
equipment, or instrumentality used or useful in connection with the construction, enlargement,
development, maintenance, or operation of an area or building for... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-47-252 Requirements for construction of beach project. A coastal municipality may
not begin construction of a beach project until each of the following requirements have been
satisfied: (1) The governing body of the coastal municipality, after a public hearing held
on not less than 30 days' public notice, has identified the following by adoption of a survey,
map, metes and bounds description, or plane coordinate references. a. The location of the
mean high tide line for the area in which the beach project is proposed to be located. b.
The location of the limits of the landward and seaward extensions of the proposed beach project
relative to both the mean high tide line and the construction control line, if any, then established
under the regulations of the Alabama Department of Environmental Management, the ordinances
of the coastal municipality, or both. (2) The Commissioner of the Department of Conservation
and Natural Resources, acting through the Lands Division of the... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-61A-2 Definitions. Unless the context plainly indicates otherwise, the following
words and terms have the meanings ascribed to them: (1) AUTHORITY. A public corporation organized
under this chapter. (2) BOARD. The board of directors of an authority organized under this
chapter. (3) BOND. Any bond authorized to be issued under this chapter. (4) COUPON. Any interest
coupon evidencing an installment of interest payable with respect to a bond. (5) DIRECTOR.
A member of a board. (6) GOVERNING BODY. The body in which the general legislative powers
of the municipality are vested. (7) INDENTURE. A mortgage, an indenture of mortgage, deed
of trust, trust agreement, or trust indenture executed by an authority as security for its
bonds. (8) MUNICIPALITY. A Class 2 municipality subject to this chapter. (9) PARKING FACILITY.
Any building, structure, land, right-of-way, equipment, or instrumentality used or useful
in either of the following ways: a. In connection with the construction,... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 23-2-146 Grade separations at intersections; relocation of public highways; authority
to enter private lands to drill, survey, etc.; relocation, etc., of public utility facilities;
procedures; costs. (a) The authority shall have power to construct grade separations at intersections
of any toll road, bridge or tunnel project with public highways and to change and adjust the
lines and grades of such highways so as to accommodate the same to the design of the grade
separation. The cost of such grade separations and any damage incurred in changing and adjusting
the lines and grades of such highways shall be ascertained and paid by the authority as a
part of the cost of such bridge or tunnel project. (b) If the authority finds it necessary
to change the location of any portion of any public highway, it shall cause a highway of substantially
the same type as the original highway to be reconstructed at such location as the authority
shall deem most favorable. The cost of... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-16-21 Contracts for which competitive bidding not required generally. (a) Competitive
bids shall not be required for utility services where no competition exists or where rates
are fixed by law or ordinance, and the competitive bidding requirements of this article shall
not apply to: The purchase of insurance by the state; contracts for the securing of services
of attorneys, physicians, architects, teachers, artists, appraisers, engineers, or other individuals
possessing a high degree of professional skill where the personality of the individual plays
a decisive part; contracts of employment in the regular civil service of the state; purchases
of alcoholic beverages only by the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board; purchases and contracts
for repair of equipment used in the construction and maintenance of highways by the State
Department of Transportation; purchases of products made or manufactured by the blind or visually
handicapped under the direction or supervision of the... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-37-8 City and county boards of education authorized to operate jointly vocational
high schools. (a) In order to further develop the human and natural resources of this state
and to correlate and make available information and training in local communities for instruction
in such subjects as mechanics, home economics, industrial, livestock, poultry, horticulture,
farming and dairying, and to provide exhibits of an educational and cultural nature, and to
provide for lectures, extension courses from the state universities and colleges or other
sources, the various city or counties or cities and county boards of education are hereby
authorized to create vocational high schools. (b) Any city or county board of education, or
any combinations of city or county boards of education are hereby authorized by agreement
to jointly or severally contract for the erection, maintenance and operation of vocational
high schools and to contract for the construction by each for such sums as said... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-60-111.11 Additional powers of board. (a) The board may exercise all of the following
powers: (1) To borrow money from the United States of America or any department or agency
thereof, or from any person, firm, corporation, or other lending agency for the purchase,
construction, enlargement, or alteration of any buildings or other improvements, including
dormitories, dining halls, classrooms, laboratories, libraries, stadiums, administration buildings,
and any other buildings and appurtenances thereto suitable for use by the institution or institutions
with respect to which the borrowing is made, or for the benefit of the Alabama Community College
System or one or more of its programs, the acquisition of furniture and equipment for any
thereof, the purchase of land, the beautification of grounds, and the construction of swimming
pools, tennis courts, athletic fields, and other facilities for physical education, all for
use by such institution or institutions, and for the... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 23-2-144 Powers of the authority. (a) The authority shall have the following powers:
(1) To adopt bylaws for the regulation of its affairs and the conduct of its business. (2)
To adopt an official seal and alter the same at pleasure. (3) To maintain a principal office
and branch offices at the place or places within the state as it may designate. (4) To sue
and be sued in its own name, including suits in tort. (5) With the consent and approval of
the department, to acquire and construct toll road, bridge, or tunnel projects at locations
as the authority may determine to be desirable, practicable, and economically feasible and
to maintain, repair, and operate the projects. (6) To issue toll road, bridge, or tunnel revenue
bonds of the authority for any of its corporate purposes, payable solely from its tolls, other
revenues, and proceeds of the bonds, and to refund its bonds, all as provided in this article.
No bonds issued under the provisions of this article shall constitute a... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

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